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The Powerful Forces in This Universe ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council

The Powerful Forces in This Universe ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton at

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are in our best-feeling space when we are contemplating how to best help humanity, because that is where we are most needed. The universe has brought us to each and every one of you who receives these transmissions, because the universe saw that there was a need on your part and that there was a desire to fulfill that need on ours. You can trust universal forces, especially when it comes to your spiritual growth and evolution. When you want to grow spiritually, even if you only want that for yourself, it is still a desire that helps everyone in existence. Therefore, the universe orchestrates it, with very little effort, and sometimes no effort, on your part.

Now, we tell you this because we want to assure those of you who think that you might not be on the right track, that you are. We also want to assure those of you who would like to attain certain spiritual gifts that you will, and you will have these gifts because you will use them to help all of humanity. Humanity can use all the help it can get, especially at this time in your history. And so, you are all being taken care of spiritually, and even those who have no interest in spirituality will have their experiences that help them to awaken. So you don’t have to worry about your loved ones who are not awake, and you don’t have to worry about when you will have your breakthrough type experiences spiritually.

It’s all happening because it needs to happen, because it serves humankind for these things to occur. And by the same token, when you say a prayer for everyone, when you meditate for peace on Earth, or when you see those who are being oppressed, and you desire for them to be free, you have the support of the entire universe and many beings and collectives who operate within this universe.

There is power in numbers, and the number of you who are awake increases every day, and you are about to see a huge uptick in the number of awakened souls there on Earth, and you will feel the difference in the people that you come across. And more importantly, you will feel a difference in the air. You will notice that all the energies are shifting and shifting for the better, because the time is now. You have come this far, and you are on the verge of shifting your consciousness as a collective. No one and nothing can stop that from happening, and those of you who are already awake chose to be awake because you wanted this particular experience of helping others to awaken and to thrive as they continue on with their journeys to the fifth dimension.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


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