Greetings, Family!
It's good to be here once again. Here I come with another message, my dears. It's good to receive affection from all of you. It's good to know your support and that's what everyone needs: lovingly supporting each other and holding hands. You are in the same boat of experiences and when you start to see each other lovingly in this way, it will be easier for you to understand and accept each other as you are. This will boost your lives when you understand that you are not the enemy. When you realize that together you become stronger. When you realize that you should never have been against each other, but all in connection with the Light for something greater. That your union would take you to another state of consciousness and here you are, almost entering 2024, a year 8, a Saturnian year.
Each of you carries a package, some lighter, some heavier, others often almost unbearable to carry, I know. I know because I see and feel them, my dear ones. You are in a great task and the fact that you chose this great mission to leverage your evolutions has greatly affected your soul core and now we are all in a healing work..., of deep healing and alignment of each one of you . Yes, we are here to help and, as I always say: never do the work that is up to each of you. We are your support and so you can continue to count on us, your Space Family.
My dear ones, you have immense support for this, more than you know. You have your Sun, your Astro-King. Many of your scientists are concerned about some things that have been happening there, with the masses of plasma being sent to Earth. Let me tell you what it's about: it's about healing, it's about a plasma that will wash your souls. It is a bath of Light. The Creator does not play with lives. The Creator does not wish to see anyone suffering. Creation is not disordered and nothing happens without a reason that leads to greater consciousness. You may not understand, in your human limitations, but your souls understand and are open to all the transformation that is coming, that is right before you. This is a long-awaited time, my dears! I've told you this before, haven't I?
You are entering a special year where many of your material concerns will begin to be resolved. Yes, my dears, but before you think about the money in your accounts, I want you to understand this as balancing, first and foremost, your physical bodies. The souls of your organs are being strengthened. Your physical body is being strengthened and this is what the solar projections have caused.
– Will there be some interference to your satellites due to these projections? The answer is yes, but you need not fear that.
– Will there be an increase in volcanic activities? The answer is yes. But you need not fear that.
– Will there be disturbances in the Earth’s core that will cause some tectonic adjustments? The answer is yes, but you need not fear that.
– Why don’t you need to fear? Because you are you – as I always say – and you went to Earth for this: to help in this entire healing process that Earth is going through.
2024 is a year of physical balance, both for you, my dear ones, and for Mother Earth herself. Your material life will begin to come into harmony because you will physically be in harmony. Their bodies need healing. How many years have you suffered from chronic pain, without your doctors being able to understand what the cause is? When no exam reveals the reason? Yes, my dears…, ENERGY. I'm talking about ENERGY – which needs to continue its flow. And when this flow is interrupted it causes physical pain, and that is what you will begin to understand perfectly. Many of you already understand this, theoretically speaking, but you will see this in practice in 2024. Oh, summer!… I know you will because I'm in 2024 and I already see it happening. There's no escaping progress, dear ones! Everything moves forward.
The Creator has plans for this planet, very beautiful plans. The Creator has looked at each of you with so, so much love that there is nothing that the evil of this world can do to disrupt HIS plans for you. Do not fear evil. Do not fear the traps that this evil can try against you. I, Ashtar, am in charge of taking care of this evil, personally, and I can say: I have never failed to fulfill a mission given to me and I was given the mission to nullify the action of evil on this planet..., AND I WILL FULFILL IT. I GIVE YOU MY WORD. I'm not alone here. There is an army of Space Beings with me; an army larger than a thousand populations on Earth combined. It's more than you can imagine. Can you understand this? There is nothing to fear, my dears!
2024 brings the astrological force of Saturn, my dears: the ruler of discipline and divine lessons. It is a year where you will have to strengthen your foundations, because everything that is karmically stagnant will come to your healing. That's good, isn't it? Release what needs to be released, definitively heal what needs to be healed. Saturn will teach you valuable and uplifting lessons through challenges that will require patience and continued determination from you. It is time to face…, “head on”, the responsibilities that fall to each of you, with wisdom, to stop outsourcing what is yours. You will receive strength. You will notice it emerging from within you.
This is also a year where you will begin to see who you really are, because what many maintain to maintain themselves in some environment can collapse, as it is not the real experience of who they certainly are! Yes…, if you wear a mask to maintain yourself in any environment, this will fall apart, because 2024 demands authenticity. It demands that you be you in your real essence and Saturn will call for this, continuously, in the 12 months ruled by it. This astrological force will demand that you commit to the truth of your souls, your real purpose and, of course, to resolve what needs to be resolved, without delay, simply because there is no more time to waste!
Take advantage of this Year 8, dear ones, when you will be focused on material stability, high planning capacity and a great phase for new projects and inner priorities, returning to the INFINITE capabilities of your SOUL.
My dear ones, your self-esteem has been shaken since your departure into this world. You have lost your confidence in yourself. You have seen the love in your hearts grow cold; you were lost in wars; you forgot yourselves and begged for love throughout this planet; they humbled themselves; You gave your lives into the hands of others and, mutually, you sought love from each other, but not in a balanced and unconditional way. You looked for someone who could fill the voids you carried; they were looking for something that would connect them again to the Primordial Source of true Love. It was eons of time in the darkness of a disconnection that made you believe that you were not worthy of Love, that you were not good enough, that you were not loved and cherished.
Yes, my dears! I've been following them since the beginning and I know what I'm talking about…, because I see it. I have seen every moment of extreme despair; I also saw moments of hope and confidence that everything would get better. I saw you become discouraged again and regain confidence. I followed and follow this rise and fall of vibrations inherent to this dual dimension.
My dear ones, solar projections will make you look at yourself and connect with that Source of Love within you. The time has come for that. You will realize that this inexhaustible source of love gushes from your heart. It was always like this, but they forgot about it. You will see this in practice in 2024, because this is also a year of regaining your self-esteem.
Yes, my dears! There is a connection and harmonization with the three kingdoms of your nature. Your physical body is harmonizing with your soul, your soul harmonizing with your spirit and this loving fusion reconnecting to Source and the Creator. This is what this year will bring for you, if you believe and allow yourself to live this process. Stay calm: everything is under control. Your soul is revealing to you the new that, deep down, is not new, but that was hidden by the pain of lives in the dimension you are in. What your soul wants to reveal to you in 2024 is more than anything you have ever experienced in your entire current life and even in previous lives. Can you believe this? And much more! Your soul will lead you to a Sacred Space within yourself that you have not accessed for a long time. And I'm not talking about the etheric personality soul..., I'm talking about your Higher Self, your Monadic Soul. I'm talking about your SOUL in loud letters. It will lead you to reintegration with all your bodies and the beginning of the fusion of your four lower bodies with your HIGHER ones. You have waited for this for a long time and you will see it happen in this lifetime, do you believe it? Same? So so be it!
What else can your SOUL reveal to you, besides what I have already said? Your dormant gifts? Your ability to connect with beings from other dimensions more easily? The ability to hear GOD like never before? Does intuition need? Deep empathy capable of understanding what the other feels like never before and enabling genuine forgiveness? These are JUST SOME THINGS that are coming, that Solar Plasma is bringing. Obviously, many still asleep will see these Revelations of their SOUL as a threat.
They will see Solar Plasma as a risk of extinction for the Gaiaian human species. Yes, many still don't understand like you do. Be calm with them; they will also arrive at the point of SOUL REVELATIONS. No one will be helpless. Take it easy with them. This is what you were sent to do. To help you at this time. There you are.
My dear ones, all of this will generate immense activity in the three chakras of the seven that you are most familiar with: your basic chakra, or Root chakra, your splenic chakra known as Sacral Chakra, and your umbilical chakra known as solar chakra. All activity will be there in 2024. You will go through a great alignment at these points. Solar projections will intensify this. Remember to maintain a good diet, good hydration and physical activity. This will be essential for you in 2024. Your physical bodies will receive great forces coming from the Sun and you, as their ruling consciousness, need to collaborate by giving them what is necessary: good care. Do not forget that your bodies are blessed vehicles through which your consciousness can operate in this hologram, at least until you relearn the mastery of physics and its realms.
Oh, my dears! There are so many more things I could tell you about what I see in your future! These are times of a lot of work and also many good revelations! Nothing like time to show that it was all worth it! Nothing like time to heal the wounds that you carry, from such difficult experiences, but which were enormously uplifting!
See you here and now, listening or reading my words! How many people in the world are allowing themselves a moment like this, of connecting with a Message from Space? Even more so, who would believe that there is a Star Being speaking through a mediumistic device, the channel transmitting my message, now? Yes, you believe it because you know it to be true! And not just because you know the nature of the channel that transmits my message, but because you feel it. It takes more than simply believing; you have to feel…, and you feel it. You know it's me, Ashtar, speaking here, and it's not your minds and logic that reveal this: it's the SOUL. YOUR SOUL REVEALS THIS.
I want you to feel my energy more. Close your eyes for a moment. Feel me! Feel my love! Feel my presence, feel my voice. The Voice of Ashtar speaking at this moment through this channel. Feel the strength of my Command. The Strength of him who sent me. Feel the strength of Jesus Sananda through me, flowing into your bodies now. I wish it to be so. Leave your minds aside. LET YOUR SOUL REVEAL WHO I AM AND WHO YOU ARE!
My beloved, beloved Earth Family, this is enough for now. That's enough. We'll see you more often. Our intensive connections are just beginning.
I love you. You are My Family!
I Am the Voice of the Ashtar Command and I speak these Truths.
And so it is.
Your brother,
Original title, Ashtar – “End of the year message, revelations of the soul and material balance” https://www.sementesdasestrelas.com.br
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Oh how powerful your transmissions are!!. This one I listened to..then went back and read, which gave me chills, when said.."YOU KEEP YOUR WORD", ..and to pause and feel your presence, your words, your love..
I did...and Wow!
So thankful for you,.. all of you.
Please know, that we are listening to your every word.
Blessings Beloved