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The Ancient Battle Between the Light and the Dark, Isn't Over Yet.

For as long as we have been recording history and scripture we have known of the battle between Light & Dark. Many ancient books describe in great detail of how to conquer the darkness. In most cases of literature the darkness represents fear and being blinded by the veil from the truth. In many cases the Dark represents our own darkness of our desires such as lust, greed, anger, and hate. But also within those same scriptures, we learn as we fight our own darkness, We are also fighting actual beings of darkness that are literally fighting for control of our soul. This veil over humanity is what keeps us enslaved, this is an agenda to stop our spiritual growth, to stop our Ascension.


The Truth is, The Ones that we refer to as "dark" are just unaware of "their own truth" of being connected to the All, The One. They do not know of this connection because they still see themselves as separate. They see only "SELF" and nothing else. Therefore they are still in survival mode, living in total self service, self defense or attack mode, feeding off of others darkness and fear. Many of these beings are a very low consciousness that resemble a virus or bacteria type of lifeforms, But there are those beings (Also Unseen) who are the Darkest of Dark, whose whole goal is to control and destroy the Light in all it's aspects and that includes us. We must protect ourselves from these beings. This is why the Battle continues...

We as Humans are either their food or their servants...Their are those who have made the Choice to "pretend" to partner up with them as dark witches or warlocks. I say "pretend" because you are never really in control for yourself. Once you sell your soul, they have you. You are their puppet from then on.

Our Energy is their power source, Our Lower emotions are the reason for their attachments to humans. Our lower emotions create energy which is consumed by these unseen beings. The lower our vibrations become, the More they can control what we think, what we do, and how we feel. Humanity is being fed negativity at every angle of our lives. This is all being done intentionally, to stop our Ascension. To stop us from becoming more powerful then them.

This is why it is important to understand the different levels of consciousness.

As we become more aware and awake, we begin to see the darkness and are able to avoid it within our personal lives. For example: depending on how in control we are of our self we can decide what is best for us and those around us. When we add a little alcohol in our system we become unstable and unable to make decisions for our self and others. Our consciousness has been altered by the Alcohol. When we are in these altered states, the dark entities like to attach themselves to us. they can be there as long as they can feed off of your negative energy.

In other words there is no reasoning with these energies to leave you alone. They must be removed, with force. We can use things like Burning White Sage, or Wearing silver to help us get rid of unwanted energies. But the best way is raising your own vibration.

These entities can not with stand the higher vibrations of Love. If you are expressing Love you are of no use to them. So they try and create chaos with those around you to lower your vibrations. So they can in turn, feed off you as well. This is another main reason to keep your vibrations up during this moment in our transformation. We must make a choice whether to continue to stay in the lower emotions of Fear, being anger, hate, greed and separation. Or focus our attention on being Loving and caring people. it's up to you. There is no middle ground here. there is no balance between the Light and Dark in this since, either you are a good person caring for others or you are not. plain and simple. That is why it is considered The battle within. As within so without. as above so below. Once we create Peace within, it becomes peace without. Creating peace within is seeing your own darkness and transforming it to Light. We don't hold on to that darkness. For instance, Once you see that your actions are doing harm to others, do you still continue to do harm or do you change your actions? If you are someone that just don't care about others well being then you are not the Light.

What we say do and feel about the people in our surroundings, effects them, effect our environment and also, ourselves. Respect and care for others is part of our mission for the Light. We are here to help lift this earth and all her inhabitants into the Light

Once you become at peace, the Dark no longer effects you or your life. You take control. You have the Power. Love becomes the power over the darkness. The more positive you become, by being Good and Kind to others, the easier it becomes to keep the negative energies at bay. The choice to become Love, Which is the Vibration of Light and Truth, Is the Victory of the Light. The higher the emotions are that we emit the Higher our frequency becomes, the easier it becomes, fending off all darkness from our lives. Everyone experiences the "Dark Night of the Soul" This is the inner battle for your freedom, your spiritual journey to Peace, Love, and Oneness.

Universal Lighthouse


What does it mean to be a warrior of the Light?

To be a warrior is to Stand and fight if necessary for a cause. To be a Light warrior, it means to stand for truth and Goodness in life. If you never stand for anything, you don't know your purpose. To stand and fight if needed for Truth, Knowledge, Freedom, Health, Prosperity, and Unity for all. To Be freely able to achieve the higher Light, is what drives the Light Warrior.


The Battle that is taking place is within us.

We ourselves in every moment have the choice to be a good person. We Have a choice whether we stop and reach out to help someone in need, we have a choice to be the Love through our kindness, or we have a choice to ignore everyone else and become the darkness within our very soul.

This is the spiritual battle that we All have to conquer.


What are Entities, Djinn, Dark Spirits, Demons, Or even Extra Terrestrials or Multidimensional Beings?


they through the ages,

antagonist they to the children of men.

Walked they always secret and hidden,

found, yet not found by the children of men.

Forever, they walked and worked in darkness,

hiding from the light in the darkness of night.

Silently, secretly use they their power,

enslaving and binding the soul of men.

Unseen they come, and unseen they go.

Man, in his ignorance calls THEM from below.

Dark is the way of the DARK BROTHERS travel,

dark of the darkness not of the night,

traveling o'er Earth they walk through man's dreams.

Power they have gained from the darkness around them

to call other dwellers from out of their plane,

in ways that are dark and unseen by man.

Into man's mind-space reach the DARK BROTHERS.

Around it, they close the veil of their night.

There through it's lifetime that soul dwells in bondage,

bound by the fetters of the VEIL of the night.

Mighty are they in the forbidden knowledge forbidden because it is one with the night.

Hark ye O old man and list to my warning:

be ye free from the bondage of night.

Surrender not your soul to the BROTHERS OF DARKNESS.

Keep thy face ever turned towards the Light.

Know ye not, O man, that your sorrow,

only has come through the Veil of the night.

Aye man, heed ye my warning:

strive ever upward,

turn your soul toward the LIGHT. ~Thoth~Emerald Tablets #6


The unknown is always what creates the greatest fear. So let’s get to know entities, because once you understand them, you will fear them less! Entities are spirit beings, that means they have a non-physical body and live in the realm of spirit, to be specific, on the astral (see Middle World Page). Entities are not spirits of deceased humans or animals but something else altogether. They have been called astral wildlife, which I feel is a good descriptive term. Entities really belong in the demonic realm, but many are living on the lower astral planes which are interlaced with our physical world (a.k.a. Middle World).

Entities differ in size from tiny beings the size of a bug to huge forms of several metres long. The biggest entity I ever removed was about 20 metres long! Entities come in many shapes. Some look similar to beings from our animal kingdom, others look completely alien. I have chosen the picture of the tarantula for the Entity Page because I have indeed come across and removed spiderlike entities on occasion. However, the more common type looks worm or snakelike but the head shape is usually very unlike snakes or worms. Other entities may look like jellyfish or octopuses. You find all kind of strange creatures among entities. But no matter what they look like, they all have something in common:

Like all beings entities need to feed! And what they feed on is the energy of living beings such as humans and animals. For this they attach themselves to the energy field or aura of a person or animal and then start drinking their energy! In essence entities are vampires and parasites, for they feed on others' life force (prana). Many entities have a very low level of intelligence and to them a human being is just food. You could compare those with mosquitoes or leeches. They also don't drink your blood because they are "evil" but because they are hungry and you smell good! But there are other entities which are intelligent and cunning and know exactly what they are doing -- which is much more than just take your energy. Some of those are very powerful and have been around for a long time. These ancient and highly developed entities we call demons. The Christian concept of demons is not correct, but I will talk about this another time. For now it shall suffice to say that demons are wilier and more dangerous entities and that they are more difficult to remove.

How Entities Affect You

The one thing that all entities have in common is that they feed on your energy. A person who has many entities or a couple of huge ones will generally have low energy. Some people who have serious entity infections will feel cold a lot, but that alone is not an indication for entities. The general rule is the more entities you have, the less energy and vitality (prana) you have. Entities can cause physical problems in the part of the body or the chakra where they are stuck. A friend of mine always had pain in her upper thigh. She had it checked by the doctor who found nothing wrong, neither with the muscle nor the bone, but the pain persisted. I didn't know about that, until one day, just to demonstrate what entities are, I scanned her energy field and found an entity in her thigh! After I removed it she never had pain in that place again!

Most entities will eventually cause physical disease and problems. Extreme entity infestation could in the worst case scenario lead to premature death as the entities will deplete your life force and / or wreck vital organs. I would like to point out that we are talking about a shamanic concept of disease here, and not what is "believed" to be the cause of disease according to traditional medicine. Shamans see disease in a very different way and treat it in a completely different way. The results can be quite stunning at times. For example, once I removed an entity from a friend's eyes and it resulted in her being able to see reasonably well without glasses for the first time in her life! (Before she could hardly see even with very strong glasses!) If a problem is caused by entities it is quite easy to deal with. But not every physical problem is caused by entities! But the good news is that entities can be dealt with, and that you don't have to keep them!

The more advanced and cunning entities have another agenda altogether: to cause separation. As entities are demonic beings, they loathe Oneness and try everything to separate you from the Oneness with God/Goddess/All-That-Is. They achieve this by pushing your buttons and creating negative emotions in you, such as despair, apathy and unreasonable fear (as you can see from the case of “Jim” described above). In some cases when a person is being "possessed" by very powerful entities or demons their character will change drastically, as the entities influence them, and in the worst cases even run their lives! You can be sure that entities are not going to create a life of prosperity, abundance and joy for you! The opposite is the case. Their agenda is pain! The more you are in despair, the further you will drift away from your natural state of enthusiasm and joy which is close to Oneness. Therefore entities will try to create such situations in your life that will cause you maximum pain. And, they try to lead you astray spiritually wherever they can, leading you to false teachers, and scaring you of the real ones who could help you! They will rebel if you start to work with the Goddess and will try to manipulate you to go back to disempowering religions. Their purpose is to keep you from finding your power, which would make an end to them! While you have entities you will never fully get into your power nor to the Oneness!

If you seek out a healer or teacher who has real power, meaning the power to remove entities and demons, or the power to help you find the Oneness, the entities will do everything to prevent you from getting there! Your car may suddenly break down, a family problem arises, or you may get freaked out and suddenly fear the healer. As astral beings the entities can hear your thoughts as if you spoke them out loud. They know exactly what you are up to, what you fear, etc. Entities know every one of your buttons and every one of your weaknesses and will exploit them mercilessly! If you are a lazy person, they will manipulate you with your tendency to be lazy. So instead of doing meditation or going to a healer you stay at home and watch telly and have a couple of beers. If your tendency is being a coward, they will tell you the healer is "dark", and whisper in your ear that you should look for somebody more gentle and "angelic" -- probably leading you to a false teacher or an evil person wearing the cloak of "love and light". They may lead you to false teachers and quacks, and to those who have no real power but put up a struggle when you do something that can make a real shift in your life. I have seen this happening in my own life and in the life of friends countless times.



Jinn (Arabic: الجن‎, al-jinn), also Romanized as djinn or Anglicized as genies (with the more broad meaning of spirits or demons, depending on source), are supernatural creatures in early pre-Islamic Arabian and later Islamic mythology and theology.

Demonology: List of Demon Names, Devils, & Evil Spirits

Virtually all religions & cultures have various supernatural entities that are considered malevolent or even evil. In some cultures, these may be simply forces of nature like hurricanes. Sometimes they are entities with capabilities for destruction such as fertility gods/goddesses. And in some belief systems, they are evil spirits hellbent on making one’s life miserable.

View Demonology List alphabetically Here

Extra Terrestrials

Extra Terrestrials are any beings incarnated in the 1st to the 9th dimension that come from a planet other than Earth. There is an amazing variety of life in this universe and the number of life forms is nothing short of miraculous. There are civilizations and cultures living on and within many planets all over the universe. They come in all shapes and sizes such as insect like giants, dolphins or other humanoid beings. In all of the 9 material dimensions there is a birth and death experience as a being incarnates into the life form and eventually leaves. In higher dimensions it is not uncommon for beings to live for thousands of years or even hundreds of thousands. On these planets and in the dimensions inhabited by such long lived beings you would find places of amazing harmony and spiritual knowledge. To us these worlds would seem like heaven and in a sense they are. In fact compared to our lives on earth almost the entire universe is heaven from a dualistic point of view.


Oldest Depiction Of Ancient Egyptian Demons Found

Wael Sherbiny, an independent scholar who specializes in the ancient Egyptian religious texts, found two demons on two Middle Kingdom coffins about 4,000 years old.


Knowledge of Hostile Spiritual Beings in the early 1900"s

Born in 1861, Rudolf Steiner was an Austrian philosopher, social reformer, architect, economist and esotericist. Steiner gained initial recognition at the end of the nineteenth century as a literary critic and published philosophical works including The Philosophy of Freedom.

Very few scientists today are willing to explore metaphysics to examine life beyond ordinary perception in order to make a connection between the seen and the unseen. That said, Rudolf Steiner devoted much of his work to the task of peering behind the veil, sharing his insight into the deeper nature of life and of the world beyond, the world of the unseen.~ ROBERT SEPEHR

Rudolf Steiner Describes the Hostile Spiritual Beings Who Feed Off Your Fear and Anxiety

Anxiety, depression, and fear ravage so many today, but few pause to consider that in addition to the material influences in our lives, we may be also under the influence of beings which exist in dimensions outside of our ordinary perception.

But there is much more to reality than what we can see. feel, hear, taste and touch. In fact, an accounting of the matter that makes up the universe reveals that some 73% of it is made up of dark energy, and another 23% is made up of dark matter, neither of which can we see, nor understand. Furthermore, the human eye is only capable of seeing around .0035% of the entire spectrum of electromagnetic (EM) radiation. When we look into the heavens, 96% of it is invisible to us. Include in this the spiritual realms and there is an entire universe of possibilities which exists beyond our five senses.

Very few scientists today are willing to explore metaphysics to examine life beyond ordinary perception in order to make a connection between the seen and the unseen.

Rudolf Steiner, though, one of the most prolific and gifted scientists, philosophers, and esotericists of his time, devoted much of his work to the task of peering behind the veil, sharing his insight into the deeper nature of life and of the world beyond.

Regarding anxiety and depression, Steiner spoke of hostile beings in the spiritual world which influence and feed off of human emotion; a concept flatly rejected by most today. Yet this also analysis holds true for shamans and others who access the spiritual dimensions in order to alleviate mental suffering for their patients.

Many are familiar with the notion of energy vampires, or people who suck your energy and feed off your negative emotions. On the existence of similar entities which exist in other dimensions, Steiner wrote:

“There are beings in the spiritual realms for whom anxiety and fear emanating from human beings offer welcome food. When humans have no anxiety and fear, then these creatures starve. People not yet sufficiently convinced of this statement could understand it to be meant comparatively only. But for those who are familiar with this phenomenon, it is a reality. If fear and anxiety radiates from people and they break out in panic, then these creatures find welcome nutrition and they become more and more powerful. These beings are hostile towards humanity. Everything that feeds on negative feelings, on anxiety, fear and superstition, despair or doubt, are in reality hostile forces in supersensible worlds, launching cruel attacks on human beings, while they are being fed. Therefore, it is above all necessary to begin with that the person who enters the spiritual world overcomes fear, feelings of helplessness, despair and anxiety. But these are exactly the feelings that belong to contemporary culture and materialism; because it estranges people from the spiritual world, it is especially suited to evoke hopelessness and fear of the unknown in people, thereby calling up the above mentioned hostile forces against them.” ~Rudolf Steiner

Negative emotions are food for inimical spirits. 

A concept such as this isn’t readily accepted into the everyday conversation steered by rigid skepticism and scientific materialism. The traditions of today have sought to expel ancient metaphysical wisdom and its practical application from our lives, and though scientific inquiry is exceptionally valuable, spiritual perception has always been a part of our experience.

“And yet, despite the cynical skepticism, all of the ancient mystery schools, true shamanic insights, and esoteric teachings (much of which have been suppressed and/or distorted over thousands of years for obvious reasons) have conveyed this truth for ‘the ones with eyes to see and ears to hear’, using their own language and symbolism, be it “The General Law” (Esoteric Christianity), Archons (Gnostics), “Lords of Destiny” (Hermeticism), Predator/Fliers – “The topic of all topics” (Shamanism, Castaneda), “The Evil Magician” (Gurdjieff), The Shaitans (Sufism), The Jinn (Arabian mythology), Wetiko (Native American Spirituality), Occult Hostile Forces (Sri Aurobindo & The Mother, The Integral Yoga), etc.” ~Bernhard Guenther

Dealings with extra-sensory or hyper-dimensional beings have long been a part of our history, and are directly accessible to any of us when proper practice and attention is given to the matter. I know this to be true from my experiences with plant medicine shamanism where it is entirely possible to enter into states of consciousness where entire cosmologies of life exist and are available to interact with.

Finding oneself in the rut of spiraling negative self-talk, depression, crippling anxiety, or uncontrollable, irrational fear, is a sign, as Steiner points out, of a disconnection from our true spiritual nature, exacerbated by beings who operate in the spiritual realms. This is why some consider disorders like this to be spiritual illnesses, and until the rift is healed with proper attention given to the development of spirit, the feelings tend to exacerbate and drive one further into distress.

“When humans have no anxiety and fear, then these creatures starve.” ~Rudolph Steiner

Read more articles by Dylan Charles.

About the Author

Dylan Charles is the editor of Waking Times and co-host of Redesigning Reality, both dedicated to ideas of personal transformation, societal awakening, and planetary renewal. His personal journey is deeply inspired by shamanic plant medicines and the arts of Kung Fu, Qi Gong and Yoga. After seven years of living in Costa Rica, he now lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains, where he practices Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and enjoys spending time with family. He has written hundreds of articles, reaching and inspiring millions of people around the world.

This article (Rudolf Steiner Describes the Hostile Spiritual Beings Who Feed Off Your Fear and Anxiety) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to DylanCharles and It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.


Unseen Worlds and Hidden Realities by ROBERT SEPEHR

Born in 1861, Rudolf Steiner was an Austrian philosopher, social reformer, architect, economist and esotericist. Steiner gained initial recognition at the end of the nineteenth century as a literary critic and published philosophical works including The Philosophy of Freedom. Very few scientists today are willing to explore metaphysics to examine life beyond ordinary perception in order to make a connection between the seen and the unseen. That said, Rudolf Steiner devoted much of his work to the task of peering behind the veil, sharing his insight into the deeper nature of life and of the world beyond, the world of the unseen. Robert Sepehr is an author, producer and anthropologist. Thank you for supporting Atlantean Gardens!


This Ancient Tablet tells the story of the Battle between the The Light and the Dark.

The Emerald Tablets ~ Tablet # 6. The Key of Magic.

Read Along:

Hark ye, O man, to the wisdom of magic.

Hark the knowledge of powers forgotten.

Long ago in the days of the first man,

warfare began between darkness and light.

Men then as now,

were filled with both darkness and light;

and while in some darkness held sway,

in other light filled the soul.

Aye, age old in this warfare,

the eternal struggle between darkness and light.

Fiercely is it fought all through the ages,

using strange powers hidden to man.

Adepts has there been filled with the blackness,

struggling always against the light;

but others there are who, filled with brightness,

have ever conquered the darkness of night.

Where e'er ye may be in all ages and plane,

surely, ye shall know of the battle with night.

Long ages ago,

The SUNS of the Morning descending, found the world filled with night,

there in that past, began the struggle,

the age old Battle Darkness & Light.

Many in the time were so filled with darkness that only feebly flamed the light from the night.

Some they were, masters of darkness, who sought to fill all with their darkness:

Sought to draw others into their night.

Fiercely withstood they, the masters of brightness:

fiercely fought they from the darkness of night Sought ever to tighten the fetters,

the chains that bind men to the darkness of night.

Used they always the dark magic,

brought into men by the power of darkness.

magic that enshrouded man's soul with darkness.

Banded together as in order,


they through the ages,

antagonist they to the children of men.

Walked they always secret and hidden,

found, yet not found by the children of men.

Forever, they walked and worked in darkness,

hiding from the light in the darkness of night.

Silently, secretly use they their power,

enslaving and binding the soul of men.

Unseen they come, and unseen they go.

Man, in his ignorance calls THEM from below.

Dark is the way of the DARK BROTHERS travel,

dark of the darkness not of the night,

traveling o'er Earth they walk through man's dreams.

Power they have gained from the darkness around them

to call other dwellers from out of their plane,

in ways that are dark and unseen by man.

Into man's mind-space reach the DARK BROTHERS.

Around it, they close the veil of their night.

There through it's lifetime that soul dwells in bondage,

bound by the fetters of the VEIL of the night.

Mighty are they in the forbidden knowledge forbidden because it is one with the night.

Hark ye O old man and list to my warning:

be ye free from the bondage of night.

Surrender not your soul to the BROTHERS OF DARKNESS.

Keep thy face ever turned towards the Light.

Know ye not, O man, that your sorrow,

only has come through the Veil of the night.

Aye man, heed ye my warning:

strive ever upward,

turn your soul toward the LIGHT.

The BROTHERS OF DARKNESS seek for their brothers those who traveled the pathway of LIGHT.

For well know they that those who have traveled far towards the Sun in their pathway of LIGHT have great and yet greater power to bind with darkness the children of LIGHT.

List ye, O man, to he who comes to you.

But weigh in the balance if his words be of LIGHT.

For many there are who walk in DARK BRIGHTNESS and yet are not the children of LIGHT.

Easy it is to follow their pathway,

easy to follow the path that they lead.

But yet O man, heed ye my warning:

Light comes only to him who strives.

Hard is the pathway that leads to the WISDOM,

hard is the pathway that leads to the LIGHT.

Many shall ye find, the stones in your pathway:

many the mountains to climb toward the LIGHT.

Yet know ye, O man, to him that o'ercometh,

free will he be of the pathway of Light.

For ye know, O man,

in the END light must conquer and darkness and night be banished from Light.

Listen, O man, and heed ye this wisdom;

even as darkness, so is the LIGHT.

When darkness is banished and all Veils are rended,

out there shall flash from the darkness, the LIGHT.

Even as exist among men the DARK BROTHERS,

so there exists the BROTHERS OF LIGHT.

Antagonists they of the BROTHERS OF DARKNESS,

seeking to free men from the night.

Powers have they, mighty and potent.

Knowing the LAW, the planets obey.

Work they ever in harmony and order,

freeing the man-soul from its bondage of night.

Secret and hidden, walk they also.

Known not are they to the children of men.

Ever have THEY fought the DARK BROTHERS,

conquered and conquering time without end.

Yet always LIGHT shall in the end be master,

driving away the darkness of night.

Aye, man, know ye this knowing:

always beside thee walk the Children of Light.

Masters they of the SUN power,

ever unseen yet the guardians of men.

Open to all is their pathway,

open to he who will walk in the LIGHT.


free of the HALLS, where LIFE reigns supreme.

SUNS are they and LORDS of the morning,

Children of Light to shine among men.

Like man are they and yet are unlike,

Never divided were they in the past.

ONE have they been in ONENESS eternal,

throughout all space since the beginning of time.

Up did they come in Oneness with the ALL ONE,

up from the first-space, formed and unformed.

Given to man have they secrets that shall guard and protect him from all harm.

He who would travel the path of the master,

free must he be from the bondage of night.

Conquer must he the formless and shapeless,

conquer must he the phantom of fear.

Knowing, must he gain of all of the secrets,

travel the pathway that leads through the darkness,

yet ever before him keep the light of his goal.

Obstacles great shall he meet in the pathway,

yet press on to the LIGHT of the SUN.

Hear ye, O Man, the SUN is the symbol of the LIGHT that shines at the end of thy road.

Now to thee give I the secrets:

now to meet the dark power,

meet and conquer the fear from the night.

Only by knowing can ye conquer,

Only be knowing can ye have LIGHT.

Now I give unto thee the knowledge,

known to the MASTERS,

the knowing that conquers all the dark fears.

Use this, the wisdom I give thee.


When unto thee comes a feeling,

drawing thee nearer to the darker gate,

examine thine heart and find if the feeling thou hast has come from within.

If thou shalt find the darkness thine own thoughts,

banish them forth from the place in thy mind.

Send through thy body a wave of vibration,

irregular first and regular second,

repeating time after time until free.


Direct it in waves from thine head to thy foot.

But if thou findest thine heart is not darkened,

be sure that a force is directed to thee.

Only by knowing can thou overcome it.

Only be wisdom can thou hope to be free.

Knowledge brings wisdom and wisdom is power.

Attain and ye shall have power o'er all.

Seek ye first a place bound by darkness.

Place ye a circle around about thee.

Stand erect in the midst of the circle.

Use thou this formula, and you shalt be free.

Raise thou thine hands to the dark space above thee

. Close thou thine eyes and draw in the LIGHT.

Call to the SPIRIT OF LIGHT through the Space-Time,

using these words and thou shalt be free:

"Fill thou my body, O SPIRIT OF LIfe,

fill thou my body with SPIRIT OF LIGHT.

Come from the FLOWER that shines through the darkness.

Come from the HALLS where the Seven Lords rule.

I, Name them by name, the Seven:


and SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT, Nine.

By their names I call them to aid me,

free me and save me from the darkness of night:



By their names I implore thee,

free me from darkness and fill me with LIGHT

Know ye, O man, that when ye have done this,

ye shall be free from the fetters that bind ye,

cast off the bondage of the brothers of night.

See ye not that the names have the power to free by vibration the fetters that bind?

Use them at need to free thou thine brother so that he, too, may come forth from the night.

Thou, O man, art thy brother's helper.

Let him not lie in the bondage of night.

Now unto thee, give I my magic.

Take it and dwell on the pathway of LIGHT.

LIGHT unto thee, LIFE unto thee,

SUN may thou be on the cycle above.


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