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Cosmic Light Update -The Solstice Doorway - Writing Our New Story

Cosmic Light Update -The Solstice Doorway - Writing Our New Story

Blessings Beautiful Family of Light,

This Solstice falls on June 21 and it's energies is all about Transformation into the New way of being. As with every Season it is considered a Doorway into a new Chapter in our Life. However, We are not bound by our Past and do not have to continue the Old Story. This Solstice we Have the opportunity to Change the Story all together. Its up to you where you wish to be at this Moment. As The New Story Begins we make the choice of what we wish it to be.

For the last several months we have been purging all the Old Energies from many lifetimes of Trauma.

During this Doorway which last for about 4 Days, We are in the Most Powerful Days of the year for healing time with Mother Earth. It's the perfect time to get outside and Absorb as much Nature as you can. At this very special moment, Mother Earth Gaia Sophia, is radiating with Healing and Renewal Energies and Life is in Full Bloom. This energy will allow for the healing needed to begin Writing our New Story.

Small Excerpt from

On June 21st, we experience the Solstice which brings the longest day of the year and the start of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and the shortest day of the year and the start of Winter in the Southern Hemisphere.

Leading up to the Solstice, and as the Solstice peaks, Mother Nature is abuzz with energy. All plant life, all animals, and even our bodies respond to the increased or decreased sunlight.

In the Northern Hemisphere, where we are experiencing the longest day of the year, nature is at its peak. The Sun invigorates, stimulates, and has us focused on our external world.

In the Southern Hemisphere, where we experience the shortest day of the year, nature is at its quietest. The increased hours of dark draw us within and allow us to focus on our internal environment.

The bright Sun and the dark night both influence our pineal gland, which is known as the seat of consciousness or as the seat of our soul. When the Sun is bright, our pineal gland supports the flow of our life force. When the dark night falls, the pineal gland helps to awaken our dream state, sparking our imagination, clairvoyant gifts, and out-of-body experiences.

All of nature responds to the increase or decrease of daylight that occurs on the Solstice. It may be subtle, but if we tune in and connect, we too can feel these shifts within our bodies.

Solstice Energies & The Ongoing Expansion, Small Excerpt from Ailia Mira @

– Living now on Earth is an expanding experience. New frequencies of light, new templates of what can be received as perception, idea and experience, are flowing into your planetary field and accessible to you, through resonance.

The inner fields of light are also expanding, bringing you into greater resonance with your vaster wholeness a field of infinite light. Your own field opens up as you are in a more open relationship to your embodied experience.

Inner healing paves the way for ease and joy in this expansion

The more you can release limiting ideas about yourself, your experience, your story-line, the more your inner space opens. The more you love and accept yourself and your life as it is, the more your inner space opens.

Ascension is an experience that is happening in many planes, and on Earth and in your human life, it is happening through many different inputs. As such, you can open to more in many ways.

In so much Love and Light.

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