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The Great Merge ~ The Pleiadian Council

Greetings Dearest Ones. We are the Pleiadian Council. We connect with you in these current energies to share our teachings, guidance, perspectives and unconditional Love.

Dearest Ones, your upcoming Solar/Lunar event that is upon you brings your world the energetic momentum she needs to stabilize the 5th Dimensional energies you have activated through your journey back into unity with Higherself consciousness.

The Total Solar Eclipse in Aries is guaranteed to bring many changes. These changes will depend on your personal vibratory frequency. For many this upcoming Solar Eclipse will push and pull you out of your comfort zone to give you an opportunity to experience something new.

You can think of this upcoming event energetically as an opportunity to get back on track. This energy is serving humanity as a total reset creating balance within the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The great merge that operates in divine harmony will increase your desires to create something new and in alignment with the brightest future of humanity.

The ultimate merge taking place within your conscious and subconscious mind will result in the alignment of heart and mind coherence. Many of you are leaving fear based beliefs behind as you co-create realms to experience serenity, freedom and to express thyself in your most authentic nature as infinite flames of Source energy.

We invite you to ponder and take actions to what part/parts of your life that is in need of clearing, cleaning and balance. The powerful energies of this upcoming Total Solar Eclipse in Aries is assisting in the alchemy of your world and are dispersing the required energetics to assist you in the birth of new timelines filled with high vibrational opportunities to help co-create fulfillment in many different areas of your everyday life.

We the Pleiadian Council see and celebrate the massive transformation taking place in your world. We send each of you participants Our deepest Love and Gratitude for all your achievements both big and small. The true art of transcendence is within each of you. Collectively you have been spread far and in between to extend your light to every part of your planet. We are pleased to announce that you have all played a very important role in the evolution of Earth and her inhabitants.

We have always known that you have what it takes to facilitate the proper ancestral healing and to reactivate the 5th Dimensional template of Love, Earth’s original Frequency. Our biggest focus at this time is to protect you and your sovereign energy as you co-create the New Earth. You are Not alone and you have been very affective in Earth’s world wide shift in perception and expansion of consciousness through unifying your energy fields.

There is more to this world than what meets the physical eyes. You ancient starseeded souls have awakened your inner sight and are receptive to cosmic guidance. You are the cosmic achievers that have come to transcend the limitations of this world through love, your passions, compassion, alchemy, creativity and broad view point of life everywhere whatsoever.

Your Light broadcasts throughout the Multiverse. and there are many beings throughout the Galactic Federation that anticipate full contact in the spectrum of Unity, Peace and Love in your near future timelines. As you continue to raise the vibratory frequency of your Planet, we come closer to landing and unifying with you as a collective.

We the Pleiadian Council appreciate this opportunity to connect with you yet again.

We send to each of you, your world and all her inhabitants the Highest order of Love, Enlightenment and Unity.

Channeled by Parallel Brittnie, at

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 We Gather The Messages from many different sources. We also share Channelings by our Owner/ Editor Chellea Wilder. We offer all of our Content for Free, to All who are seeking the Light.  

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 Music promoted by Creative Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) 

Video footage By

Compilation, Video editing, and 3D & Graphic artwork and Voice over, By



LIVE Schumann Resonance Graphs and LIVE Sun and Space Weather!!!



We share this content as our Service to The Earth and Humanity

We are a Beacon of Light, In Total Service.

Thank you... in so Much Love and Light..

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