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Another MASSIVE SHIFT... Everything Has Been Sped up!! ~ The Andromeda Intergalactic Council

Greetings in the Light, and Love, of our Infinite Creator,

Your Mother Earth is showing signs of extreme Shifting and Vibrational Transformation in these Moments. Reaching into the 9th dimensional vibrations twice, within the last 48 hr period within your timespace. One Jump was at 100 hertz, and the other reached 90 hertz.

These vibrations have caused another massive shift for her and humanity. Everything has just been sped up!

 She is reacting to the Negative push by the Cabal to amp the wars. And she is also reacting to the recent Negative attempt at opening the Portals into the void, during your Solar eclipse.

 All of the Dark Cabals ventures at stopping or infiltrating the Ascension process, has been countered. All of their tries at releasing the dark ones, by opening the portals, has been foiled. Everything they do will be blocked or countered. Their control is over. It is now up to the Humans to decide What happens next. Many are still very stuck in the old programming, and refuse to let it go. This will cause many to fight and react against the Light as it transforms the Planet, and begins to raise others into a higher State of Consciousness.

By Fighting the Divines Will, they make it a very difficult journey for themselves. As others around them raise in the Light, Those who have chose to fight the higher vibrations will physically begin to feel their choices. Their physical bodies will begin to break down as the higher Frequencies begin to distort the lower vibrations they are projecting and holding on to. This will not be comfortable for anyone who wishes to wallow in the lower emotions of Anger, hate or fear. Emotionally, Humans will begin to find it very hard to stay in a Lower emotional state. It will become much harder to Stay Angry, or stay hateful, or even be in Fear.

The energies engulfing you and this Planet, are of the Vibrations of Love, Peace, Joy, and Oneness. By raising your level of consciousness to a state where you no longer entertain the lower vibrational emotions, it helps you to make the transformation into the Higher light with ease.

Some of you may wonder why it is so hard for Others to awaken to the Love within them. Everyone on Earth has a Higher Soul or Higherself. Each one of you have incarnated at this time because of a Choice from your Higher self, as it chose to be here at this moment, and in this particular timespace.

Each one's personal journey, is a choice of the Higher soul. The higher soul or Higher self, sends a fragment of its consciousness into a Lower vibrational form, to further its spiritual advancement. That spark or fragment of your higherself, then can learn more lessons to advance its higher form, to an even higher state of light. In some cases, a Soul Fragment, can get so caught up in the Trap of the matrix That it loses or forgets its connection to its higherself, and its true connection to the Infinite Light.

However, once a soul forgets its connection to the Infinite Source, or what you understand as God, and is also kept from knowing their true Light, That soul can become lost. It becomes Lost in the depths of ignorance, or in other words, the Darkness. These beings are Continually searching outside of themselves To find What is right inside their very Hearts. In many cases, the Lost Soul jumps from body to body, after transitioning, with no real direction or purpose. These souls are taking a little longer to awaken in your perspective, because they have been disconnected spiritually for a very long time. If Their Higher self has chosen for them to awaken, then they will awaken.

And then, there are those who know truth, but, refuse the Light. They like their control over others, they like their wealth, and they like to wallow in others suffering. These beings have made their choices and are now leaving your planet. More and More of the Ones you know as your Leaders and Those in High Power who have pushed the Darks agenda, will begin to be removed. This is already happening and will continue to increase in your weeks and months ahead.

Everything is now changing very quickly. Everything is being transformed for your New Earth to be manifested. Everything has Shifted again, and is being Sped up. Allow the Beautiful Vibrations of your Mother Earth to engulf you. She knows what her children Need.

We Witness you, We Celebrate You, and We Honor you,

In the Love and Light of our Infinite Creator.

We are the Andromeda Intergalactic Council, Here to Serve the Divine.

Intuitive Transmission by Chellea Wilder, At


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 Music promoted by Creative Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) 

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We share this content as our Service to The Earth and Humanity

We are a Beacon of Light, In Total Service.

Thank you... in so Much Love and Light..


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