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New Moon In Taurus: Being Innovative and Practical

We are having a New Moon in Taurus on May 4th and 5th, depending on where you are located in the world. This is initiating a 29.5-day Lunar cycle and a new wave of energy for the coming month, however, its energy will be strongest over the following 2 weeks. This cycle will peak at the Full Moon in Scorpio on May 18th.

This New Moon occurs during Beltane which is the midpoint between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. It has been traditionally celebrated by the Celtic people and has been adopted by Pagans and others over the years. It is more widely celebrated on May 1st, however the actual halfway point of Spring occurs on May 4th-5th when the Sun is at 14-15 degrees of Taurus.

Beltane is a celebration of the peak of Spring season, the increasing light of the Sun, and a potently fertile period ushering in new life. The Celtics perceived it as the beginning of Summer when dividing the year into two halves instead of four quarters. Since it originates in the Northern Hemisphere, it does not make sense for those in the South to observe it in the same way due to the seasons being reversed.


New Moon In Taurus With Uranus In The Same Sign

Taurus season began on April 20th, however, this New Moon helps to kickstart it even more so. This sign is about values, worth, the material world, sensuality, money, food/substances, security, beauty, and nature.

As an Earth sign, it is physical, practical, and realistic. Taurus is thorough and also likes stability and routine. It is short like a rock; slow, grounded, and solid. Negatively, Taurus can be too rigid, lazy, habitual, greedy, possessive, stubborn, materialistic, and very slow.

This is the first New Moon in Taurus with Uranus in the same sign as the Moon made a conjunction with it prior to the new cycle beginning. Last year’s New Moon in Taurus occurred hours before Uranus entered this sign.

For the next seven years, we are going through a period of revolutionizing values and this lunar cycle could trigger that energy. Uranus’ energy can also manifest in other ways as well this month. We may want to try new things, express ourselves differently, be innovative, experience surprises, liberate ourselves from something, embrace technological developments, or potentially be rebellious.


New Moon Trine Saturn and Pluto Near The South Node, Sextile Neptune

Saturn recently went retrograde 5 days prior while aligned with the South Node in Capricorn and Pluto close by. Over the last month, we could of felt a need to purge, release, or end certain things in our lives that could be holding us back. It can be connected to our social lives, physical possessions, detoxification, career/ambitions, desires, jealousy, issues around power dynamics, or in other ways as well.

In recent weeks, Saturnian themes have been strong. We can be dealing with limitations, obstacles, restrictions, or perhaps issues around boundaries. We may feel a need to make changes around the responsibilities, commitments, and structures in our lives. Things that were initiated in the past could come up that may require our attention.

Ultimately this process is also about bringing endings to these things which can be connected to some of the other themes mentioned. Saturn will be traveling near the South Node until early October which is when this energy concludes.  However its themes will also be strong during early Summer. ⁣⠀

This New Moon is making a trine to this energy and therefore it should be less heavy and more harmonious towards making constructive change to some of these themes mentioned. It can be easier to fix or somehow deal with issues, dynamics, or behaviors connected to the past that are not serving us. Alternatively, we can also see projects, ambitions, commitments, or responsibilities surface (or resurface) now to help us with the process of making necessary changes over the coming months.

This New Moon is in a sextile with Neptune in Pisces in which for some people may be tied in to the energy mentioned above. This can be great for spirituality, creativity, healing, or relaxing and sensual activities oriented around self care. It can be inspiring, selfless, and compassionate. alternatively, it can also be about grounding our dreams, ideals, or imagination into reality.


Venus Square Saturn, Pluto, The Nodes and Trine Jupiter

The ruler of Taurus, Venus, is in Aries forming a hard aspect to Saturn and the Lunar Nodes which is strongest from May 6th-7th. We may need to shift something or get realistic around issues pertaining to Venus themes such as love, friendships, social circles, values, aesthetics, pleasures, or money. We can experience some complications that ultimately push us to make necessary changes and we can potentially experience some sort of turning point around these issues.

On May 9th, Venus will square Pluto and Trine Jupiter in Sagittarius. This can have some similar themes as May 6th-7th, however, it can be easier and have an expansive tone when it comes to the Venus themes mentioned.

It can be good for learning, understanding others, relationship growth, making new social connections, travel, creative marketing, and perhaps positive developments around money, possessions, or values. In some cases, there can also be power struggles. You may start to notice this energy build up in the days leading up to it.


Mars Opposite Jupiter, Mercury Conjunct Uranus

Mars in Gemini is opposing Jupiter in Sagittarius which is strongest from May 4th-6th. We can easily overextend ourselves, try to take on more than we can handle, and be scattered with our physical energy. Our efforts can cover a large or broad area but we can lack addressing the details.

This can also manifest as conflicts around beliefs, opinions, perspectives, and judgements. Alternatively, this energy can also be good for applying ourselves towards our visions or anything explorative.

Mercury will enter Taurus and form a conjunction with Uranus which is strongest from May 7th-8th. We can be more inventive, innovative, and intuitive at this time. Information, thoughts, or communications can be stimulating, exciting, progressive, and potentially change the way we think about something. In some cases their can also be some sort of liberation, sudden change, or disruption. It can also be harder to focus during this time.


Making Intentions and Things To Consider

What can you do to be more practical? What areas of your life are calling for a realistic, disciplined, grounded, or thorough  approach? Where can you make constructive change? What limitations in your life do you need to address? What do you need to let go of? What aspects of your past do you need to sort out? What are your true values? What do you need to change when it comes to matters of love, social dynamics, or finances? How can you grow in your relationships?

These are just some examples of what to consider or focus your intentions on at this time; however, it is good to reflect on anything else that is coming up for you. It is generally best to make any intentions within the first 24 hours following a New Moon. The exact moment of it will be occurring between 10:45-10:46pm Universal Time on May 4th. You can click here to see what that is in your time zone.


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