Urgent Energy Update for February 17th 2024
Greetings Dear Family of Light,
As stated in our Last Update just 2 days ago, Everything has been sped up.
You have received another Massive X Class Flare from your Solar Logos, Which is directed towards Earth.
An impulsive solar flare measuring X2.5 erupted from Active sun spot 3576 beta-gamma at 6:53 am UTC on February 16, 2024. The event started at 6:42 and ended at 6:58am UTC. This is the fourth strongest solar flare of This Solar Cycle. After the X5.0 on December 31, 2023, the X3.3 on February 9, 2024, and the X2.8 on December 14, 2023. The Earth and Humanity are getting Amped up and Prepared for the Grand event. This is just the Beginning of what is to come.
This Flare also brought with it, A Type II and Type IV radio emissions. That were detected at 06:53am UTC, indicating a strong coronal mass ejection and solar radiation storm were associated with the event. Expect Geo magnetic storms for today, tomorrow and the 19th of February.
The Earth herself is staying stable between 14 and 21 hertz. at a 4th degree Vibration. But she will be boosted from The Geo Magnetic storms expected for the next few days.
These massive energies are only the beginning. Within this Final Phase, you will receive many more X class Flares, readying you for the grand Shift. Remember that your body feels these energies, and can react in different ways. Some may experience Pain, discomfort, and even cold like symptoms, or fatigue. While Others may feel a burst of energy and feel more energetic, or energized. However, when your body is reacting, remember to stay hydrated, and in Positive Emotions.
You are raising in the Light, so stay focused on your Inner work, and release all that does not serve you in these moments. We stated within our Last Update that the Final Phase ends in your Earth year 2030. However, This is not the Ascension Date. The Ascension Must Happen between Now and Then. If it does not, then this means that the Earth and Humanity would have shifted into The Negative Outcome or Timeline. This can only happen if the Majority of Humanity wasn't ready for the Shift. In these Moments, We can inform you that the Threshold of Awakened souls has already been achieved. Humanity and This Earth are well on Their way to becoming A Fifth dimensional Planet and Society.
There will be Many more Humans Awaken, in these times. They will be searching for Truth. They will see your Light, You are the beacons of Truth, directing them to go within, directing them to their own Divine Purpose.
The Energy bursts that you are receiving from your Logos, The Photon belt, your Star Families and Your dear Mother Earth, will continue to increase in their intensity. This is Just The beginning.
Stay In the Heart, Stay in Love,
We Love you and Honor You.
We are The Galactic Federation.
This has been an Urgent Energy Update for February 17, 2024.
Channeled and Researched by Chellea Wilder at UniversalLighthouse.com
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