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The "Disturbing Truth" of the CIA's Mind Control Program "MK- ULTRA"

The CIA and US military had engaged in substantial behavioral modification experiments involving Adults and children, including Sexual Abuse and Trauma Induction for decades, with most of this activity having been deeply buried, the accounts sanitized and the records destroyed. However, Because of the Freedom of Information act, some of this information has come to light. The Darkness Runs very Deep within our system of Government and other institutions across America.

The Information given in this article may not be suitable for all audiences. Viewing decretion is advised.

Below are excerpts from The Unz Review created by Larry Romanoff

MK-ULTRA was an umbrella for a large number of clandestine activities that formed part of the CIA’s psychological warfare research and development, consisting of about 150 projects and sub-projects, many of them very large in their own right, with research and human experimentation occurring at more than 80 institutions that included about 50 of America’s best-known colleges and universities, 15 or 20 major research Foundations including Rockefeller, dozens of major hospitals, a great many prisons, and mental institutions, and many chemical and pharmaceutical companies. At least 200 well-known private scientific researchers were part of this program, as were many thousands of physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists and other similar. Many of these institutions and individuals received their funding through so-called “grants” from what were clearly CIA front companies. In 1994 a Congressional subcommittee revealed that up to 500,000 unwitting Americans were endangered, damaged, or destroyed by secret CIA and military tests between 1940 and 1974.


The CIA leadership had concerns about the discovery of their unethical and illegal behavior, as evidenced in a 1957 Inspector General Report, which stated:

“Precautions must be taken not only to protect operations from exposure to enemy forces but also to conceal these activities from the American public in general. The knowledge that the agency is engaging in unethical and illicit activities would have serious repercussions in political and diplomatic circles”.


The Goals and Purpose of the Program

The project was under the direct command of a Dr. Sidney Gottlieb and received undisclosed but almost unlimited millions of dollars for hundreds of experiments on human subjects at hundreds of locations across the United States, Canada and Europe, the eventual budget for this program apparently having exceeded $1 billion per year. The evil in some of these MK-ULTRA documents is almost palpable, one such document from 1955 stating openly of a search for “substances which will cause (temporary or) permanent brain damage as well as loss of memory”. Part of the intent was to develop “techniques that would crush the human psyche to the point that it would admit anything”. In a US government memo from 1952, a program director asked, “Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature, such as self-preservation?” It also listed the wide range of horrid abuses to which the victims would be subjected. These people were not bashful about their intent.

The mechanics included primordial sex programming for women in attempts to eliminate learned moral convictions and stimulate primitive sexual instinct devoid of inhibitions, to create a kind of sex machine – the ultimate prostitute for diplomatic espionage. Several researchers have claimed the sexual appetite of these women was developed in young girls their formative years through constant incest with a government employee who had been deliberately developed as a father figure to the girls. In part, these programs involved conditioning the human mind through torture, with one portion of this program intended to train special agents as fearless terrorists lacking self-preservation instincts and who would willingly commit suicide if caught. They even experimented with electronic implants, inaudible sounds, messages embedded in the subconscious mind, mind altering drugs and much more. One portion of this extensive operation involved an attempt to create an assassins program, to learn if it were possible to kidnap a national in another country, conduct hypnosis and other techniques, then return them home to assassinate their leaders.


In Sid Gottlieb’s group there were also scientists who implanted electrodes into human and other brains in yet more mind-control experiments, even done on children as young as four or five years of age, all with the intention of creating a perfect ‘Manchurian Candidate’, as well as erasing memories and creating artificial ones and, of course, total control of the individual. This research into electrode implants was funded by the CIA and MKULTRA in conjunction with the Office of US Naval Research, and mostly supervised by our famous Dr. West. In fact, West began what was called the “UCLA Violence Project” at the Vacaville Prison where Donald Defreeze was apparently programmed. The projects received a great deal of funding, as I recall, much of it including West.



Among the many prominent universities and institutions participating in this travesty was Tulane University where both the CIA and the US military had funded what appeared to be very large-scale programs of trauma-based mind control experiments on children. In 1955, the US Army reported on studies in which their researchers had implanted electrodes into the brains of mental patients to assess the effects of LSD and a host of other untested drugs. It was at Tulane that some of the earliest sensory-deprivation experiments were conducted, isolating individuals in these chambers where they would be helplessly hallucinating for as long as one week at a time while being injected with drugs and bombarded them with taped messages, to see if individuals could be “converted to new beliefs”. These were all helpless victims who had no idea of what was happening to them. There is a long list of other famous American universities and hospitals that participated in similar human destruction, all of which have carefully sanitised their histories.

Dissociative Personality Disorder

I must digress for a moment to discuss a condition generally referred to as Multiple Personality Disorder or Dissociative Personality Disorder, a condition in which a person develops several distinct personas or personalities within his or her mind, generally totally closed off from each other, and most often created as a defense mechanism to protect a vulnerable mind from destruction due to horrors it has experienced. In simple terms, a tortured mind that witnesses and experiences unspeakable horrors, events too terrible to live with, will create an additional personality in which this mind will live, closing off the other from consciousness. It is the horrors themselves, consisting of every manner of physical and sexual abuse, torture, drug and electroshock treatment, perhaps witnessing the deaths or killings of other children, that force the creation of these multiple personas, this apparently being quite easy to accomplish when done to children at a young age.


An Army of Sexually Abused Children Hidden by the Feds

You can already see the military and espionage potential of such persons when groomed from childhood to early adulthood by this method. The alternate personas can be couriers of information, that information residing in a hidden persona and not available to the conscious knowledge of another and able to be recalled only by an agent at the receiving end. One persona could be a drug courier, or an assassin trained not only to kill remorselessly but to willingly commit suicide if caught. Another persona, and one in which Gottlieb and his men specialized, was the creation of a Lolita, a child sexual pervert without morals or inhibitions, whose entire training and purpose are in the art of appealing sexually to men, to compromise them in preparation for blackmail or even to kill them if the compromise fails. In effect, a robot who will unhesitatingly follow any commands or instructions.

And the method for forcing the creation of these programmable multiple personalities lies in the abuse of the child. Physical and sexual abuse, torture, pain, electroshock, drug treatments, and not only personally experiencing but also witnessing unspeakable horrors to others, will automatically create the fertile field of multiple personalities the physician can now program.


A frightening side note to these experiments is the persistent claims and in some cases considerable evidence that some famous individuals in America’s past were victims of these MK-ULTRA experiments. They include the “unabomber” Ted Kaczynski, Sirhan Sirhan – who shot Robert Kennedy, and Lee Harvey Oswald – the man who supposedly killed US President John Kennedy. Oswald’s long-time superior was claimed to have been an MK-ULTRA specialist as were a number of other CIA Black Operations hitmen, several of whom died in questionable circumstances only a few days prior to their giving testimony against the CIA for these same operations.



  • Can we in a matter of an hour, two hours, one day, etc., induce an [hypnotic] condition in “an unwilling subject” to such an extent that he will perform an act for our benefit? (Long range).

  • Could we seize a subject and in the space of an hour or two by post-hypnotic control have him crash an airplane, wreck a train, etc.? (Short, immediate activity)

  • Can we by [sleep induction] and [hypnosis] techniques force a subject (unwilling or otherwise) to travel long distances, commit specified acts and return to us or bring documents or materials? Can a person acting under post-hypnotic control successfully travel long distances?

  • Can we guarantee total amnesia under any and all conditions?

  • Can we devise a system for making unwilling subjects into willing agents and then transfer that control to untrained agency agents in the field by use of codes or identifying signs or credentials?

The CIA’s Holocaust of Small Children – and Canada’s Crime of the Century

Before the Second World War, the Catholic Church in Canada, at least in the Province of Quebec, was the de facto operator of orphanages and by the end of the war had some 200,000 children occupying their facilities with government subsidies. The church conceived a plan for enrichment by re-classifying all their orphanages as mental institutions because the government subsidy at the time was several times greater per child per month for the latter than the former. The scheme was approved by Quebec’s then Premier, Maurice Duplessis, and the children would forever be known as “The Duplessis Children”. Naturally, after the re-classification, all the childrens’ records were permanently amended to categorise each as mentally retarded or suffering from some other mental illness. That was bad enough, but the orphanages / institutions were hell for the children prior to the shuffle, and deteriorated substantially afterward. The Catholic church has been famous for a very long time for its cruelty to children, as the recent decades of revelations of child sexual abuse have indicated, but there was much more. The Catholic nuns were renowned for their meanness, cruelty and both physical and sexual abuse of both boys and girls, as much in their schools and orphanages as elsewhere, but in those days “God’s work” and those performing it were almost beyond question or criticism. After the reshuffling and re-categorising of the children as mentally defective, they were in many cases treated like animals. Many children, on reaching the age of 14 or 15, made valiant efforts to escape, many succeeding and the rest being severely punished.

Prior to the time of this event, the CIA had already been involved for many years in a wide array of torture, extremely harsh interrogations, attempts at mental programming, and much more. At the time, Dulles’ greatest complaint had been about not having “enough human guinea pigs to try these extraordinary techniques”. With God’s help, his concerns would soon evaporate. Dulles had already made arrangements with Ewen Cameron of the Allan Memorial Institute and McGill University in Montreal to conduct some of the CIA’s most reprehensible experiments, many of these involving children, on essentially healthy patients seconded by subterfuge from local hospitals to take up residence in what was in fact Cameron’s private torture clinic. Dulles was to boast later that “Canada’s Allen Memorial Hospital is a good source for human guinea pigs.” Following on this success, and shortly after recruiting Gottlieb to head his MK-ULTRA project, Dulles held some secret meetings with Catholic Church officials and Maurice Duplessis to arrange CIA access to the vast supply of these newly-retarded children for many of the mind-control and human programming experiments. Dr. Wilder Penfield was one of the men deeply involved in these atrocities, but McGill University does an amazing whitewash on Penfield, with no mention of his extensive involvement in the atrocities of MK-ULTRA. In those days, it would seem McGill University was corrupted to its core, involved not only in Cameron’s Sleep Room but almost certainly with the tragedy of the Duplessis Orphans.



One victim’s lawyer stated that the evidence all indicated the Catholic Church made a deal with the CIA, with the full knowledge of the Quebec government “to turn over perfectly healthy children in return for money, giving the doctors the ability to experiment at will since we were all considered insane.” One CIA psychiatrist labeled the children as “defectives anyway” and, in an article titled, “The Ethnic Cleansing of the ‘Mentally Unfit”, a eugenicist used the opportunity to campaign for sterilisation to prevent mothers from “filling the cradle with degenerate babies”. Gottlieb’s MK-ULTRA horrors in Canada were what some called “a program of organized psychiatric genocide.”



Haiti is also a center for the worldwide pedophilia rings operated formerly for CIA experimentation and subsequently for purposes similar to those of Jeffrey Epstein – personal enjoyment and entrapment of politicians. An Italian social agency recently traced 640 of 1,000 pedophilia websites to a Haiti location, these websites offering not only live videos of the sexual abuse (some of it horrific) of children as young as 0 to 2 years of age, but also of the torture of these children as well as snuff films


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