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GREAT CHANGE is Upon You ~ The Andromeda Intergalactic Council

Greetings in the Light and The Love of Our Infinite Creator,

The Cosmic Waves you are now experiencing are coming in at all angles, With the Frequencies being directed by your Star Families, along with the 6th degree Rays, You are also experiencing Solar activity and Earth Frequencies raising rapidly, resulting in bursts of Light, coming from her core. Most of you are now feeling these intense energies within the physical body. You are changing. The Earth is Changing. Everything in your entire existence is changing. Nothing will be as it once was. This is a big fear for those who wish to hold on to the old ways. Many have issue with change.

the Ego does not want to let go of an old way of being. Religions, Politics, and societal differences have resulted in separation. Separation from one another. This separation runs very deep even within your personal Earthly Families.

Politics, personal differences, and religious doctrines have pitted Family member against family member, and friend against friend. Relationships within your Friends and families create experiences that teach you of Unconditional Love. These are the hardest lessons to learn even without outside influence, from your religions, politics that's pushed through your media, and false propaganda, to create more separation.

However, The Great change that is upon you, will bring healing, forgiveness and Unconditional Love into your Life, into your Families and into your societal structure as more awaken to this truth. Healing your hearts, and allowing for you to reconnect with one another. it won't matter what your differences are anymore. it won't matter what your political preference is. and it won't matter what religion you followed. You will all be connected through the Same Love.

We have stated before, that whatever the Darkness puts out... it backfires on them. This is the case with their wars and chaos in these times. Even though they are trying to cause fear, it is literally Unifying humanity, against all war and chaos. People all over your earth are starting to stand up for innocence instead of taking the sides of darkness, which push harming others. This is creating opportunity for Love. Humans are beginning to Care and love one another, sending prayers and their love light all over your earth. Showing compassion for the Innocent, is filling the Earth with so much Love, That you are actively transforming your reality, amplifying the energies engulfing you. This is accelerating your ascension process. Your hearts have been opened. Allowing for you to transcend, the wars and chaos. Allowing you to step into the unity consciousness of the 5th Degree Spectrum. You are Changing Everything. You are the ones doing it all. Creating a beautiful new Earth without war and violence against each other. Creating a reality where all agree to be at peace. and have respect for each one as the Human Family. You are doing it. yes, we are beside you pouring our Love over you. Your brilliant Lights are so bright that we witness your magnificent glow.

Hold this Love for each one, hold this Light, for this is your new Reality. To Love. To be of Love and to Serve Love. This is the 5th Degree. This is your 5th Dimension. You have made it. Your Love may sway in an out of the Vibrations at first, but know that the Love that you are experiencing and sharing with each Other Is your New Home.

Embrace your New Reality. Hold The Love in your Hearts, don't let it go. We Love you so.

Welcome Home, our Dear Family of Light. Welcome to Love.

All of Creation is in Celebration. We love you and Honor you. In The Love and Light of The Infinite Creator. We are The Andromeda Intergalactic Council, here to Serve The Divine.

Channeled By Chellea, At


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Thank you... in so Much Love and Light..

MUSIC BY fscm-productions-flowers

Music promoted by Creative Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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A Course in Cosmic LIGHT Work
By Chellea Wilder

The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies
Available in
Paperback and Kindle Reader

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