Greetings Humans.
I am Azure Dragon, 100 feet long, Meng Zhang the Ancient one, who represents the God Dragon with protective abilities and the essence of spring. I carry healing and magical powers.
I am here today to uplift the inhabitants of planet Earth. It has a been a while since my last message. I have been with Divine sending high frequencies from high dimensions to speed up the process of Ascension. If you noticed recently humanity started to show more and more dissatisfaction from their lives and started to speak up for themselves by using different tools like the demonstrations by European farmers from France, Italy, Romania, Germany, blocking roads, signing petitions and etc.
You are moving to the phase of action by leaving behind the stagnation times. Your patience became thin, you don’t want to exist under the constant stress of survival, life should be more than just constantly struggling to pay bills. Energies are continuously moving forward, and everything starting to change again. The desperation of the Dark Controllers is growing more and more with each day, unfortunately for them, they can’t change the outcome of transformation into a New Era.
I am a very old dragon over a million years old. I have seen many events, and nothing can’t surprise me anymore. Humankind has been hypnotized by mind manipulation for a very long time. Now, high vibrations are breaking the hypnosis in the masses, and each day more humans are beginning to question their reality. As many of you know, this is illusion was created by the Dark Ones. Nothing is working for them anymore.
Humans are questioning their deceptions and lies. The comfort level, which the Darkness had for a millions of years, is dissolving with each moment more and more. It’s hard now to see with the naked eyes, trust me, it’s happening. I am in higher dimensions, and I can see from there, all of the changes that are occurring in your world. You were born with the capabilities of creating your own reality, in the future you will be able to control your own destiny.
Your powers are still in a dormant state. High vibrations will help you to wake up from this long dream. I am sending you healing and protection from above. The powers of the Negative Ones got drastically diminished and reduced. Their harmful actions are surfacing to the daylight, and nothing they can do about it. Era of cruelty and trickery is coming to the end. The magic is in you, just trust the transition process. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.
Be the Light that You Are.
Azure Dragon
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces Received on Facebook
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