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You are More Powerful than You Know (Article)

There’s no denying that violence and mayhem are rapidly increasing in the world. The good news is that many people are finally waking up as to why this is occurring. They’re seeing more clearly the crimes that have been committed against all of us across the world. But it is getting more and more difficult, even for those of us who have understood what’s been going on for a while now, to maintain a sense of equilibrium or inner calm about all the darkness that’s occurring. It’s easy to slip into fear and despair. At times, we can’t avoid the sense of anxiety our body automatically goes into when hearing about the war in the Middle East escalating. And it doesn’t help to see all the reactions to it in people around us, often filled with hatred, blame and divisiveness. And then, there’s our personal lives that are often not flowing along smoothly, either. Loss and change on many levels seem to be constant. Important relationships are throwing up unexpected challenges, and changes in finances are becoming concerning. Because of all this, you may feel you’ve been wobbling lately in your sense of optimism about yourself and the life you wanting to live — as well as in your hope that humanity is moving closer and closer to the shift into the Fifth Dimension. This is totally understandable. Focusing on the Deeper You But this is the time now to avoid focusing on the thoughts in your mind and the emotions that arise from them. And it’s also the time to dismiss any conclusions you may automatically come to about what a wreck you are, or what a mess your life and the world are in – and dismiss them. Instead, you can choose to pay closer attention to the deepest knowing you have about yourself. Just for a moment, see if you can become aware of the profound sense of inner strength you have developed in the last few years. For much of the time, you have perhaps had to be focused on just making it through one challenging situation after another; it’s all you could do. But take the opportunity now to just tune in: Isn’t it rather remarkable how you’ve made it through these last few years, intact? And aren’t you much stronger and wiser, with a much deeper knowing of yourself? Perhaps you have been compelled to trust the Divine much more than ever before and have realized that always, always, you have been taken care of. This is such an important realization! No matter how dire things may have become on some level, you’ve always somehow made it through. And maybe, simply because of all the challenges you’ve lived through, you’ve been able to experience yourself more often as the luminous sphere of Light that your body/mind lives within. Perhaps you’ve been amazed in recognizing the vast and powerful Being of Love you actually are. Realizing What You’re Offering to the World Even when you’re not able to hold it together emotionally for a while – or when your mind is going crazy with negative thoughts you can’t avoid – it’s important to realize that you are still holding a powerful, high frequency that is affecting others around you. Your inherent spiritual awareness ensures this. Even when you feel you no longer know what your spiritual purpose is anymore, you need to remember that just your presence on Earth is enough during these times. It has an enormous impact in this world. You emit a powerful frequency and are emanating your love and compassion into the collective, even when you’re not aware of doing this. You have perhaps always taken it for granted that you have a natural sense of love and compassion for people and all life on Earth. Maybe you’ve never truly valued your inherent sense of justice – or your spiritual awareness – or your ability to understand people’s suffering and give solace to them. But all these qualities are exactly what is needed so badly during these times to usher in the New Age. You Are powerful It’s so important to get this. You truly are powerful. And you’re here now, during these times, to offer to the world all of who you are, as a Being of Love, Light and Wisdom. This is your spiritual purpose. So, no matter how difficult it may seem to get for a while, do your best to not give up. Just keep going. Know that your Light continues to shine powerfully, whether you’re aware of it or not. Be aware that you are part of a universal network of Light that is steering humanity into a much higher frequency. And keep remembering that it will get better eventually. We are definitely on a positive timeline now. This is actually what is bringing all the Dark up to the surface. It just needs to be seen a little more clearly now, so it can finally be dealt with and eliminated.


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