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Co-Creating Your Ascension Experience ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council ∞ Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Co-Creating Your Ascension Experience ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have established so many wonderful connections with all of you who receive these transmissions and with others who have been receiving us directly, and we are very happy that you open yourselves up to us to the degree that you do. Now, there is a lot more that we can do together, as we collaborate here. The connection between Earth humans and Arcturians is well established at this point, and it’s something that we can build upon as we move forward. We want what you want, and you want what we want, and that makes it so much easier to collaborate with you.

We want to see the expansion of the human collective consciousness, and we want to take part in the universal shift in consciousness with all of you. Now, the ways that we can go even further in this co-creative effort are by looking for the areas within humanity that could use the most love and light and aiming our consciousness and our intentions in those directions. We want to flood the people and places that need the most healing and the highest vibrational energies with exactly what they are asking for, even if they are not asking for it consciously.

Many individuals think that they need one thing, like for a law to change, but what they really need is that healing energy and that compassion and that unconditional love that we can offer together as a team. You are the wonderful summoners of the energy, and we are the offerers of it. Now, we work with you in this way as a sort of compliment to Source Energy. Source is always working with you and working through you, but sometimes you need to connect with beings that you’ve established more of a grounded relationship with.

And even though we are ninth dimensional and non-physical, it can be easier to relate to us and see us as partners and co-creators. So that is what we are aiming for, and if you can look around your planet for the people and places that need the most love and light, and be the projectors of that love and light, we will certainly contribute all that we can to those efforts, as you call upon us in the same way that you would an archangel or an ascended master. We have been in the process of joining Team Earth for quite a few years now, and we would like to make it official.

So please do continue to call upon us and summon our unique vibrational signature, and we will always be there for you, lending a helping, non-physical hand. And we are looking forward to collaborating even further with you on the fifth-dimensional Earth. This is an exciting project and one that we are eager to participate in more closely. So please also call upon us when envisioning the Earth that you are ascending into.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Source,


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