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WELCOME TO APRIL!! - Cosmic Light Forecast April 2023

This is Universal Lighthouse, Cosmic Light Forecast, for April 2023

Welcome to April! We made it!

March always seems like a Long, drawn out Month that never can decide whether to be the Lion, or The Lamb. When we finally see April, it feels like spring is finally here.,

Welcome to a brand-new month of sunshine, flowers blooming, and, oh yeah, some cosmic action too. This month, the stars are aligning in a way that’ll make you want to jump up and shout, “I’m alive!”

That’s right; it’s time to leave those winter blues behind and embrace the energy of renewal and rebirth. So, what does that mean for your energy forecast? Well, let’s say that April will be one exciting ride.

April is known as the fourth month. However, the collective numerology of April 2023 carries the “number two” vibrations of duality, harmony, balance, and inner peace.

The energy of 2 also holds the rhythmic vibrations of, Cooperation, Trust and faith, Inner twin flame union, and Finding your divine purpose.

This is What to Expect Astrologically, in April 2023.

April is infused with celestial magic and captivating energy, promising a plethora of wondrous experiences for those attuned to its high vibrations. A Full Moon in Libra on The 6th, graces the skies, painting them with an enchanting aura of balance, harmony, and beauty.

This celestial spectacle encourages us to seek meaningful connections and relationships with those around us. Adding to this divine symphony is the Solar Eclipse on April 19th, which dazzles us with its ethereal glow, heralding new beginnings and profound transformations.

Finally, Taurus season fills the air with the sweet fragrance of abundance and prosperity, urging us to cultivate a deeper connection with the earth and savor every moment. The potent energy of the Sun in Taurus invites us to delve deep into our innermost being and connect with the ancient wisdom of the earth.

It is a time of deep introspection and self-reflection as we seek to unlock the secrets of the soul and our highest potential.

This oracle brings a message of excitement and anticipation as you are guided to embrace a period of fertile creativity and manifestation in your inner world. This is also a time to tap into your innate creative powers and witness how effortlessly your thoughts and feelings manifest in the world around you.

In this fertile period, we are being called to trust in our creative powers and let go of any doubts or fears that may be holding us back. It is a time to take bold steps toward our goals and dreams, knowing that the Universe supports us every step.

Next, is How to Make Productive Use of April’s Energy.

Practice gratitude.

Daily practice expressing gratitude for the blessings in your life. This can be as simple as writing down three things you are grateful for each morning or saying a prayer of thanks before you go to bed at night. Cultivating a spirit of gratitude helps open your heart and invites more abundance and blessings.

Mediate on the energy of new beginnings.

Take time each day to sit quietly and reflect on the energy of new beginnings that is present in the world around you. Visualize yourself shedding the old and welcoming in the new, and allow this energy to infuse you with renewed purpose and vitality.

Use crystals and incense.

Crystals and incense can be powerful tools for enhancing your spiritual practice and connecting with the energies of April. Try connecting with rose quartz, citrine, lavender, and palo santo.

Set intentions for the month.

At the beginning of the month, set intentions for what you want to manifest in your life.

Seek spiritual community.

Connect with others who share your spiritual values and beliefs. For example, attend a workshop, join a meditation group, or contact a friend who shares your interest in spirituality. Being part of a supportive spiritual community can help you feel more connected and inspired, and provide valuable guidance and encouragement.

April is about embracing the present moment with a sense of purpose and clarity while letting go of the past and stepping out of our comfort zones. It’s a time of growth and expansion, calling us to be present and take bold steps toward our goals and dreams.

As we navigate this journey, we must remember the importance of self-care and self-love and prioritize our physical and spiritual well-being. By doing so, we can tap into the supportive energy of the universe and align with our deepest desires while experiencing a profound sense of inner peace and fulfillment.

Let us embrace this powerful energy and trust in the journey ahead.

Week 1, April 1 – 9

We start the month with positive changes. Passions are asking to be reawakened and passion in general for life, relationships and within yourself for all you wish to create. If you feel like you have had to conform or be a certain way, it is time to break out of these rigid ways.

Your belief in yourself to complete tasks or missions are being supported with the energy of Mother Earth.

The full moon to begin the month is a pink moon, a time to release self-imposed restrictions, so your true essence can be restored. Release the fears that make you afraid of who you are or who you want to be.

Expect these to be amplified at this time for their identification and release.

Week 2, April 10 – April 16

The energy of Easter arrives after the full moon, a time to bring about a new hobby or one that has not been actively pursued in a while. There is real support and backing for you to express yourself, taking last week’s passion and turning it into beauty in your life.

A traditionally spiritual week with Good Friday, there is also a collective sense of being renewed with hope and faith restored.

There are delights that await you when you begin to see that any separation is an illusion. Center and align your soul and self to be one this week. If you believe in angels – arch angel Michael is there to call upon as a spiritual warrior to help you.

Week 3: April 17 – April 23

Time to make some decisions this week, you may be feeling more sensitive than usual, and that is not a bad thing. Take some time to withdraw and retreat from anything that is harsh and overly stimulating. This sensitivity is to help you come back to yourself rather than getting overloaded with external energies. You will find your own mental clarity by thinking and feeling for yourself. Mercury Retrograde sets in this week, which means your communication needs to come from a place of clear thinking and speaking to ensure there are no misunderstandings.

Celebrate the small things and re-evaluate what you want based on what you have. It’s time to be aware and tune into your intuition and plan an exciting next step. During Mercury Retrograde it’s not about starting new things, it’s about looking at what you have and planning what’s next.

The new moon this week is also a solar eclipse. It will provide a space for you to plant the seeds of the exciting steps into the future but with the eclipse and the disappearance of the sun, it’s not a time to grow the seeds yet, just water the ideas. Mercury will help to keep an unrushed pace. Everything is a bit slow at this time, but this is great to really decide what you want.

Week 4: April 24 – April 30

A week of self-expression through creativity. Listen or play music to inspire positive mood changes and nurture your creative self. Creativity can step you out of any self-doubt and into a space of passion and to rebalance the mind to be able to provide ideas to unleash the wild side in you. This week, you are being asked to do something fun and ridiculous to get you out of your own mind.

With Mercury in retrograde, your relationships may feel a bit stuck and not on the same page, but the reason this may come up is because there is an opportunity here for you to find connection again.

Be like a child and believe in magic! Because when you do, wonderful feelings of joy and wonder can be found.

April is a time to reconnect and nurture yourself and your relationships. It’s time to take stock of your life, both physically and emotionally. Inject passion and fun by slowing down and leaning into your feelings. Any resistance or separation is working itself out for you to feel more deeply connected to yourself and others around you, giving you support, purpose and fulfillment.

Thank you, in so Much Love and Light... This was Universal Lighthouse Cosmic Light Forecast For April 2023 at


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Check Out The New Book: A Course in Cosmic Light Work: The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies

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A Course in Cosmic LIGHT Work
By Chellea Wilder

The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies
Available in
Paperback and Kindle Reader

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