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BIG Corp & BIG Tech, Want to Advertise in Our Dreams ~UL Forbidden News

BIG Corp and BIG Tech Want to Advertise in Our Dreams ~UL Forbidden News.

Every day we get bombarded with Advertisements and Media. The average person can see up to 10,000 ads in a Day according to some estimates. But have you ever heard of Targeted Dream Incubation” or TDI? Scientists at MIT have developed a new wearable electronic device called “Dormio” that can be used to enable “Targeted Dream Incubation” or TDI. This new technology has the ability to manipulate your dreams with Advertisements and media.

Henry David Thoreau once wrote, “Dreams are the touchstone of our characters.” But for some companies, dreams might be the touchstone for advertising their products.

This is just another way that AI is being implemented into our lives. The Mind control that is being done to Humanity has become very advanced within the last several years.

According to, companies like Molson-Coors are conducting experiments to infiltrate your subconscious and make you dream about their products. Last year, volunteers were reportedly asked to watch this strange, trippy video laden with Coors imagery. The volunteers then went to sleep while listening to audio from the video. Coors wanted to, “shape and ompel” the subconscious to dream about their products, and apparently, it worked. About 30 percent of the participants reported Coors in their dreams. One woman told theHUSTLE she had a series of “weird Coors dreams.” Later she said they were brought into a focus group where she said, “We all felt like lab rats… it just didn’t really sit right.”

However, This is not the Beginning of Brainwashing or Mind control Research here in the United States.

They are able to do this research under the claim of positive implications which includes, helping with depression, alleviating PTSD, fighting addiction, and helping us learn. It is thought that Many Companies such as Microsoft, Sony, Burger King, and some airlines are reportedly looking into TDI advertising as well.

With the Rise in technology, advertisers could send signals through smart speakers in our sleep without us knowing. In fact, sleep researchers are so concerned, that last year they wrote an open letter signed by nearly 40 scientists, warning that, Our dreams cannot become just another playground for corporate advertisers.” Our dreams are the most personal, intimate part of our psyche.

As Robert Stickgold, Harvard Medical School psychiatry professor and dream researcher told theHUSTLE, “All night long, your brain is reprocessing memories from the previous day, connecting them with other memories, sifting through the residue to decide which ones to keep, and stabilizing them.” “Our dreams are literally creating who we are.”

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