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Witness Everything With Intention ~ The Andromeda Intergalactic Council

Greetings in the Light, and the Love, of our Infinite Creator,

As the Light intensifies around your Planet, you are witnessing, a major awakening happening. All around the Earth, humanity is beginning to open their eyes to Truth.

For thousands of your Earth Years, humanity has been deceived and lied to at all angles. Even today, the Deception continues. But the Human Collective, as a whole, is Now Waking up to this knowing. As more of Humanity begins to awaken to this truth, the first energies they are experiencing is anger.

Anger is a powerful energy even though it is of negative nature. This vibration is causing humanity to react. To Stand up for their rights, and to stop the oppression. When a race of beings has been held down, for so long, and they discover this type of enslavement, it then becomes an explosion of energies, An explosion of Anger.

In this sense, their anger is the first step, of their awakening. It is the first step they are taking towards a United Energy. The Energy of Anger the Human collective is experiencing will transform into The feeling of Unity, Of being united with one another, even if it is only against a common foe. It Still brings Great Change.

You as the Lightworkers, Angelics and Starseeds, are there on Earth to balance these Energies. Transforming the Vibrations of the Anger to Love and Unity.

However, There is Deception everywhere. There are those out there who are literally trying to cause Distraction, Confusion, and spreading Lies. These beings are in organizations that get paid to actually create the chaos.

These beings are placed in different areas, intentionally in different communities, to deceive you and to separate you. This is done to infiltrate every aspect of your lives.

The Dark Ones have even infiltrated the Lightworkers for many years, causing confusion, Fear and as a result, causing many to abandon their Ascension. They intentionally will make claims contrary to other Light workers and causing confusion with the newly awakened souls.

In these Moments The Deceptions that you may have noticed in the Lightworker communities, are claims of "Divine Governments" and "No Big Event or Solar Flash", and claims that you are not entering the 5th dimension. These are all false claims. These Claims are a deception, a distraction, to make you Fall for the enslavement, the Trap, of the Control Matrix. They are claims to make you think that it's all about the Politics and governments, and to deceive you back into the same Slavery you are trying to escape. They are purposely trying to make you Lose all hope of your Ascension. This is done to distract and confuse you and causing the Newly awakened to feel lost, and where they quickly fall back into the old programming.

We wish you to KNOW that yes, you are ascending into the 5th degree spectrum.

Your physical bodies will change from Carbon Based, to a crystalline form of light, And yes this does happen in an instant, through a Galactic event, a solar flash from your Logos. However, you can ascend through Death of the body and incarnate into a Higher Light body Form. But, This ascension isn't about you Dying and coming back, It's about you ascending into the 5th density while still in Physical Form.

As stated before There are no Governments in the higher Dimension, this type of control structure causes nothing but separation. There are no Politics, because it too causes only separation. The way an individual of Higher Light, is chosen to be a Representative of their people or race, is Through Their Spiritual Hierarchy only. And as well, There is no Money exchange in the Higher dimensions. Material Things are not needed, and all things of this Universe that are needed are given Freely. Money or the Financial structure, has been used by the dark to enslave and to entrap you, into their Control Matrix that they created.

Those who are purposely trying to deceive, distract, and confuse you are not going to stop. However, You as a Lightworker, Angelic, and Starseed, are there on Earth to also hold real personal discernment, and not let others tell you what to believe. You must trust your own heart.

You must hold personal Discernment on everything you hear, see, and feel. The media either exaggerates the information or hides the truth. All your Media is run by the same ones who wish to deceive, distract, and confuse you.

Do Not fall into the Fear Trap, The Dark Agenda is pushing you to be afraid of What is to come. They promote fear, in every way possible. Fear of This country or a certain people, fear of a Solar Flash, or fear of a Pole Shift, Even Fear of Extraterrestrials, and our Message.

You Must open your Heart to the truth in these very important times. The truth is within you.

You Know the Truth of your own ascension, and of your raising in the higher spectrums of existence. Because you can Feel it for yourself. You can feel the difference within your own being.

You are witnessing the Changes everywhere. Information is flooding in, whether lies or Truth. We ask you again to use your own personal discernment, meaning look inside your own Heart. What do you feel, when hearing those types of channelings and messages. If they make you feel lost, without hope, or dependent on an overlord, then they are not Truth.

Even this Channel has had it hard, with discerning the truth, as she is constantly reading Channeled messages. She tries and makes sure that the channellings that she shares are of the Light.

All of you who have chosen this path, some of you many years ago, have witnessed the ups and downs of doing this work. You have seen many beings come and go. This has been a tough Journey for all of you. But we bring you Hope, as we wrap you in the divines Love. You are greatly honored, because You bring truth to the Newly awakened. You are the beacons of Truth, of Love and of Light. And You are needed. This is your Moment to Shine Dear Ones, Be present, be aware, and Unite with your brothers and sisters of Light. In these moments, you must witness everything with Intention.

We witness you, We celebrate you, We honor You, and We Love you. In the Love and Light of the Infinite Creator. We are the Andromeda Intergalactic Council, here to Serve the Divine. Channeled By Chellea Wilder at


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Please Use your own "Personal Discernment" on all content posted. What doesn’t resonate for you, May well be, a message for someone else.

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2 Kommentare

04. Feb.

This is soooo, relevant! I have experienced these false leaders, channel's, quides..etc...recently paid to join a event where it was apparent right from having to pay, to be amongst other lightworkers, for a horrible quided meditation, that so annoyed me I turned the host audio off and went into my self without distraction. This women was so artificial and money promoting, I quickly unsubsrcibed her channel.

With that said..decrement is urgent at this time..I was hoping that the being would give me a tip on how to help newly awakened thwart these false flags as well as myself.

In low income neighborhoods, these dark one saturate them with fear. How best can I offer them truth?

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I am truly sorry you had to experience that. and yes it it happening more and more, It's all about the Money, causing fear, and leaving Many Lost, Confused and to they fall back into the same old programming. The False Flags, are coming from both sides of the fence right now because of the election. Those in Poor communities are usually the ones being manipulated into fear The Poor are usually the first ones that experience the worst, in any kind of disaster. But when it is a false flag, it is a direct attack on them. This is what happened in Maui, the Fires were set intentionally. And it turned into a Land Grab, from the wealthy. …

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A Course in Cosmic LIGHT Work
By Chellea Wilder

The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies
Available in
Paperback and Kindle Reader

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