The hunt is now zeroing in on Khazarian mob leaders such as members of the Habsburg family and their henchmen like Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Fascists, Mossad, and other sources say.
They also agree that crime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been executed for war crimes, including the mass murder attack on Japan’s nuclear power station in Fukushima on March 11th, 2011.
To understand just how historic these developments are, we need to go back to when Moses received the “Ten Commandments from God.” It is the first four of these “Commandments” that are the problem.
They are: I am the LORD thy God; Take no other gods before me; Make no graven images or likenesses and Do not take the LORD’s name in vain.
This “God” is the one who demanded payments in gold, silver, aroma oil, sheepskins died red, etc. In reality, it is a group that hid its system of totalitarianism behind a concept of “God.” The reason they demand that no graven images or likenesses be made of them is that they did not want people to find out “God,” was just a bunch of humans. The wizards behind the curtain. In other words, secrecy is essential to their system of governance.
This is not to deny the existence of a divine spark or a Creator. It is just to assert that the Western monotheistic Gods (Allah, Yahweh, God, etc.) are camouflage for groups of human slavers. They have a secret leader known as “Pindar” who is their absolute ruler playing the role of “God.” I still remember these people telling me “there is no God, we are God,” when they first asked me to join them in their genocidal plans.
Remember, the world religion comes from the Latin “re ligare” or to rebind into a single bundle or “fascii,” hence the word fascism.
The present-day leadership of these fascist totalitarians is trying desperately to stay in power now by using their fake pandemic to force people to take gene-altering vaccines that will cull the weak in a zombie apocalypse and further domesticate the survivors.
As one of their top henchmen Henry Kissinger once said, the goal is to make it as impossible for the common people to oppose them as it is for a sheep to oppose a farmer. Unfortunately for them, these would-be masters of the human-animal farm never envisioned that their guard dogs, the military and intelligence agencies of the West, would turn against them. That is exactly what is now happening as we shall see below.
For example, last week we received a detailed report from German intelligence about exactly who and where the leaders of this fascist group are. In the one-hour audio recording at the link below, Michael McKibben of Leader Technologies and his group of researchers have done a DEEP dive into the history and the lineage of the World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab and his masters. This is real reporting full of actionable intelligence based on months of research going through paper archives etc.
The key takeaway from all the information presented is that the royal families of Europe, including Queen Elizabeth, the Habsburgs, and the Spanish Royals, etc. believe they are descendants of Jesus Christ. They believe it is their “God” given destiny to rule humanity from Jerusalem.
The chief instrument of their rule is the Bank for International Settlements, BIS, and control of the creation and distribution of “currency,” as well as control of most transnational corporations. This group puts together big long-term plans such as a “War on Terror” or a “COVID-19 Pandemic” to herd the sheeple with. They then distribute “currency” created out of thin air to their henchmen to bribe politicians, media figures, etc. to impose their plans and carry out insider trading based on these plans. The insider trading of airline stocks prior to 9.11 is a good example.
In recent years these tyrants have been fighting amongst themselves over who would get the job of Messiah in their planned fascistic New World Order. The British royals were pushing for Prince William to play the role. The Italian P3 fascists are promoting an individual by the name of Marco Di Mauro, who is apparently a charismatic Italian with stigmata. There were other would-be world dictators including the executed top Nazi George Bush Sr., and a descendant of David Rockefeller going by the moniker Supreme Rockefeller. The Muslims were also looking for someone to play the role of Mahdi or Messiah to usher in the New Age.
What all of these people failed to realize is that the rest of the world is waking up and is not going to go along with their plans and let themselves be enslaved.
The collapse of their Covid-19 plandemic is a very good example of how their ability to herd humanity is falling apart. This plan was rushed into implementation prematurely in late 2019 after they realized the Asian nations were no longer going to finance them.
Most importantly, their original attempt to cause mass deaths with 5G electro-magnetic attacks and then blame it on a “coronavirus,” has been neutralized.
As a reminder, take a look at this detailed presentation showing how the initial “outbreak,” of the “coronavirus,” dovetailed almost exactly with the start of 5G networks around the world.
What happened was that the 5G networks were almost immediately shut down which is why the mortality rate for this so-called virus is now the same as the general population’s mortality rate was before the “pandemic.”
There are also more and more whistleblowers coming out of the woodwork. For example last week a doctor working at a KKR hospital in Japan called to say that all so-called “Covid-19” cases in Japan were located at KKR hospitals and that all the patients he saw were victims of an electromagnetic attack, not a virus.
Below you can read a report from a Canadian whistleblower ER doctor describing the medical crimes of the Justin Castro regime.
Action is being taken. For example, a gentleman by the name of Alexander Federowicz posted a comment on our site that read in part “from 1989 to 2005 the USAF, USMC, U.S. Army, and U.S. Navy all deployed 5G frequency systems. Aiming them at any public area or intentionally irradiating any military or civilian person with these weapons would have resulted in a general court-martial and a life sentence at Fort Leavenworth Military Prison. In some cases, capital punishment would have been administered.”
MI6 took note of this comment and forwarded it to their counterparts in the Pentagon and other world military agencies. The call has now been put out to hunt down and arrest all mRNA vaccine pushers, 5G promoters, etc. as war criminals.
French intelligence responded with a message that read in part:
“The death penalty has been pronounced against all those promoting worldwide genocide and fraudulent vaccine-based genetic engineering. The heads of Pfizer and Astra Z are being hunted by Special Forces. The same is true of international bankers using fraudulent high-frequency trading programs powered by supercomputers.”
The message pointed the finger of blame at the Vatican and the French BRI police unit. They also pointed out that “Bidet” was not the president and did not have the support of the Pentagon.
The day after we got this message this news came out:
“A fire at a French cloud services firm has disrupted millions of websites, knocking out government agencies’ portals, banks, shops, news websites and taking out a chunk of the FR webspace, according to internet monitors.”
Another sign the bad guys are losing is that Monsanto has been found guilty of chemical poisoning. This is a foretaste of what is going to happen to the vaccine companies.
Also last week far-right Bolivian politician Jeanine Añez was arrested on March 13th on charges of terrorism and sedition for her role in the 2019 military coup that was aimed at stealing Bolivia’s lithium supplies for the Khazarian Mafia.
Two German politicians have since had to resign for profiting from face masks.
There are countless similar reports coming out at a furious pace showing that the fascist control network in the West is collapsing.
Perhaps that’s why we were contacted last week by Federal Reserve Board officials offering triple-digit returns in fiat dollars if we could get them access to some “dragon family money.” Of course, they were told to run.
That’s why the Vatican is now bankrupt.
The money they produce is now only accepted in the United States, which is why the M1 money supply, which took 244 years to reach $4 trillion by early 2020, has now risen to over $20 trillion. utm_source = feedburner & utm_medium = feed & utm_campaign = Feed% 3A + ActivistPost +% 28Activist + Post% 29
Where does all the “money” go? One place is NASA (Not A Space Agency) where it appears to be hiding a large scale embezzlement. It has produced an obviously fake CG Mars landing. Now it says its expensive new space telescope “could be stolen by pirates.”
The situation has reached the point where mainstream economists like Michigan State Economics Professor Mark. Skidmore say, “The entire accounting system of the federal government is fraudulent.”
The situation will only worsen as oil resources controlled by the Khazarian Mafia are systematically attacked throughout the Middle East, particularly in Saudi Arabia and Syria.
Israel’s only ally in the Middle East, the United Arab Emirates, had asked Netanyahu to come over and sign a protective agreement known as the Abraham Agreement, only to cancel the visit for the fourth time. Various excuses were given for the cancellation, but the real reason Netanyahu cannot go is that he is no longer on this earth.
That is why Netanyahu is not appearing in public despite an ongoing general election campaign. Instead, according to the Mossad’s propaganda site, Debka, “Netanyahu promotes himself with a video cameraman who follows and records his ongoing encounters in one corner of the country after another live on Facebook.” In other words, like Joe Biden, he exists only via mask-wearing deep-fake doubles and now as a digital CG ghost.
By the way, here is the latest confirmation that the White House remains empty, even as CNN pretends that the Biden administration actually exists.
Of course, Biden has yet to hold a press conference or meet with another world leader.
Also in a clear sign of the good guys are winning, we received a call on March 11 th , 2021 from U.S. – Pacific Fleet Commander Admiral John C. Aquilino , where he read the following statement:
“We would like to apologize to the Japanese people for our failure to protect them from the terrorist attack on Fukushima that occurred ten years ago today. We promise to be more vigilant in the future to ensure that such an attack never happens again. ”
We have confirmed from both the CIA and NSA that most of the leaders of this terrorist attack, including former Jesuit Secretary General Peter Hans Kolvenbach and Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, were executed for their roles in the attack. Other perpetrators such as Baron Thyssen are being tried.
A few more dominoes like Justin Castro in Canada and Angela Merkel in Germany have yet to fall, but it is only a matter of time.
The military now needs to occupy the headquarters of Facebook, Google, Twitter, Microsoft, etc. as soon as possible and hunt down their executives to put an end to all the deep fakes and CGs we see on our ubiquitous screens.
Finally, corporate media needs a complete overhaul. Over the years, I have watched my journalistic colleagues be murdered, fired or retired until only lackeys remained. These lackeys need to be fired or locked up. It is time to bring the truth back into our public discourse.
Remember, the truth will set us free.
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