This is Universal Lighthouse’s New Youtube Channel. Please support us by Subscribing and Liking, to help get us going again and be seen. Our Other Channel has been blocked. So we started a New one.
It takes a lot to build up a new channel to be seen in youtubes algorithms. It helps for the Messages to be seen more. Thank you all for your Light. And don't forget to hit the Notification bell. Here is our Youtube Channel link. Thank you for your continued Support. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9oszg-_xoIrWyQhWCafhWA
Beloved ones we greet you,
Strong energetic forces are at work within Earth. The effects of the Scahndahlah event are expanding in light intensity daily. This light is reconfiguring the energetic vortexes and ley lines across the earth plane. There are a series of multidimensional sacred patterns being reestablished within these energetic centers. These light patterns are enabling the vortexes and ley lines to anchor and stabilize the higher light structures that are being opened across the planet and within the magnetic core of Earth. The energetic rotation of Earth is speeding up and the concept of time is collapsing as your planet is undergoing a full multidimensional realignment process. Your planet’s entire energetic structure is undergoing a vast transmutation process that will continue to accelerate as you enter the New Year.
Simultaneously, you are undergoing a transmutation process within your crystalline structure in your physical bodies. This process is also impacting your Pineal, brain synapsis, brain Stem and Heart as your electrical frequency systems are undergoing rapid transformation. Change is here and you need, like never before, to work within the energetic platform of your Heart. Your Heart connection is a natural stabilizer for you at this juncture. Your Heart acts as a sacred compass giving you a reference point, keeping you in balance during this transition.
There is energetic support available to you during this transmutation period. Your Family of Light, Spiritual realms and we, the Pleiadians are here to play that role.
You have free will and need to call any of us forward, giving us permission to assist you in adjusting your energetic framework to support you during the ongoing transmutation process.
All is in hand. This is your time to unfold into your sacred birth. We witness you.
The Pleiadians
Pleiadian Message for August 2023, Channeled Through Christine Day At ChristineDayonline.com
This is Universal Lighthouse’s New Youtube Channel. Please support us by Subscribing and Liking, to help get us going again and be seen. Our Other Channel has been blocked. So we started a New one.
It takes a lot to build up a new channel to be seen in youtubes algorithms. It helps for the Messages to be seen more. Thank you all for your Light. And don't forget to hit the Notification bell. Here is our Youtube Channel link. Thank you for your continued Support. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9oszg-_xoIrWyQhWCafhWA
Please Use your own "Personal Discernment" on all content posted. What doesn’t resonate for you, May well be, a message for someone else.
The Grammar and Punctuation are corrected for the Videos, and the Titles are changed due to copied Titles on Youtube. Others also post these Galactic Messages. Youtube Allows its contributors, to flag content if it's titled the Same, as though it is Copyright. This is how Our Other Youtube Channel got blocked.
Please understand that videos can sometimes take hours to make. We try and Share Up-to-Date Galactic Messages from many different Channels. So we search for new content daily. These Articles are created into Videos for your Convenience, and to Spread the Light. This is our service here at UniversalLighthouse.com.
We Gather The Messages from many different sources. We Hold No Copyright, to anything posted, and do not monetize the Videos. We offer this Content Free, without commercials or Ads, to All who are seeking the Light. The Website and the Radio do cost monthly to keep them running. We do except Love donations Here.
Thank you for your Continued Support.
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