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Energies on the Earth are Erratic... Change is Rampant ~ Mira from the Pleiadian High Council

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council. I am still working full-time with the Earth Council. As you may have noticed, the energies on the Earth are erratic. Change is rampant. We are working harder than ever for this good cause of the Earth’s ascension. Little by little, beat by beat, hearts are opening everywhere. Trauma is being released and the darkness is going away with it.

This feels like a fight to the finish and it is. A lot has been accomplished since we communicated last time. This never ceasing battle between the light in the dark is nearly complete. Those who no longer belong on the planet are leaving. This is making way for a whole new beautiful, clear, clean, harmonious Earth. It's opening the doorway for the promised land of Heaven on Earth.

Please open your mind and your heart to the magic and miracles that are unfolding before your very eyes. Peoples’ hearts that have been frozen, are melting in the love. Those who cannot feel this love are becoming less comfortable. Imagine what your world will be like when everyone has an open heart.

This is how we live in the Pleiades. We live from our hearts. We enjoy every moment. We live and create. We have fun with lots of social time. We share special stories and we love and care for each other. We explore new ways of living and doing things. We keep creating new forms of technology that we share. We live for the moment. Self expression of the true self is the norm. Everyone is encouraged to create and express. There is no form of competition. We would never think to harm another or allow another to be harmed.

We live a very long time. We assist each other's growth. We make beauty everywhere. We will be helping you with your ascension transition. This is part of what we do. You will get lots of assistance. And you will be well looked after.

And your future is positive. It is better than that. It is great! We look forward to celebrating with you in unlimited ways, including abundance. We thank you for your steadfastness and your powerful light. Sanity will be restored.

Soon we will be speaking as old friends and neighbors as we get to know each other. Hold your heads up and know how grateful we are for all that you've done and all that you are doing.

I am Mira and I love you in so many ways, as we all do.

A Transmission from Mira from the Pleiadian high Council November 2, 2023 Channeled By Valerie Donner received from


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A Course in Cosmic LIGHT Work
By Chellea Wilder

The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies
Available in
Paperback and Kindle Reader

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