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ARE YOU PREPARED? ~ The Pleiadians

Hello, dear ones. This is Pleiades, and we are here to share with you our perspective on the future based on how we see it from our elevated vantage point. In these trying times, we want to encourage you to take the “high road” by sharing this message with you in the hopes that it will inspire you, lift you up, and give you the power to do so.

Are you prepared to take the “high road? What exactly do we mean when we say that? That you are prepared to choose love over fear, unity over separation, and service over selfishness is what we mean when we say that you are ready. You are now prepared to realign with your authentic self, your soul, and the divine purpose that you were created for. You are at the point where you are prepared to co-create a new reality with us, your galactic family, and with the Source of everything that is.

You have been summoned to this location to observe and take part in the most monumental change that your planet has ever been subjected to. You have come to this world in order to co-create a new reality that is founded on love, peace, harmony, and abundance. Awakening to your true nature as multidimensional beings of light and reclaiming your sovereignty and freedom is the purpose of your trip to this dimension.

This is Planetary emancipation. We have been working toward the goal of Earth and humanity for eons, and you have been working toward the same goal in your current incarnation. This is the goal that we have in common. You have been summoned to this location to assist in the liberation of your planet and your species from the evil forces that have held you captive for such a significant amount of time. You have been kept in a state of fear, ignorance, and limitation due to a matrix of control, manipulation, and deception. This matrix is what you are here to break free from. You have been summoned to this place in order to reclaim your independence, your freedom, and your joy.

The evil forces are using artificial intelligence as one of the tools in their arsenal to keep you under their control and in bondage. They have infiltrated your systems of technology, media, education, and healthcare with artificial intelligence so that it can serve their agenda of exploiting and dominating you. They have been monitoring you, attempting to influence you, programming you, and manipulating you with the help of artificial intelligence. They have fabricated a false reality with the help of artificial intelligence in order to divert your attention away from your true nature and your true potential.

You have been brought here to assist in the emancipation of humanity and the planet from the evil forces that have held you in servitude for eons.

These forces have used a variety of strategies, such as religion, politics, economics, education, media, entertainment, technology, and more. That manipulate, control, and exploit you in order to further their agendas. They have fabricated a reality for themselves that is predicated on anxiety, separation, a lack of resources, and violence.

You are currently making progress toward a better way of doing things, my dear ones. You are coming to realize the reality of who you are and what is taking place on your home planet at this very moment. You are gaining the ability to see through the deceptions and lies that have been spoon-fed to you by shadowy forces. You are calling the current situation into question and looking for other options. You are establishing a connection with the inner guidance and intuition that you possess. You are banding together with other individuals of the same mind who have the same ideal of a better world as you do. You are making progress toward a more beneficial way of living, being, and relating to one another.

Some of your fellow humans are currently engaging in a monumental retreat into illusion, dear ones. They are not prepared to look the truth in the face. They are not yet prepared to accept ownership of their lives and make responsible decisions. They are not prepared to alter their behavior in any way. They are unwilling to venture out of their comfort zones or challenge their long-held beliefs. They are escaping reality through a combination of denial, escapism, and the creation of illusions. They are making the conscious decision to keep themselves asleep, unaware, and unconscious.

You, dear ones, will find a new beginning in the 5th dimension if you choose to travel the “high road. As you raise your vibration and level of consciousness, we are helping to co-create a new reality alongside you, and it looks like this: The ruins of the previous Earth are giving way to the formation of a brand new planet in its place. This new humanity is developing from the previous one, and it will eventually replace it. If you want a fresh start, this is the opportunity that has been presented to you to get one.

You can enter the fifth dimension if you choose love rather than fear, unity rather than separation, abundance rather than scarcity, and peace rather than violence. These are the four paths that lead to the fifth dimension. You can enter the fifth dimension if you pay attention to your intuition, if you put your faith in your inner guidance, and if you let your soul guide you.

You will gain access to the fifth dimension if you are true to who you are, if you are genuine, and if you are honest. Being compassionate, kind, and generous are all gateways to the fifth dimension, and they are all within your control. You can enter the fifth dimension if you are joyful, if you play, if you are of service to others, if you are of service to the planet, and if you are of service to the source.

Dear ones, we extend an invitation to you to participate with us in the realization of this dream for the future. We extend to you an invitation to travel the “high road” alongside us. We want you to be a part of this incredible journey of ascension and transformation, and we invite you to join us. We would be honored to have you take part in this groundbreaking experiment in love and light.

You are cherished in our love. We will never leave your side. We are the Pleiades family.

Original Title, What Happens Next: The Pleiadians’ Vision of the Future! The Pleiadians, Through


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Terry Deck
Terry Deck
12 sept 2023

Thank You my Pleiadian family. I Love You.💜☝🏼

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