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**EVENT UPDATE** ~ 1/1/24 ~ IT HAS BEGUN!! ~ X5.01 Solar Flare ~ The Galactic Federation

The Ascension Event Update for January 1, 2024

Greetings, Dear Family of Light,

Welcome to your New Year 2024, and to The Massive Energies Coming your Way. It Has Begun!! Things have been quite busy the last few of your Earth days, preparing you for the Jump into the New Timeline as order by divine decree. To bring in your New Year, the Earth Began pushing 6th Degree Energies on December 30th. But, that was just the beginning.

We will remind everyone that your Earths Natural frequency was 7.83 hertz while she was in the 3rd dimension. it has now raised significantly. and is more based between 15 and 20 Hertz. as she moves higher in vibration and into the 5th dimension.

The Earths Schumann Resonance had a Black-out for over 36 hours. But when it returned, it showed extreme Activity. The first significant peak started at 1:00 am UTC on The 30th. It reached Power 56hz at 11:00 pm UTC.

And Then At 1:00 am UTC on the 31st, three consecutive and close movements occurred, Power 57hz at 1, Power 55hz at 1:30 UTC, and reached it's high Power 62hz at 4:00 UTC. This central phase of activity closed with the peak at 5:30 UTC which reached Power 46hz. Other significant oscillations of the frequencies led to other minor peaks between 12:00pm and 6:00 pm UTC, the maximum was Power 38hz at 4:00 pm UTC. At the time of this update the frequencies continue to be very unstable and one has the impression that the movements continue.

The last day of 2024 passed with intense activity with many oscillations in both frequency and amplitude lasting until 6:00 UTC. So Far for your New Year's Day, The high Power is at 19hz.

Then to Top these beautiful energies off proper, On your New Years Eve, to bring in the New Year, Your Solar Logos Ejected a Massive X5.01 Solar Flare. This flare was 4 times the strength of your Previous X Class on the 14th of December. and will push in a mass awakening for Humanity. This Flare is the Biggest one you have had in the last 6 years.

These Energies Are being Earth Based directed.

Within 48 hours the Energies will reach the earth, which could cause significant power outages and internet interruptions.

During the Flare, The Earth also received Xray Waves reaching beyond the Graph measurements. Registering at 40 to 60 hertz. This wave is now sweeping the Earth.


All of this activity has caused over 104 Earthquakes above level 2, in the last 48 hrs of your Earth Time. with a 5.3 in Baiyin China, a 5.1 in the Sandwich Islands and. a 5.4 southwest of Africa. However, that was just the beginning. The Earth's surface frequencies was released and centered around Japan. There has been over 27 substantial earthquakes all over Japan. Most of these Quakes centered around Anamizu, Japan. These included a massive 6.9 and 7.5 early this Morning.

These new Frequencies, are not letting up anytime soon. The Earth and all her inhabitants, are moving very quickly into the 5th degree.

All of this Energy is being sent by the Infinite Creator to Push you into the New Timeline. This timeline is to ensure Humanities Awakening. It was a success. And you are now headed for a mass awakening of Humanity, and well on the Road of your Ascension.

The Divine Order is being Implemented, and will continue. The Cosmic Rays, will also be amped up by your Star families. Everything is being amped up. As you receive these energies, many may have what you would consider ascension symptoms. These can include headaches, and body aches, and even cold like symptoms.

Remember to stay hydrated, and keep focused on raising your own frequencies. As the Earth Raises in the Light, so must you.

Everything is about to Change on your Planet, as all of these High Frequencies penetrate the Human Collective, it will allow for the Mass awakening to begin.

As More awaken More will reject the Governmental Control structure, which is what you consider as the Matrix. It has nowhere to go but to fall.

You are in for a grand New Year. Enjoy the Ride.

We Love you and Honor you,

We are the Galactic Federation

This has been the ascension Event Update for January 1st 2024

Channeled By Chellea Wilder, at


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By Chellea Wilder

The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies
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