Blessings Our Beautiful Family,
Join Us Saturday 3/30/24 at 3:30pm MST. For a Gathering of Light, All are invited to Join us as we Commune in Light, Love, Joy, and Healing. This is a Open Conversation, all can participate. We are Having the Gathering a half hour later than last week, to make it easier for others to come. Please join us, and Be a Part of a True Lightworker Team. We would Love to see everyone There.
Namaste' Family,
David and Chellea
PS. the Gathering is recorded for Video.
Zoom Room Information is always the Same, you can save it for easier access.
The Meeting Room Link if you do not have Zoom https://us06web.zoom.us/j/5054427084?pwd=3btt2Xz3VsOHbvudZ8mZglF56FrG3C.1
 Meeting ID: 505 442 7084 Passcode: Love
Time Zone Information ( Click Image to go to Time zone Website