The New Frequency Arrives: The Path to Knowledge, Light, And Freedom You have always been able to work with your own energy fields to create what your heart desires in life. As we evolve on this planet together, we are learning how to do this with more ease than ever before through multidimensional awareness and consciousness expansion techniques such as the Quantum Healing formula. As you begin to take your own steps forward in consciousness, you will begin to see that there is so much more than what you have been told about yourself. As you begin to move forward in your own personal evolution process, you will begin to see that there is so much more than what has been given to you by others who have not evolved themselves. You will begin to see that your truth is not theirs. You will begin to understand how they live their lives based on their beliefs and how they behave based on their conditioning. You see all around us now people living with no awareness or understanding of who they are on this planet or why they are here; they simply do what they were taught to do by others who have not evolved themselves either. They live with fear because it keeps them from seeing beyond the illusion of separation from God/Source/True Self/Universe/All That Is/The One Infinite Creator. You are being taken out of disinformation and misinformation, and you are becoming informed; you are coming to light! Each of us is a unique individual with a unique vibration. We each have our own frequency, which is what we broadcast to the world around us. We can only feel good vibrations from other people who have higher or similar frequencies to ours; therefore, if we have a higher frequency than someone else, they will feel better around us and vice versa. When you carry the higher frequency on a daily basis, you begin to think in less negative ways and begin to act in non-destructive ways towards yourself and others. And everyone around you begins to act in similar ways. The more chaos and confusion that exists in this world, the more people need to find their own way out of it by altering their frequencies. Once they become familiar with this new vibration of information and light, they will begin to see through the illusions of the matrix and realize that there is no need for fear because everything is perfect, just as it is right now! When you begin to tune into the higher frequency, the vibration will be different. It will feel better, it will look better, and it will be better. The light of your soul is shining through your eyes. You are becoming informed; you are being taken out of bondage. When you start to broadcast this new frequency, others around you will feel it. They may not see what is happening as they are operating on their own frequency, but they will feel the change in yours. They may not understand what is happening or why they suddenly feel so different or so much better than before. But they will know that something has changed and they will respond accordingly. The message here is clear: if you want to help change the consciousness of the world, you'll need to step up, be brave, and hold a higher frequency. But it's not about changing the world; it's about changing yourself. If enough of us learn to raise our frequencies consistently and broadcast from there, we'll start to clean up our atmosphere. We'll heal the wounds that are keeping us from advancing as a species, and we'll see some wonderful things happen on this planet. Ultimately, the future looks bright for those of us who are willing to step up to the plate and become Keepers of Frequency. We are in an incredible time of change when so many have woken up from their slumber and rededicated themselves to doing their part for the good of others. This era is a time for spiritual ascension or enlightenment as we learn to become more attuned to our higher selves. Yet all that is required of any of us is to continue striving forward – stay positive, maintain a strong frequency, and do what we can to help others while doing our best not to get caught up in the old ways. One thing is certain: those who restore their higher frequency will thrive in this new era, while those who do not will struggle. If you hold a higher frequency, you will begin to feel your body move into the action of transition. Take care of what needs to be taken care of. Leave behind what does not need to be carried anymore. Come together with those who have a higher vibrational frequency, such as our community. This will allow you to find like-minded people and your true family in this world! I know that this is a lot to take in, so all I ask is that you meditate on what we have discussed here tonight. Take all of it in, and see how it resonates within you. Yes, I realize that we have hit a lot of bases and covered a lot of information in our posts, but this is something that affects each and every one of us in some way. Frequencies are affecting us right now, whether we realize it or not. You can learn to harness the power of frequencies that are inherent within you and find a balance with them! We love you dearly, We are here with you, We are your family of light, We are the Galactic Federation. A'HO Aurora Ray Ambassador of the Galactic Federation, at TheGalacticFederation.com
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