Greetings, my Dear Earth Family, I am Saint Germain.
During recent Transmissions, we have looked into two potential scenarios for Earth's future. The first scenario involves a division in the space-time continuum, resulting in the emergence of both a positive new Earth and a negative timeline. Additionally, we have considered the possibility of all timelines merging into a single continuous spectrum. While these are plausible outcomes, there are also other potential scenarios to consider.
For the first time in the history of the Universe, a planet is undergoing a transition into two distinct vibrational spectrums within a remarkably short period. This represents a significant milestone for Earth and the entire Universe. The ultimate result of this transition remains uncertain, giving rise to numerous possible scenarios. However, what is certain is that Earth will forge her own path.
Regardless of the scenarios envisioned, Earth is destined to ascend to the 5th-dimensional vibration by her own Freewill. This decision underscores the importance of the collective human consciousness uniting to ensure the Evolution of Humans on Earth.
When contemplating the potential futures of Earth, one undeniable truth emerges about what lies ahead for humanity: a profound awakening is unfolding on a global scale. The momentum of this awakening is unstoppable, despite the Dark elites' efforts to impose further restrictions under the guise of a new medical emergency. However, humanity will no longer comply as it once did.
The Dark's fear-mongering tactics are proving ineffective. Humanity is breaking free from the chains that have long bound them. The liberation of Earth and humanity is inevitable. Once humans liberate themselves from control, it will mark the dawn of a new era characterized by true prosperity and abundance, ensuring that no individual is left behind. This transformation will pave the way for a society founded on love, respect, and unity.
Earth's journey towards the 5th-dimensional vibration is elevating human consciousness and spreading rapidly across the planet. This spiritual and energetic evolution is propelling humanity towards a new era of unity and enlightenment. As Earth herself ascends, it serves as a call for all humans to align with this higher frequency and embrace the interconnectedness of all life.
The global awakening is underway. Despite the Cabal's attempts to sow fear and maintain control, humanity is transcending these limitations and reclaiming its power. This liberation from bondage heralds the dawn of a new Earth where abundance, prosperity, and love reign supreme.
This is a time when every individual is valued, and unity serves as the cornerstone of society. While the road ahead may present challenges, the collective consciousness is shifting towards a brighter future where harmony and joy prevail.
As humanity casts off the shackles of fear and division, a new world is being born--one founded on love, compassion, and mutual respect.
This transformative journey towards liberation is an exploration of your Inner Knowing, a quest that transcends outer physical constraints, to go deep into the inner realms of the soul.
It is a path of inner-discovery and realization, where individuals are not only seeking freedom from external limitations but are also striving to unlock the boundless potential that lies dormant within them.
As you embark on this journey, you are called to shed the layers of conditioning and societal expectations that have veiled your true essence. This quest for liberation is intricately intertwined with your spiritual awakening, a rekindling of the divine spark that resides within each being.
Through this journey, you will not only free yourself from the shackles of the past but will also forge a deeper connection with the God within you, and The Infinite Light of God that surrounds you. It is a process of alignment and attunement, within and without. It is This harmonization of mind, body, and spirit that leads to a state of inner peace and wholeness. Even though this is the First time that a Planet has ever ascended into 2 different levels of frequencies, it is being guided by the Will of Creator. Trust in the Divine's plan for the Ascension.
May Peace and Love be with you.
I am Saint Germain.
Transmission Received by Chellea Wilder at Universal Lighthouse
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