Side Note from Universal Lighthouse, Please be advised, that I did Not Redact any information on this Channeling, Unlike most others who have posted it. It speaks of an event that happened just recently in New York, involving a main Jewish synagogue, and Top Jewish Leaders. This is disturbing, and Hard disclosure, but it needs to be told. So please again be advised, before continuing to listen...
I am Mira, from the Pleiadian High Council, and it’s my turn today to speak to my Brothers and Sisters of planet Earth.
You've reached now the point of no return, where all of the monstrosities and deceptions are being flushed out to the surface and it can’t be hidden anymore by Darkness. A perfect example of this, recently in Brooklyn New York, under a Jewish Synagogue secret tunnels were discovered. The media mostly covered up the real reasons why these underground tunnels were built in the Jewish community.
These underground passages were created a few years ago. They made this underground area at night so nobody could see what they were doing. The real reason these underground tunnels were dug out, which the news media has hidden from the public, the Jewish community used this space, to secretly sexually abuse women and children. They also used them for their body organs. The main leaders of this group were arrested. This event will lead to more discoveries in the future.
You reached the point in your spiritual development where there are only two choices presented to you. either to overcome this 3D reality and to move to 5D or continue the same path to self extinction.
Anything you see right now in your world, it needs to happen to help you to evolve and take the next step in your advancement.
The emptiness of your daily lives, where there are no values and everyone is just going through the motions of survival, are going to be replaced in higher realms with a life that will have meaning and joy. You don’t need to accept anymore, what you see in front of you, this illusion was created by Darkness to keep you trapped here forever.
Each day the veil gets thinner and thinner, and many unpredicted events are starting to occur. Mother Gaia is surrounded by Divine Grace. The high frequencies are sent by the Divine from the deep Cosmos to change the negative outcome. Humankind can’t be passive anymore, now is the time to speak out the truth and demand for positive changes in your daily lives.
You can’t expect that Darkness is going to surrender without a fight. It will continue to manipulate and create misery and pain for everyone until the last second of it’s existence. You are powerful enough to break this holographic reality. The realization of your essence within yourself that you are more than just a physical body, it will help you to detach from everything that is negative happening around you.
Your focus needs to be on moving into higher and higher vibrations each day to help you to ascend into a New Earth. Everything you see in your environment including buildings, objects and etc. are carrying low energies and cannot be transferred into 5D. Many of the humans didn’t adapt to the energetic changes that took place on this planet and they are existing in total emptiness created by the Dark Ones.
Now is the time for you to open yourselves to new possibilities, and let go of the old habits of your everyday routines, which overall don’t carry any substance. Many of you are not going to survive the transition into 5D, unless you prepare yourselves through daily meditations.
The transformation continues in your world despite all of the chaos on your planet. Darkness doesn’t have a chance of winning, as Divine is exposing its true nature to humanity. Your souls arrived here a long time ago to go through this experience of Ascension with physical bodies, which never happened before to any civilization in the whole Cosmos.
My team and I are ready to meet everyone on a New Earth in 5th dimension. Please, receive my Love and Support. You are almost there. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.
Be always in the Now
Channeled by Erena Velazquez, Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces Received from Erena Velazquez Facebook Page
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I thank her for her candid delivery.
I hear and understand.
I am assuming that when she's says we must fight, it is by way of resisting the negatively all opening up, and vibrating on a higher level, which may dim the dark ones plots and plans. At first I thought, ...go out and protest, and kick-butt?..but I know thats the old 3D way.😉