I am Mira, from the Pleiadian High Council, and I am speaking to my Brothers and Sisters of planet Earth.
My message today will prepare everyone vibrationally for the messages in a near future.
Each channeling discloses more and more unspoken truth hidden from your civilization. It passed billions of years, and humanity never knew anything about who they are and why they are here. It’s quite a long topic to tell everything in one transmission. I am preparing you to the upcoming shocking pieces of truth. Humanity got so confused about the reality by over the experiencing of the daily ups and downs.
Basically you are in a survival mode and nothing else matters. All of that was created on purpose to distract you from the real picture around you, and what is important. Your Dark Controllers or whatever they call themselves have been busy of plotting and making up negative stories about everything like the climate, food suppliers and human’s created viruses. Anything that was ever said by the Dark Entities was always lies and deceptions.
Over the years humankind got so brainwashed to the point, that it believed everything, what it was said to them. Now, you are in a spiritual awakening and transition into higher realms to a New Earth. Nothing makes any sense anymore. The values and trust you put into your government representatives became a big joke. You find out that they don’t care about you at all. Their agendas are always to fulfill their personal greed.
Humanity is going through hard times; it doesn’t interest them at all. We, Galactic Beings, agreed on to introduce certain facts to humanity before full disclosure happens. To continue to advance spiritually you need to know the truth about your 3D Matrix not to be fooled by it anymore or continue to be trapped in it. Everything it surrounds, it’s based on a false information and assumption of the projection of duality by believing in good and evil. Evil doesn’t exist, unless we give it power and start believing, that it is real.
It’s very easy for Darkness to manipulate your reality by creating false scenarios and narratives to instigate the conflicts between nations, as a whole history was made up on misinformation and lies. If you read about the past events, most of them portray only the negative events and never positive ones. Earth’s history was written by Negative minions, who even today try to mislead everyone with untruthful facts. We recommend for your main focus to stay in high vibrations and peaceful thoughts excluding completely all of the negativity.
Your planet has always been the ground for the experimentation on human’s DNA. The goal was to create and make a human, that is AI combined with a human flesh or even transfer the human consciousness into a robot, that is not possible and not allowed. The early sign of this happening in your world is the negative company NeuraLink by Elon Musk, which implanted a chip in a human brain on January 30, 2024.
That human with a chip in his brain is not doing well, he is in a lot of pain everyday, he is taking heavy painkillers just to get through the day. Neuralink and Elon Musk are hiding this information from the public, because they want to do more surgeries to put chips in more human brains. The whole point of this is to see if they can control humans with this chip. This would completely change your existence and extinct your whole civilization. It’s not going to happen. Divine and Light Beings are stepping into the process of stopping this madness.
Darkness keeps removing valuable souls from their physical vessels from the planet by thinking, that they can make their Negative agendas come to the daylight. Each message through this channel is going to continue to bring more truth about your world. The Matrix is broken, and data leakage is coming through. I am involved with all of my soul in your fight for your freedom. The biggest obstacle that you face is that you still can’t determine, what is real and what is not.
If you are interested to leave this Old Earth, then stay Still in silent daily meditations. Everything is ready for Ascension. You need to be willing to leave everything behind all of the materialistic possessions even humans, who are not ready. It means only to follow your soul’s guidance. The mind usually creates a lot of problems in your life, because of fear, distrust and doubt. The soul represents Universal Consciousness, which is full of Supreme Love, Trust and Light.
You are in a middle of transition, you can’t see it with your naked eyes, you can only feel it through your soul. Divine has been sending powerful light frequencies to awaken everyone and make it possible for the transformation to a New 5D Earth, and to leave behind toxic vibrations of 3D. Please, be gentle to yourself and stay in peaceful thoughts by detaching yourself from the problems of a daily life.
When you arrive to 5D, we are going to help you to set up the Healing Centers to keep your new bodies well balanced and in a harmony. Better times are coming. Please, receive my Love and Support. Thank you, Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.
Only You Can Make This Happen.
Original title, Mira of the Pleiades, Upcoming Truths and the Near Future
Channeled by Erena Velazquez, Received on
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