Disclaimer: Universal Lighthouse does not follow any political Narrative, But aims to bring Full Disclosure. However, we will be posting some content that may have a Political Agenda. Please use full Discernment.
It's about putting the Puzzle pieces together,
What you are about to see is a very disturbing Agenda of the Darkest of the Dark on this planet. This is all connected to Extraterrestrial Interference. I have Stated before that nothing is as it seems.
The USA is now beginning to block its citizens from all content they do not want us to see on mainstream outlets such as Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook. They have recently just Blocked RT and Ruptly Channels on Youtube. All of this is a New World Order take over, and you must wake up now if you want to stop it from happening.
(Reese Report) Klaus Schwab & Hunter Biden Connected To Ukraine Bio-Labs.
Subscribe to RedpillUSAPatriots on Rumble

This Video is very important to listen to.
U.N. Security Council Meeting on Ukraine
The United Nations Security Council meets at Russia’s request to discuss claims of military biological activities by the United States in Ukraine.
This is the Russian Ambassador for the UN Claims of Proof of USA involvement in BIOLABS In Ukraine ... IN ENGLISH
On Tuesday, the US government’s Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland testified before a Senate Foreign Relation Committee hearing on Ukraine in Washington, DC, and said that the United States was working with Ukraine to prevent invading Russian forces from seizing biological research material.
When asked she did not say whether the Labs where involved in the eventual making of Bio Weapons.
US Admits 'Biological Research Facility' In Ukraine; Cites 'Concern' About Russian Troops
Ted Cruz disclosing that the Virus did indeed come from the Wohan Biolab.
FAUCI to Testify over the Money he sent to Wohan BIOLAB
Dr. Fauci must testify under oath about money given to Wuhan lab: Rand Paul
"Fauci is in the witness protection now": Florida Governor Ron DeSantis | LiveFEED®
Check Out The New Book: A Course in Cosmic Light Work: The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies
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