This is the Ascension Update for August 17th, 2024.
Blessings to all.
Throughout the last few days of your Timespace, Your Mother Earth has shown major signs of shifting into the higher spectrum of 5th Dimension. She is surging energies up to 7th dimensional frequencies.
We wish to remind those who are new to this understanding. Your Mother Earth's frequencies, were at a steady 7.83 hertz while she slumbered within the 3rd Dimension. Now, Your Mother Earth is awake and is consciously raising her vibrations. This gives you an Idea of how Far she has come within her ascension.
On August 15th, there were significant frequency oscillations, occasionally dropping below the base value, causing some background instability. These conditions resulted in high amplitude peaks, reaching a maximum of 71 hertz at 1: 00 am UTC, followed by another peak of 61 hertz at 2:30 am UTC.
Then yesterday, August 16th, there was a continuous series of strong frequency oscillations. The amplitude peaks were within 5th, 6th, and 7th dimensional frequencies, occurring in two phases: the first from midnight to 3:00 am UTC and the second from 7:00 am to 12:00 pm UTC. The initial movement during the first phase peaked at 75 hertz shortly after 1:00 am UTC, followed by a maximum of 80 hertz shortly after 2:00 am UTC. The second phase, lasting 5 hours, had peaks at 60 hertz at 9:30 am UTC and 44 hertz at 11:00 am UTC. At The Time of this update Today's frequencies are still showing signs of elevation, as the Schumann Graph is indicating a Black-out at the Moment.
This intense boost of Energies shows that the Earth is well within the higher 4th dimension, and is pushing into the 5th, 6th, and 7th dimensional frequencies. This is a process we refer to as Energetic Purification. For Humans, this will be very intense and personal vibrations.
These exciting new energies surging from your Dear Mother Earth, is aligned with strength and Purification, and represents a powerful force that has the ability to facilitate Great Change. This surge will initiate the elimination, dissolution, and dispersal of all unnecessary energies that may be lingering within your mind, emotions, being, and most definitely your reality.
It will bring forth transformation, encouraging you to let go of anything that no longer serves your highest good. This powerful surge of energy is a beacon of light, illuminating the corners of your inner world where doubts and fears reside. As it flows through you, it sweeps away this fear, and doubt, creating space for Love, and purpose to blossom.
Imagine it as a cleansing river, washing away the debris of past experiences and beliefs that no longer align with your true essence. In this process of energetic purification, you may be confronted with aspects of yourself that you have long ignored or suppressed.
Emotions that have been buried deep within, may rise to the surface, demanding to be acknowledged and released.
At present, there is a sense of confusion permeating Earth's collective consciousness as numerous lower vibrations are rising to the surface, clamoring to be acknowledged and released. Old wounds and stagnant energies, such as anger, frustration, limitations, and boundaries, are resurfacing to be purged not only within yourself but within all beings sharing this current timeline.
While it may feel as though the intensity of these lower vibrations is unrelenting, it is important to remember that this process is temporary and necessary for collective healing and growth.
It is a challenging yet liberating journey of Inner-discovery, where you are invited to confront your shadows with courage and compassion.
As you surrender to the transformative power of this energy surge, you open yourself up to a profound shift in consciousness. Old patterns and habits that once held you back begin to crumble, making way for new opportunities and possibilities to emerge.
You may feel a sense of lightness and freedom as you shed the layers of conditioning that have weighed you down, revealing the radiant essence of your true self. Embrace this surge of energy with an open heart and a willingness to embrace change. Trust in the process of transformation, knowing that it is guiding you towards a more authentic and fulfilling existence.
The Energetic Purification process has begun for both Earth and Humanity. Allow yourself to be swept away by the Pure Love Light Energies of change, knowing that they are leading you Higher in the Light of the Infinite Creator.
We love you, and celebrate your Light within.
We are The Galactic Federation.
This has been the Ascension Update for August 17th, 2024
Transmission Received and Researched By Chellea Wilder at Universal Lighthouse
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