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What Really Matters ~ The Arcturian Council

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are on our way to becoming more of who we really are, and we can feel that sensation. We feel expansion and growth all the time, and we do not have to experience trauma, tragedy, and challenges to get there.

However, we do feel so much compassion for all other beings who do experience unpleasant, unwanted, and downright horrible circumstances. that we feel we are right there with you when you are facing your traumatic experiences in life.

Not having bodies, or singular identities, does have its advantages. We don’t get caught up in things that do not matter. We understand the impermanence of that which is physical, like your bodies, for example, and all of your stuff and money. So we don’t get caught up in all of that drama that people, like humans on Earth, tend to get caught up in, and that serves us very well. We get to stay focused on the expansion, the evolution, the becoming, and the feeling of movement forward.

We invite you to identify more as that which is growing, expanding, evolving and ascending. Even though you will have bodies in the fifth dimension, and you will have personalities, and you will have a sense of identity, those things are not really what is ascending. Your soul is ascending, which is your true self, and it’s the eternal, infinite part of you that operates in the same ways that we do. It takes the expansion and goes for the feeling of it, rather than getting caught up in what is temporary there on your world.

Your soul doesn’t care who is in power politically. Your soul doesn’t care how much money you have in the bank. Your soul isn’t concerned with what type of home you live in; your soul is in it for the journey. And it really is the journey that matters, and the journey is something that you may not always be able to quantify physically, but you can always feel it. Therefore, do not keep score. Do not look at what you’ve been able to manifest, or how many spiritual gifts you’ve been able to manifest as indicators of how well you’ve been doing as souls, as a being who is ascending.

As someone who is awake, we recommend that you concern yourselves with what you can feel. how open your heart is, the amount of kindness you are spreading around or how many people you have smiled at today.

You can experience this expansion, this evolution of your consciousness, in so many beautiful ways that have nothing to do with the physical and what is happening in your world right now.

Nothing is going to stop you from ascending and no one with a negative agenda can prevent you from doing anything. but you can prevent yourselves from enjoying this process and experiencing it fully, and we want you to enjoy it fully.

So we encourage you to believe in yourselves as the nonphysical essence that you really are. and only keep score of how you are feeling in this moment, versus the previous one, and versus how good you could be feeling or vibrating right now. Keep focused on what matters, and everything that does materialize in your world will follow. We guarantee it.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Original Title, What Really Matters to The Ones Who Are Ascending. The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton at


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