Something is Happening "INSIDE" The Great Pyramid of Giza.
A New Discovery has found that Electromagnetic Waves are Directed into it's Chambers.
The Great Pyramid of Giza has been a subject of several studies for years. The structure, which has been associated with a plethora of legends and myths, has been around for centuries, but every time we look at it from a scientific angle, something new comes up.
On this occasion, an international team of researchers has found a unique property of the pyramid, one that allows it to concentrate electromagnetic energy or radiation right through its chambers to its base.
Electromagnetic energy, which includes radio waves, microwaves, and visible light, basically occurs due to synchronized oscillations of electric and magnetic fields. The radiation propagates through space and time and is available all around us, be it in the form of sunlight or the waves used by home radios and Wi-Fi to transmit data.
However, due to the unique structure of the Giza pyramids, scientists conducted a research to determine how the structure would react to electromagnetic radiation. The work, as described by the team, involved determining how much electromagnetic energy would be required to build up resonances in the pyramid, much like prolonged sounds created by the vibration of a body.
“Egyptian pyramids have always attracted great attention,” Andrey Evlyukhin, the coordinator of the research, said in a statement. “We as scientists were interested in them as well, so we decided to look at the Great Pyramid as a particle dissipating radio waves resonantly.” They predicted that some 200 to 600m of radio waves can induce the required level of resonances.
After this, the team prepared a series of numerical models, which revealed the pyramid’s electromagnetic response by putting an estimate on how much of the wave energy is scattered or absorbed by the structure and the distribution of electromagnetic fields inside the pyramid.
The work, with the help of a sophisticated analysis technique, indicated that the pyramid was focusing all of the scattered electromagnetic energy into internal chambers and the unfinished third chamber under its base.
“Due to the lack of information about the physical properties of the pyramid, we had to use some assumptions,” Evlyukhin added. “For example, we assumed that there are no unknown cavities inside, and the building material with the properties of an ordinary limestone is evenly distributed in and out of the pyramid.”
Though this discovery shows a completely new physical property of the Giza pyramid, something that even its designers wouldn’t have known, it is worth noting that this capability could have a much broader effect on future technologies. Essentially, the researchers want to replicate these results on a nanoscale and design pyramidal nanoparticles that could be employed in futuristic nanosensors and improved solar cells.
The study, titled "Electromagnetic properties of the Great Pyramid: First multiple resonances and energy concentration," was published in the Journal of Applied Physics.
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Something is Happening "INSIDE" The Great Pyramid of Giza
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