TODAY*** 4/20/2024 3:30pm MST USA Denver Co. Time. Join us for a exploration into the Angelic's and the mission of the 144,000. We will be view videos clips of "Real Angels" and Diving Deep into their History with Humanity. We will also be discussing what "144,000" are and why they are here. We look forward to seeing everyone there.
In so much Love, Light and Joy,
David and Chellea
PS. the Gathering is recorded for Video.
Zoom Room Information is always the Same, you can save it for easier access.
The Meeting Room Link if you do not have Zoom https://us06web.zoom.us/j/5054427084?pwd=3btt2Xz3VsOHbvudZ8mZglF56FrG3C.1
 Meeting ID: 505 442 7084 Passcode: Love
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