Morgan Le Fay tos8Sponsorsehd · INVITE US INTO YOUR PRESENCE! Beloved Kwan Yin told us: May I offer you the blessings of beloved Mary, the blessed Nada and Leto, and of those great sisters of light who represent the cosmic virtues — the Goddess of Truth, the Goddess of Light, the Goddess of Justice, the Goddess of Liberty, the great Goddess of Purity, and all the other members who represent the feminine aspect of divinity.We come now into close association with mankind through the intellectual consciousness at this time, but as the great activity of the Maha Chohan, as representative of the Holy Spirit working through the Master Saint Germain in the New Age, is directly concerned with the FEELING NATURE, then more and more will we come to the foreground and offer our qualities, not only to the women, but to the gentle men of the race, and as our qualities are absorbed and woven into the nature of the individual, we shall see God-mastery, God-balance, and God-maturity between the feminine and the masculine aspects of the one lifestream.I have endeavored for many, many centuries to raise and redeem the consciousness of the women of the race who, because of the mass pressures and accumulations of human creation in the world, have fallen below the moral standards which form the natural activity of the feminine aspect of life. There shall come a day in the near future when Temples of Mercy and Compassion will be established in the physical octave of earth, through which the women of the race may be again restored to the dignity which they knew in those early Golden Ages.May I bless your hearts and souls, and thank you for inviting us into your presence.MAY I ASK THAT WHENEVER THE OPPORTUNITY AFFORDS ITSELF, YOU MAY ENCOURAGE THE CHILDREN OF EARTH TO INVITE US INTO THEIR HOMES, THEIR HEARTS, THEIR FEELINGS, FOR THUS WE SET UP THE MOMENTUM AND AVAIL OURSELVES OF THE OPPORTUNITY TO BRING THE BLESSINGS WHICH ARE OUR GIFTS TO LIFE, INTO YOUR WORLD AND YOUR EXPERIENCE.I thank you.Journal 1, The Bridge to Freedom, AMTF
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