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What happened to THE BIG EVENT? ~ Saint Germain

I am Saint Germain, This is my first transmission with Chellea, and I look forward to ongoing Communication.

I speak to you today of The Grand Event and the Ascension of Earth and Humanity.

The Understanding of the interconnectedness between Earth's ascension and humanity's collective ascension holds a significant importance. As more individuals embark on their personal ascension journeys, it becomes evident that this transformative process cannot be rushed or forced.

I first wish to say that if the Event happened now, there would be very few of you to make the Jump into the 5th dimension. I do not say this to cause you any fear or stress, but to make you fully aware of Humanities situation.

At your current stage in your development as a collective, the majority of the human population is still currently in a state of unconsciousness.

This state of being unaware of Their connection with the Infinite Creator, and the all of existence, has major implications on how the collective as a whole is excepting of the Higher Vibrations.

When operating from a place of unconsciousness, limiting beliefs, thoughts, and emotions take control of the Mind, which then shapes one's reality without their conscious awareness. This is how the Dark Ones, have been able to keep their control. By holding humanity in an unconscious state, they can create whatever outcome they desire.

Earth, as a sentient being, is acutely aware of the intentions and personal vibrations of her human inhabitants. This awareness allows Earth to synchronize her own ascension with the evolving consciousness of humanity. What this means is, She can control her own ascension process and will wait for more of her children to awaken if necessary.

The collaboration between the Infinite Creator and all the Celestial Bodies including Mother Earth is a divine partnership, working for the Betterment of the all. Together, Earth and The great Spirit, will orchestrate a harmonious transition into the 5th dimension. This transition signifies a profound Transformation in Light, for both Earth and humanity, marking a new chapter in the evolution of life on Earth. The Big Event or the transformation into the 5th dimension will happen. But it will not happen on humanities terms. It will happen by Divine Timing. Many ask how long this will take. No One Knows. And I mean, No One. Not even Our Dear Mother Earth. Many of you say, let's just do this Now. This perspective shows No Compassion at all for your fellow humans, and may be a sign that you yourself may not quite be ready for the Jump into the 5th dimension. To make the Jump into the Higher vibrations of the 5TH dimension, you must be of total Service to Others through the Love and Light of our Infinite Creator.

There are Those who are ready to rise into the fifth dimension now. However, they are here for the Betterment of the All, not for themselves, and are anchoring the 5th dimensional vibration within the collective, helping to raise others into the Light.

The journey towards ascension is a multidimensional experience that encompasses spiritual growth, energetic alignment, and collective awakening. It is a process of deep inner transformation that requires patience, self-reflection, and a willingness to embrace change. As humanity collectively raises its vibration and expands its consciousness, the bond between Earth and its inhabitants strengthens, paving the way for a new era of unity, peace, and enlightenment.

In essence, the understanding of Earth's ascension being directly linked to humanity's collective ascension demonstrates the interconnected nature of all Life. It reminds you of your responsibility to honor and respect the Earth as a living, conscious being, and to actively participate in the co-creation of a more enlightened and harmonious world.

At this moment in the collective ascension journey, it is truly remarkable to witness a substantial number of individuals awakening to higher levels of consciousness. This awakening, which began unfolding several of years ago, even during the time when I walked the Earth, as well as When Jesus, also known as Yeshua, walked the Earth, These were all Stages, of the Human awakening.  

Many have questions and inquiries regarding the apparent delay or hold up in this ascension process. It is crucial to recognize that the process of ascension is a complex and multifaceted one that has been unfolding over a significant span of time on your Planet. The Dark Controllers have worked very hard over the Centuries to keep humanity ignorant and unconscious. Humans have been held captive for Thousands of years, and the Conscious manipulation by the Dark ones runs very deep.

The Bringing of More Light to the Planet, is stripping away many layers of Lives, held in the bondage of the controllers.

Each individual's journey towards ascension is unique and unfolds at its own pace, guided by personal growth and spiritual evolution.

To rush or force this process is to impose on the Freewill of Others. And could cause someone not to be able to make the desired jump into the 5th dimension. This does not mean that all of humanity will ascend, But those whose higherselves has made the choice for them to do so, Those Individuals will ascend with the earth.

To open more people up to their own inner Guidance and knowing is key to humanities' advancement.

As you continue along this transformative path, it is essential to maintain unwavering perseverance and dedication. It has taken humanity already many of your Earth years to get this far. But your dedication to The Light, and this transformation, is making all the difference.

By continuing to share your light and love, you not only accelerate your own ascension process but also serve as a beacon of inspiration for others on their spiritual journey. Through your actions and intentions, you have the power to uplift and support your fellow Humans, creating a ripple effect of positive transformation and the collective evolution.

This does not mean that the Ascension is going to take that much longer, from the Human perspective. What this means is to relax, have patience, it will happen, if it does not happen in this your current Lifetime, then you will transcend by death to the 5th dimension either way. You are moving higher in the Light, and the Love of the Infinite Creator.

Remember that the journey of ascension is not a race to some distant finish line but rather a continuous process of growth, expansion, and enlightenment. Embrace each step of the journey with gratitude and mindfulness, knowing that every experience, challenge, and triumph contributes to your soul's evolution. Together, as a united collective of awakened individuals, Humanity has the profound opportunity to co-create a reality filled with love, harmony, and Oneness. Continue to walk the path of Light, with courage, compassion, and an unwavering commitment to the light, that is within us all.

I Love all of you so Much,

Thank you for this Transmission,

I am Saint Germain, Here to Serve in Love.

Intuitive Transmission By Chellea Wilder at


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