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You are Being PREPARED for the BIG EVENT ~ The Andromeda Intergalactic Council

Greetings in the Light and Love of our Infinite Creator,

The Cosmic Rays are hitting the Earth at full force, as your Star Families direct them evenly throughout your Earth. You have also been receiving many smaller Solar Bursts, up to 10 a day for the last week of your timespace. Your Solar Logos, is a direct connection with the center Logos of this Galaxy, Which in turn is a direct connection with the Central Universal Light of Creation. All Stars, or Suns, are a connection to the Central Flower of Light whose Peddles reach, into the infinite. This is the Master Logos or Source of the Infinite Light.

This is where the Center of Creation resides. Your Sun receives signals or messages from the Milkyway Galaxy center, who interns receives a signal from the Master Logos of Creation, which is sent by the Infinite itself. Each solar flare or Mass ejection is sent to the Earth from a signal given from Our Infinite Creator. Which is connected to her central sun, or core. This is likened to the way your internet works. During the ascension of a planet, the Infinite Creator will send a massive flash toward the said planet, allowing for the planet and its inhabitants to ascend. However, this is the first time for Earth to reach the 5th Degree, because she fell so dark in density. She has made the cycle many times into the darkness, but this time she went her deepest in vibration. We and many of your Star Families are assisting with the projection of the Energies for her to gracefully ascend smoothly.

So yes, There is to be expected, a massive flare that will instantly shift Humanity into the 5th Degree. This is considered What many of you Refer to as the Big Event. These energy bursts from your Logos is being sent to you by the divine itself. Therefore, only the infinite knows when this will occur. The smaller bursts you are receiving, are to ready you for the actual Jump into the 5th degree spectrum. We understand that what you perceive as your big event, is already happening now. You are being Readied, or prepared, for the Big Event. The Earth is reacting to these Energies she is receiving and projecting the energies back to her surface. Which is causing her to move in and out of different frequencies.

In these moments of your timespace you are experiencing the crossing of the degrees. The Earth is Jumping back and forth in vibration from the 3rd to the 5th degrees, of the Light spectrum. For the last week, The Earth frequencies have been turbulent, and even erratic.

These bursts of energy that she herself is emitting to Humanity, which is coming from her central sun, is in an attempt to help raise them and move them, in this awakening. She is actively trying to wake her children up. You feel these vibrations, every time that your Sun or the Earth pro jects these Energies, because you are connected as well. Your Light is the Sun within your Bodies system, your Light receives these signals as well, if you are excepting of the energies. Many of you are moving in and out of 5th degree vibrations. Allowing for rapid transformations. and when the Signal actually does arrive, you will be the first to be raised in Consciousness. Your own central sun is your Light and your personal connection to the infinite Creator.

This is as above and so below, and as within and so without, You are a fractal of creation, with a universe inside of you. Your Light sends signals to your Cells to keep them moving, they also have their own consciousness light. This is the Living Light. And it is What animates you and allows for everything to work within your bodies. Each cell acts as a receptor to receive signals from your bodies' system. Which receives signals from your Earth, which intern receives signals from the Sun in your solar system, which receives signals from the Galaxy Sun, which receives signals from the Infinite Creator. This is how you receive your inner messages and guidance from The Infinite Creator. All is connected in this manner. Every being through Creation, and every Cell of their Bodies, is a receptor of Light.

This is why when you raise in vibration, your body will begin to heal itself and as it begins to change in its frequency will turn to Light.

As your Consciousness rises, Which is your Light or your piece of the Infinite, it must reside within a higher vibrational body.

So the Light that your cells will be receiving will begin to heal and regenerate themselves, and then eventually it changes the body in physical density.

You Literally become Light. This all begins within your own spark of consciousness first. You must release all that is not, of Higher light. You have so much to soon be experienced. You are being sent a massive amount of Light to prepare you for what is to come.

We witness you, We celebrate you, We honor You, and We Love you. In the Love and Light of the Infinite Creator. We are the Andromeda Intergalactic Council, here to Serve the Divine.

Channeled By Chellea Wilder at


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