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Activation of Your Divine Blueprint ~ The Arcturians

Greetings, beloved humanity. We have been keeping a loving and compassionate watch over you for a very long time. We are the Arcturians, and we are your star family. As you are undergoing a profound transformation in both your consciousness and your reality, we have come to deliver to you a message of hope and encouragement as you navigate this time.

We are aware that many of you are currently experiencing the potency of the energies that are flooding into your planet, particularly as you get closer to the 11/11 portal, which is a potent activation point for your ascension process. This is especially true as you move closer to the time when the 11/11 portal will open. This portal is an opportunity for you to awaken within your being the light codes that have been dormant for eons, waiting for this moment to be activated, and this portal is the opportunity for you to do so. These codes hold the secrets to unlocking your full potential, divine blueprint, and cosmic heritage.

You will be able to access your multidimensional self as well as connect with your soul family, guides, and angels once you crack the 11/11 Ascension Code, which serves as a gateway to higher dimensions of reality. It is also a catalyst for your personal transformation as well as the transformation of the entire planet. As you let go of old patterns, beliefs, and energies that are no longer serving you and embrace new ones that reflect your true essence, this process will help you bring about both personal and planetary transformation.

Unconditional acceptance of oneself and others is necessary to decode the 11:11 ascension message, which states that this is the key to activating the code. You are all divine sparks of the Creator, and each of you has a distinct expression of who you are and what you bring to the whole. No matter what you have done or what you have been through in the past, each and every one of you is deserving of love, respect, and compassion. You are all here to learn, grow, and evolve, as well as to support one another along this path that you are all traveling together.

It is not necessary to agree with everything in order to practice unconditional acceptance, nor is it necessary to lack discernment or boundaries in order to practice unconditional acceptance. It indicates that you are able to look past the outward behavior and appearance of other people and recognize the light and potential that lie within them. It indicates that you respect the other person’s right to free will and the decisions that they make, regardless of whether or not they align with your own. It means that you forgive yourself and others for any mistakes or hurts, and that you heal any wounds or traumas that may prevent your heart from opening completely. It also means that you forgive any mistakes or hurts that you caused.

The necessity of accepting all aspects of oneself without condition is one of the most significant aspects of this awakening process. This means not passing judgment on yourself or others and accepting them in their current state without making any changes. This entails showing respect for the individuality and variety that exist within each soul without making any attempts to alter or exert influence over them. This means not resisting or fearing the opportunities and challenges that life puts in front of you but rather seizing them wholeheartedly.

Acceptance on an unconditional level is the first step toward achieving harmony and peace on your planet. It is also the primary factor in determining your own course in life.

You are able to free yourself from the restrictions and demands. that society, culture, religion, or any other type of authoritative institution has placed on you when you are able to accept yourself and others exactly as they are.

You make it possible for yourself to follow the advice, the intuition, and the happiness that comes from within.

You are creating in the vibration of love when you are able to create from a place where you can accept everything as it is. And when you create from a place of love, the things you manifest are of the highest quality. You are able to draw into your life more love, more abundance, more joy, and more opportunities to fulfill yourself. You not only pass on these energies to others, but you also create a positive ripple effect that ultimately benefits the whole.

We would like to extend an invitation to you to participate with us in the co-creation of a new reality for humanity and the planet. We extend to you an invitation to bring your being into alignment with the 11/11 ascension code and activate it there. We invite you to create from a place of love’s vibration and to extend that love to everything that is. Please know that we are here to help and support you in any way that we can. We appreciate all that you have done for us, and we love you very much.

We are the Arcturians.

Original Title, The Arcturians’ Blueprint for Transformation: The 11/11 Portal Ascension! Channeled and Received through


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