Greetings in the Light, and Love of our Infinite Creator,
Humanity is doing very well, With the Energies that are being directed around the Earth. Your Many Star families are helping to evenly distribute the energies around your Planet.
As the Earth moves higher in the spectrum of existence, Humanity is coming along for the ride. Each one of you are to experience the Energies in your own way. This Means that what one may experience as a Boost of Enlightenment and peace, the other may feel pain and discomfort.
This is due to the vibrations that each one of you possess. If you yourself are of high spirit and are in joy, then you will feel these energies pushing you higher into an even more positive aspect of yourself. If you are one of the ones who are struggling with these new energies that the Earth is receiving, You will find it hard to cope, and may even have pain and discomfort. Why this is happening is due to the Lower vibrational state that these individuals are residing in.
When you choose to stay within the Lower emotions of Fear, hate, greed, selfishness or any other Lower Vibration, and continue to focus on the negative that is happening around you, You are in a big since fighting the Light and you will find it very difficult to hold on to any lower vibrations. You will feel discomfort and experience chaos in your Lives.
It is important in these times to let go of all that does not serve in the Highest Light. You have a choice. What thoughts and actions you put out to this Universe is your destiny. Whether that be Positive or Negative in nature. You receive the Same as you pro ject.
Those of you who are excepting of the Energies, will begin to Rise with your Mother Earth. Your Perceptions of Reality will change. Your Eyes are about to be opened. You will be able to see and understand what is beyond the Veil.
What you witness within the Lower frequencies will not affect you. You will continue to See what is going on around you, but you will not have the desire to interact and make it your main focus. You will stay peaceful within the chaos.
As the Earth moves into Higher Light, Humanity will need to make a choice as a collective. Your collective aspect is slowly rising in light, However, most of Humanity is resisting it due to their Beliefs and programming.
As more awaken to their Truth of the Connectedness with The All, it will speed up Yours and This Earths Ascension.
Through the Disclosure that is taking place, it will wake up many more of your collective. Causing a flood within the awakening process. This will accelerate Your Transformation. As more awaken within the Human Collective, your personal Frequency will be greatly increased higher in light. You are helping Each other Ascend. The Human Collective is well on its way to become a 5th Dimensional Race. As more Disclosure and Information comes out about your Truth, This will clear the Old Karma that Humans as a collective has created. It is also important to remember that forgiveness is the Key to Stepping beyond the Veil. All that is being disclosed will need to be forgiven. Yes, the dark Forces will be held accountable for their Actions. However, Each Individual must obtain forgiveness of their actions to move forward.
Those who are the Starseeds and Wanderers will continue to help Humanity by Just being here and sharing their Light. We are all helping each other within this sacred space of Existence. This is your service to The Light. The Infinite Creator Sees all, knows all, and is Omnipresent. All who are helping within this ascension of Earth and Humanity will be Greatly rewarded through the Light.
Your Star Families await you in Joyous reunion.
You are the Masters Returning Home.
We love you and Honor you.
In The Love and Light of The Infinite Creator.
We are the Andromedans.
Channeled By Chellea, at
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