“there is a quality of life and intelligence to all matter. The living universe.” ~ Giordano Bruno (1548-1600), cosmological theorist, philosopher, mathematician and poet, burned at the stake due to his controversial views and heresy.
In today's world we see a very big demand for crystals. Especially through the spiritual communities. Everyone finds them very beautiful, and they can be energized with whatever energies you wish to work with. But is crystals a living consciousness? We know that quartz can hold data, and therefore can be used in our technology and we know that they actually grow.
Crystals most definitely have a “lively” energy. Even Like other living beings on planet earth, they do require a source of food (Minerals), helping them form and grow. They radiate at high vibrations, and never know death.
Just like water they can hold memory or information.
One of the main differences is that Stones are always hard while a Rock can be hard or soft. Both are formed from minerals. Crystals are a solid material comprised of ions, atoms and molecules that are arranged in a repeating pattern to become solid. ... So a Clear Quartz is not a Rock or a Stone...it is a Crystal.
Now lets look at the 7 Hermetic Laws. Number 1 is Hermetic Law of Mind; all is mind and everything is energy.
If you study crystals you’ll realize that they effortlessly express beauty, form & consciousness in a geometric way. This is a method of communication, and may be THE PREFERRED universal method of communication.
If we take a look at the evidence for how the first DNA strand (a sacred spiral) came into existence – that spiral seems to have actually evolved from a crystal prototype or an actual crystal itself! – more specifically actually a clay-silicon-included crystal. (Silicon is a basic ingredient of quartz.) Silicon actually grows in a spiral.
It grows in a spiral.
So does DNA, which is also Crystalline in nature.
Are crystals alive? Let’s see where our crystals measure up, shall we?
Right now the general consensus in science regarding what makes something a “living thing” are these criteria:
complexityaccess some sort of food for energy ability to grow ability to reproduceability to evolve in order to survive changing conditions
BTW, crystals do indeed consume various forms of energy present in a supersaturated solution in order to form.
How do Crystals Grow?
Born of fluid, heat, and pressure, minerals dazzle us with their breathtaking colors and shapes and astonish us with their usefulness. They are forged underground, where forces that have been at work for billions of years continue to make more minerals. A mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic (nonliving) solid having a specific chemical composition.
Most minerals occur naturally as crystals. Every crystal has an orderly, internal pattern of atoms, with a distinctive way of locking new atoms into that pattern to repeat it again and again. The shape of the resulting crystaL-such as a cube (like salt) or a six-sided form (like a snowflake)-mirrors the internal arrangement of the atoms. As crystals grow, differences in temperature and chemical composition cause fascinating variations. But students will rarely find in their backyard the perfectly shaped mineral crystals that they see in a museum. This is because in order to readily show their geometric form and flat surfaces, crystals need ideal growing conditions and room to grow. When many different crystals grow near each other, they mesh together to form a conglomerated mass. This is the case with most rocks, such as granite mentioned above, which is made up of many tiny mineral crystals. The museum-quality specimens shown in the images here grew in roomy environments that allowed the geometric shapes to form uninhibited.
The internal arrangement of atoms determines all the minerals' chemical and physical properties, including color. Light interacts with different atoms to create different colors. Many minerals are colorless in their pure state; however, impurities of the atomic structure cause color. Quartz, for example, is normally colorless, but occurs in a range of colors from pink to brown to the deep purple of amethyst, depending on the number and type of impurities in its structure. In its colorless state, quartz resembles ice. In fact, the root for crystal comes from the Greek word krystallos-ice-because the ancient Greeks believed clear quartz was ice frozen so hard it could not melt.
Scientists typically describe crystals as "growing," even though they don't believe them to be alive. In subterranean gardens, they branch and bristle as trillions of atoms connect in regular three-dimensional patterns. Each crystal starts small and grows as more atoms are added. Many grow from water rich in dissolved minerals, but they also grow from melted rock and even vapor. Under the influence of different temperatures and pressures, atoms combine in an amazing array of crystal shapes. It is this variety and perfection of form and symmetry that has long drawn scientists to the study of minerals. Symmetry is a regular, repeated pattern of component parts. Symmetry is everywhere in nature-the paired wings of a butterfly, the whorls and petals in a sunflower, the pattern of a snowflake, the legs of a spider-and minerals are no exception. In crystals, these repeated patterns occur within the basic atomic structure and reflect the pattern of faces of the crystal. You often can see the characteristic symmetry of a mineral crystal with the naked eye, but if the crystal is tiny, then you may need to look at it with a magnifying glass or microscope (as will be demonstrated in Lesson Plan 2). Recognizing symmetrical patterns in crystals may be difficult at first, but experience helps: the more specimens you look at, the more symmetry-and crystals-you will recognize. However, some specimens do not have well-formed crystals and are difficult even for experts to classify.
Many crystals have signature shapes— like the cascade of pointed quartz or a pile of galena cubes. Every crystal’s atoms have a defining feature: their organized, repeating pattern. The pattern isn't restricted to minerals- sand, ice, metals and DNA also have crystalline structures. So what causes them to grow into these shapes again and again? Graham Baird dives into the unique properties of crystals.
The Video below describes the mineral composition of Crystals.
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