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Earthquakes, Fires & Other Cataclysms ~ The Arcturian Council

Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been watching and noticing what has been transpiring there on your planet, on your home, and we want you all to know that you are doing wonderfully well with handling all of the changes that you experience there. We know that it is easy, and somewhat of a natural tendency, to look for someone to blame when there are tragedies that occur there on your Mother Earth. We know that there can be a lot of finger pointing going on whenever there is a disaster of any kind. With any cataclysmic event that occurs there on Earth, you’re going to have the theories as to why it occurred and who is to blame.

Now, from where we sit, it is so much more important for you all to look at the way anything that happens, there on Earth, or in your lives. can bring about more love, healing, compassion, and forgiveness from you.

That’s what is always needed when there is a tragic event there on planet Earth. You need the lightworkers to rise above the conspiracies, and the theories, and the conjecture. so that the love and healing that is spread around to all affected by the tragic events will do what it can do to bring peace to the hearts of all affected. In finger-pointing and blame there is no peace. And while many people feel it is necessary to do so in order to prevent a tragedy from occurring again in the future, they don’t understand how reality works.

They don’t understand that reality is always co-creation, and so it is a fruitless endeavor to look for anyone to blame and to create more of the 3D consciousness of victim and perpetrator. You are moving out of that consciousness now, and you are coming together more as a collective to support those affected by tragedy and trauma with your compassion, with your understanding. And if there are people at fault for something, then to really raise your level of consciousness, you must look for forgiveness within yourselves. And forgiveness comes after you accept, you make peace, and you process the emotions that you do feel. We know that everything that is created there on Earth is created for the experience, for the emotion, and for the evolution, and it is not a learning experience. It is not about figuring out how, with the mind, to prevent something from occurring in the future, when the everything that occurs serves a higher purpose.

The higher purpose is always about bringing you together. It’s always about unity, and you get that when you focus on how you can be a part of the solution, how you can bring people together. Again, blame and finger pointing is all about separation. It’s all about drawing lines in the sand when something is occurring or something has occurred. And you, as the Awakened Collective, are there to rise above that level of consciousness and to be the ones who hold space for the better, new Earth experience, while simultaneously offering compassion, healing, love and forgiveness right there on the Earth where you are.

Because from where we are sitting, that’s all you can really do to be of service and to help your fellow humans to heal what they need to heal when they have gone through the tragedy or the trauma. And if you are one of the ones who has, then it is also necessary to focus on what you’re feeling, what you’re thinking, what you’re believing, how you can heal from all of it, and how you can build something new from whatever has occurred that has left you standing in a pile of tears.

You’re always meant to co-create something better from whatever is occurring, and you can and you will do that when there is no resistance, when there is no more stuck energy to release, and when you can see the possibilities for the brighter future that the tragedy has then created for all of humankind. As we said, that’s your work there as the Awakened Collective, and it is hard work, it is challenging work, but it is the work that you signed up for in this lifetime.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Earthquakes, Fires & Other Cataclysms. ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton at


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