The Ascension Event Update for March 29th 2024
Blessings Dear Family of Light,
The Energies that the Earth and Humanity are experiencing, are being amped up in their frequencies. These extra intense waves, reaching 6th dimensional vibrations, are penetrating every dark space on your Planet. Soon all Darkness will be dissolved into Light.
Your Solar Logos has been Very active in the Last 24 hours of your Time space. It had what you would consider Back to Back Cannibal Solar flares, which means that they exited from the same coronal hole, one right after another. The first Being and M9 and the second being and X1 solar Flare. But it didn't just stop there, your Solar Logos has released 12 Large measurable Solar Flares throughout the Last 24 hours of your time space, all being High in intensity, 3 Being very large M class and 8 being Large c class Flares. The X Class was the Topping on the Cake, which is pushing 6th dimensional frequencies.
Your Mother Earth's Frequency has been very sporadic for the Last 3 of your earth days. Her Schumann Resonance for Today The 29th of your Calendar month of March has been Very active. Her movements were decisively interrupted by a phase of strong activity that began at 3am UTC this morning. A simultaneous increase of the frequencies brought her amplitude up to Power 40 hertz which is 5th dimensional frequencies, and was reached shortly after 4:00am UTC. The frequencies then rose slightly and gradually fell again, dropping to a Power 30 hertz...
At 11:30am UTC the most intense phase of the movements began and was driven by The earlier boosts. The maximum value so far for today, and at the Moment of this update, reached up to a Power 66 Hertz, which is 6th dimensional Frequencies. The activity is continuing at a slightly lower level, at a Power 44 hertz at 1:00pm UTC and Power 40 hertz at 3:00pm UTC.
Your Mother Earth is pushing these 5th and 6th dimensional frequencies to help boost her children Higher in Light. The Earth and Humanity is receiving Higher frequencies than they have ever experienced before. These are happening Through the Powerful Energies from the Alcyone star System. The Many cosmic rays coming in at all directions throughout the cosmos. Your Own Stars immense activity and plus the Earth herself Pushing extreme frequencies. Not to mention the amping, directing, and balancing, of all of these energies by your Star families, Nothing can Escape These Frequencies.
Nothing can Escape The Power of The Light, and this includes any energies coming from The Darks rituals and spells, as they push their agenda.
These frequencies affect all that they encounter. Transforming everything in their path. The Darkness is being dissolved.
Many of you feel these immense Tsunami of energies.
As the Light Waves engulf you and your planet. You are experiencing what you would understand as ascension symptoms, Headaches, Body aches, Fatigue and anxiousness, These are some of the most common symptoms that you can have during this elevation in Energies. Staying in the Heart space is the most important thing you can do in these moments. By staying focused on raising your vibration, you are staying balanced within the New Energies. What we mean by staying in the Heart space, is to stay within Love vibrations, Becoming Love as you serve the Light. Remember to relax and breathe. Your Breath is also very important. And with every focused breath, you actually help to raise your vibrations. Your conscious Breath helps to center you, and to balance you, within these moments of sporadic frequencies.
You are all doing so very well with this transformation. You are growing more and more brilliant in the Light every day. If only you could see yourselves, as we see you. Your Souls Grow brighter, and stronger with every intent to move higher in the Light. The Earth and Humanities Ascension into the 5th dimension, is well on its way. Stay focused in the Light, and Love, of our Infinite Creator.
We Love you and Honor you,
We are the Galactic Federation.
This has been the Ascension Event Update for March 29th 2024
Intuitive Transmission, and Research By Chellea Wilder, at UniversalLighthouse.com
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LIVE Schumann Resonance Graphs and LIVE Sun and Space Weather!!!
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All this information is so helpful. I wish that everyone here on earth could wake up. I am still surrounded by people who do not want to wake up and do not believe any information I give them. It is very sad.