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THEY HAVE ARRIVED~ The Andromeda Intergalactic Council

Greetings in the Light and Love of Our Infinite Creator,

We the Andromeda Intergalactic Council wish to address the Energies now being projected at the Earths Core. For the last 24 hours of your Timespace, the Earth has been boosted with The higher vibrations of the 6th Degree Light, coming in from The New arrivals entering your solar system in these moments. The 7 of the One, who are of the Higher Light, and are of the Angelic's, have arrived in the Physical, and are here to Amplify the Energies being sent to Your Planet. These beings have lowered Their own vibration from being an Angelic from beyond the Pleroma, to that of 6th Degree of Light, so they can interact directly with Earth and Humanity. In your Physical perspective, they are very massive beings, engulfed of the Pure Love Light, Directly sent from the Infinite Creator. As they Move Closer to the Earth, their Brilliance will begin to actually be seen in your Skies by Many of you.

They have already begun sending the 6th degree energies towards the earth. This is what the Human collective is feeling in these moments. And Why your perception of existence seems so different and New. It will advance the Humans into a more readied state of Consciousness that will help them rise out from under the Darks final attempts at control. More of Humanity must be awakened, in these moments of your Timespace, for the allowance of the changes that must be made to achieve your 5D Society and Earthly density. The Divines Decree has allowed for the advancement to proceed in earnest.

The 7 of the One, will be physically within this Timespace for the remainder of the Earths and Humanities ascension process. These 7 Light Beings, are who you would consider as the Archangels of your ancient texts. Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Camael, Jophiel, and Zadkiel. They are also known as Untonas, Quertal, Cheital, Gohanna, Ertal, Smveta and Ardal, Lords of the 7 Human Realms. Covering from the 3rd Degree Realms to the 9th degree Realms.

This Channel because of her Knowledge, wishes us to make a few things clear for those who understand the dynamics of the Incarnate Angelics, on your Planet.

Yes, There are Angels in Human Forms, making very Human decisions. Who are also aware of their high selves, or Higher Form, as Archangels and Angels. However, the soul part that is embodied as an Incarnate is only one aspect of These beings. They take on Human roles to also help Change the Planet. But in their Human forms, they are subjected to the Same Vibrations as the rest of the Planet. And often must take on roles that are not understood as working for the Light.

However, we must remind you that all positive Angelics, and wanderers of the Light are undercover agents, if you will. Working behind the scenes to transform Earth and Humanity into the Higher State of consciousness. All is connected and Through the Divine Purpose.

The 7 of Higher Light are warriors of the Infinite Pair, The Infinite Creator, The One. They Have Protected and Guided Humanity since the beginning of their creation, and since the Fall of the Earth into the Lower dimensions. Angelics or as some may know as the Karistus, are a species that does not have to ascend like other Species within the physical Universe. Being from beyond the pleroma, or beyond the physical Universe, they have a choice of which frequency to reside within. Angelics must lower themselves in vibration to interact in the physical Universe, and especially to become Human.

In some cases, as with this channel, her true form is of the Angelics. Her higher self resides in the 9th degree, while her physical form is of 6th degree Andromedan. She then uses what she understands as Transference technology to interact with the Human form, where her consciousness is projected.

This is something that is normally not disclosed, however, This Channel has fell asleep, and awakened, to find herself in a Transference Pod, out in space somewhere, in her Andromedan form, This has happened several times in her awareness. So we can disclose This Information without affecting her free will. We understand that some of this may be a little confusing for some to comprehend. Nothing is as it appears to be, from the Human perspective. However, more of this type of information will be disclosed as more awaken to this understanding.

Many beings who are here in these moments know of their Higher Purpose. Including all of you. You may not have the remembrance of your Higher Beingness, at the Moment but, soon you will know your total truth. All will be revealed and Nothing will stop what is about to Take Place. Soon you will witness the Brilliance of the Angelics in your skies. No one of your sciences will be able to explain what is occurring. But it will be a phenomenon that will be seen by Many. In your olden days of this Timespace, many authors wrote about Beings of Magnificent Light, walking amongst Men. This is very True. Soon You will witness the Great Light from the Infinite, here to Lift Humanity and this Earth out of the Darkness.

The Angels of Light known from your ancient Writings, are here now in your Physical timespace, to bring in the changes needed. In both their Physical and Angelic forms. To Be here to help Lift Humanity from Darkness and transform Earth into a Free Galactic Planet. And They are here to witness the Grand Event along with All of our Wanderers and starseeds who have patiently been light working and waiting. Now You All will shine your Brightest, as This Grand occurrence Shifts this entire spectrum of Existence.

All of Creation is in Celebration.

We await all of you in Joyous reunion.

You are the Masters Returning Home.

We love you and Honor you.

In The Love and Light of The Infinite Creator.

We are The Andromeda Intergalactic Council, here to Serve The Divine.

. Channeled By Chellea, at


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