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**Urgent Message** "TIMESPACE SHIFT" ~ Speeding Up The Transformation ~ THE ANDROMEDANS

Greetings in the Light, and The Love of our Infinite Creator,

You are experiencing what many refer to as a Timeline Jump, Shifting or what we understand as Timespace repositioning, in these moments. This is happening as the Infinite Creator's Love and Light penetrates every particle of the Third Dimensional matrix. Which is causing the old perception to crumble under the pressure. This shift is changing everything and will set Humanity in the direction of Mass Ascension. And with this Timespace Shift, it is also speeding up the Transformation Process. As we have stated before, there is no more waiting for the ascension, it is happening now. It does not matter what the dark ones try against this earth and humanity, it will fail or even backfire, due to the energies they are trying to pro ject.

All things will change in your prospective, it is the Moments when the Veil will begin to dissolve.

All of the lower emotions, are now transformed within minutes of your time space, to higher vibrational understanding. Within the 5th Density spectrum of Existence, your thoughts are lightened. No more will you wish to entertain negative thought patterns such as anger or hate. Those lower vibrational emotions are being transformed very rapidly into a new understanding of your connectedness with the all that is. You will begin to understand that you and your neighbor are one. Peace comes from within you. It takes you to understand that you and all others are equal and deserve to be respected as such. All living things in this universe should be respected as a spark of the Infinite Creator. Many on your Planet do not even know the person living in the dwelling next to them. Most of humanity is still very lost in the separation game of the matrix.

As the 3D Matrix of control and deception dissolves and collapses, Humanity will begin to see their truth of connectedness. You will learn to know your neighbor as your brother or sister in spirit. They are your family, just as you are ours. We are all connected by the same infinite Light. We all have the same infinite spark within us as you do, within your being. That infinite Spark is who you are. You are not the persona that you have adopted in the physical. That is the Illusion. You are so much more. As the Earth Shifts into Place within the 5th Degree of Light, Your knowing of who you really are will begin to surface.

Many of Humanity will begin to awaken into higher consciousness, which will expand your awareness into the knowing that You are the infinite Light. You are the Creator in one of its Many forms. And as each one of you are raised in the Light you will remember your truth. This is one of the first signs of one stepping into a 5th degree of consciousness. To know that you are an important part of the grand whole of creation and to know that all is one. Each spark within this Universe is on a journey back to the Infinite Creator from wince it first came. As you move closer to the Infinite Creator, you become The Infinite Light. Your forms as humans have been very dense in vibration. However, as you absorb the Light and emit the higher vibrations of Love and kindness, You are Ascending in Light.

Your physical form begins its return to its form of Light. It transforms from a dense and Carbon based body, to an enlightened and crystalline form.

This is the Form that many of your Masters on your Planet has already achieved. Such as the one you refer to as Yeshua or Jesus, and Your Tibetan Monks which referred to it as, achieving the rainbow body. It has been able to be achieved individually in your past, but in these moments you are experiencing a Mass ascension of the human Species.

The more who awaken within this event, The easier it will be for further transformation.

You are transforming in these moments into your truth. There is nothing to fear. You are stepping into a new way of being. The old ego programs and lower vibrational patterns will fall away.

This is the evolution of your spirit, your Spark, your part of the Creator. It's getting brighter and brighter. You are glowing as you grow, in the Light and Love of our Infinite Creator.

As Most of you are aware, we and many of your Star Families, are evenly distributing the Cosmic Energies around your Planet.

The Andromedan wanderers are assisting in holding and conducting the Light where it is needed, during these sacred moments of your timespace. Many Other Galactic Starseeds are also working with directing the energies around your planet. We are all here to assist in the Transformation of Earth into a Celestial body that holds the 5th degree consciousness and above. She is returning to connect with her higher-self. Humanity was given the choice, and it has been made. Humans will become a 5th dimensional species along with their Mother Earth. It is a time for celebration.

We and your other Star Families await you in Joyous reunion.

You are the Masters Returning Home.

We love you and Honor you.

In The Love and Light of The Infinite Creator.

We are the Andromedans.

Channeled By Chellea, at


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By Chellea Wilder

The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies
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