Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius.
Thank you for communing with us, in these very sensitive moments.
All over the Earth, you are witnessing a myriad of strange and unusual phenomena occurring in your skies, phenomena that have captured the attention and curiosity of many. These occurrences are deeply interconnected with the ongoing efforts of your Star Families, who are actively intervening in your terrestrial affairs. Their primary mission is to prevent any potential nuclear upheaval.
In the last few weeks of your timespace, there has been a notable and increased presence of our advanced starships and exploratory probes, particularly concentrated over active military bases. These installations have long been recognized as potential flashpoints, where tensions can escalate rapidly and lead to catastrophic outcomes. The potential for aggressive actions taken in these sensitive areas could have dire consequences globally, drastically impacting the Earth and Humanity.
The many probes and spacecraft, which have been observed hovering over these sensitive areas, represent a concerted attempt at deliberate observation and potential intervention.
This phenomenon invites a deeper exploration of the broader implications for humanity's future and the stewardship of your planet. The presence of your Star Families during these critical moments serves as a reflection on your choices and the paths you have pursued as a collective.
It encourages a reassessment of priorities, urging humanity to consider the long-term consequences of its actions, both on Earth and in the larger context of the universe.
The time has come for a significant shift in your Human perspective, one that embraces cooperation, understanding, and the pursuit of peace over conflict.
As you navigate these turbulent waters, the hope is that you will choose to align with the higher ideals of compassion and unity, fostering a world that not only prioritizes the safety of its inhabitants but also honors the intricate web of life that sustains you all.
Your Many Star Families, have chosen to focus their efforts on hindering the potential for conflict, that could escalate into a nuclear disaster. This peaceful offense, as it may be termed, is a deliberate and strategic attempt to halt the ominous warnings surrounding the nuclear threat that looms over the Earth.
The presence of the many probes and craft in the sky is their commitment to safeguarding your planet. The High Council of Sirius, along with numerous Star Families, has made it abundantly clear that our mission is one of protection. We stand as guardians of Earth and Humanity, dedicated to preventing total destruction and ensuring that your world remains a place of Beauty, Life, and hope.
The interventions by the many benevolent Beings, are active measures taken to disrupt any potential nuclear escalation. The sightings of these craft can be interpreted as a message of reassurance to humanity, a signal that you are not alone in your struggles and that there are many Forces of Light, watching over you. Our technology and understanding of cosmic dynamics, enables us, to neutralize any threats that may arise.
As you navigate through these turbulent times, it is essential to recognize the significance of these phenomena and the underlying intentions of your Star Families.
We are here to guide you toward a future free from the shadows of war and nuclear annihilation. We are urging you to embrace peace, cooperation, and understanding among all nations. The High Council of Sirius and your various Star Families are steadfast in their resolve, advocating for a harmonious existence where humanity can thrive without the looming threat of destruction. We are here, and We Come in Peace. Our presence in your skies is a powerful reminder that there is hope, and that with unity and vigilance, you can create a new Earth, where peace and Love prevails.
We Love you, and Honor you.
We are the High Council of Sirius.
Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at
Each Transmission is received Daily, offering up-to-date Messages from your Many Galactic Families. All Channeled Messages are received by Chellea Wilder (Channel and Scribe).
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Music By... Chellea Wilder Created with
Voices of... Chellea & David Wilder
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We are a Beacon of Light, In Total Service.
Thank you... in so Much Love and Light..