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Is This Proof That The US Government is Using Mind Control?

Recently some Documents that were received Through the Freedom of Information Act by the Investigative Journalism website "MuckRock", Disclose That the US government has been actively pursuing Mind control over the American population. Within the Documents were very Strange Images that depict what was being Planned. It seems to be an attempt at full mind control, through what is called, The "Psycho Electronic Weapon", going back as far as 1974.


A FOIA request by investigative journalism website MuckRock, resulted in the release of some bizarre documents pertaining to government mind control programs involving psychotronic weapons.

MuckRock originally requested documents related to terrorism threats from the Washington State Fusion Center, a division associated with the Department of Homeland Security.

MuckRock is a non-profit publication that makes thousands of FOIA requests, calling itself a collaborative repository of public records and investigative journalism regarding government, politics, and social issues.

In addition to the information MuckRock requested, it was given a number of pictograms showing potential uses of psychotronic weapons used for things like mind control, microwave hearing, and remote brain mapping.

The first graphic shows the outline of a woman’s body pointing out different areas that could be remotely controlled, induced with pain or pleasure, and stimulated in strange ways. One of the arrows points to the center of the head and reads “forced manipulation of airways, including externally controlled forced speech.”

Another graphic shows the use of remote brain mapping and mind control by use of helicopters, trucks disguised as communication vehicles, and radio towers. It shows what appear to be wave signals penetrating walls of houses and controlling individuals or groups of people, as well as the different resonance frequencies needed to control various areas of the brain.

One page contains a website URL,, which leads nowhere, while another comes from someone named Supratik Saha, a software and electronics engineer.

Scientific American pointed out that one of the graphics was included in an article published by Nexus magazine, describing NSA signals intelligence capabilities and Project ECHELON, the government data collection program long believed to be a conspiracy, until whistleblowers proved its existence.

Why the WSFC sent MuckRock these graphics is still a bit of a mystery. The website says it’s possible it could have gotten mixed up in documents meant to be sent elsewhere or they may have belonged to an intelligence officer collecting data that were misplaced. MuckRock called the agency’s office to ask what happened, but have heard no response yet.

It would come as no surprise if the government, or an agency like the NSA that acts covertly and autonomously, has been researching or actively running a program with these capabilities.

The prospect of psychotronic weapons isn’t that farfetched either, with the government’s history of similar programs during the Cold War and the multitude of people who believe they have been victims of such attacks. Not to mention, the reality of attempted mind control programs like MK-ULTRA and the NSA’s Project ECHELON, that have set precedent for the government’s clandestine agenda. Source,


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