Greetings, we are the Arcturians.
Thank you for this Transmission.
As we observe Humanities Awakening unfolding, a major shift in the Human consciousness is taking place, leading to the emergence of new truths and revelations. Alongside this awakening, we also see individuals grappling with these disclosures in various ways. Some are embracing the change with open arms, while others are resistant, choosing to close themselves off or even fight against the inevitable truth. This resistance stems from the deeply ingrained nature of the Ego mind, which often seeks to maintain the status quo and resist any form of transformation.
The concept of change can be unsettling for many, as it challenges their existing beliefs and perceptions. When faced with such transformative moments, the Ego mind may instinctively revert to a primal response known as the fight or flight mode.
This survival mechanism, deeply rooted in the Human mindset, can be triggered by lower emotional states and past experiences, causing individuals to either fight the truths head-on or retreat from them altogether. These fight or flight systems within the Ego are reflecting a range of past traumas, fears, and conditioning that shape your responses to change and uncertainty.Â
You may even witness this reaction in your personal lives and relationships. These are individuals who are shutting off the Light Switch, and not allowing for anything new within their lives. It is a common human tendency to resist change, especially when it challenges your existing beliefs and comfort zones.
For those who have these Fight or Flight instincts, they are not ready to hear their truth. They have not yet discovered it within themselves. So seeing others who have is threatening to them. It can be a daunting experience to confront one's own truths, as it requires a deep level of self-awareness and courage.
Many in these times are wondering what will happen to their loved ones who are not ready for the Ascension. It is natural to worry about the well-being of your loved ones, especially when you see them struggling or resisting growth.
We wish to enlighten you with the knowing that all will be okay. There is nothing to fear. Your loved ones are also Our Loved Ones, and also the Children of the One Creator. Each individual has their own spiritual journey and timeline for growth and evolution.
Each soul contract will determine the outcome for these individuals. You, as the Spark of Light within their lives, are leading them towards a better way of being. Your presence and support serve as a guiding light for them in their own journey of self-discovery and transformation.
There is still much time, from the human perspective, to make the changes within themselves. The last stage is underway. However, within this stage, many changes are about to occur, upon the planet and within your personal lives. It is a period of transformation and growth, both on a personal and global scale.
Stay at peace within and know all is well, and is going according to God's divine plan. Trust in the process of life and your Divine guidance within. Embrace the changes and challenges as opportunities for growth a
nd spiritual evolution.
You are the One Turning the Light Switch On, For those in your personal worlds. Continue being that beacon of Truth, and those you Love will find their way.
We are Here with you, Serving Humanity in Love and Light.
We Are the Arcturians.
Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at UniversalLighthouse.com
Each Channeled and Scribed Transmission is received Daily, offering up-to-date Messages from your Many Galactic Families.
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