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Ordered By Divine Decree ~ The Andromedans

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Greetings in the Light and Love of our Infinite Creator,

We are so very grateful to be witnessing the magnificent shift that you are all about to experience. Within the Next few of your days, you will be experiencing an extensive amount of Light flowing throughout your Planet. This will bring in the massive awakening that everyone has been anticipating. As we have stated before, there is no more waiting. Your ascension Is happening now.

The Earth is receiving an incredible amount of Light coming in at all angles. Which is being directed by our vessels of Living Light and many others of your galactic Families that are here to assist in this transformation. All of this Energy is pushing your Earth towards the Higher spectrums of existence, where she can merge with her higher self. Most of you are unaware that even your Planet has a higher self, Which resides within the Angelic pleroma. Her service to Humanity and to the Light has kept this part of Her, within the Universe of Matter or what you consider the 3rd Dimension, for far too long.

She has been under the Control of The Dark Alliance of Annunaki, Reptilian or Vlash, and Maitre Species for Thousands of your Earth years, while they also held Humanity in enslavement. And in doing so, they also stopped Human souls from ascending any higher Than the 3rd degree of Light. This is why the Divine Order came from The Infinite Creator.

We the Andromedans, have sent many of our Wanderers here to break this enslavement matrix.

We do have Starseeds as well that are here only to evolve their spirit, however, The wanderers came here many Thousands of years ago in your Time Space. This was done To change the Trajectory that the Earth was headed in. They have worked very hard Life after Life, working to destroy the Darks Plan for this Earth and Humanity.

They worked under the radar as you say, to where the Dark was unaware of their Presence here, until Now.

Most of the Andromedan Wanderers were already at a 5th degree when coming to your Planet. While we have a few that are on your Earth that hold a 6th degree of Light.

As an Andromedan Wanderer, You are already Masters, working toward the Higher advancement in the Light spectrum. Those of our Wanderers who were 5th degree when you came to Earth, will be automatically raised to The 6th or beyond depending on your Mission and service to the Light. The few That were already within the 6th Dimension will be receiving the highest honors of the Light, allowing them to proceed to the 7th on up to the 9th density of existence . Our 9th Degree masters will proceed beyond into the Pleroma of the 12th degree of Light.

As your Earth ascends, She is taking all of Us With her, Into the divine Glory of our Infinite Creator. All the Universal Species who have came to the service of earth in this Moment in your Time Space, will receive the Highest Honors. This has been one of the Toughest Missions that any Species has experienced throughout all of Timespace. All will be greatly rewarded, by Divine Decree.

The Human Souls will advance very quickly themselves, due to being held back for so Long. They of Course will be Jumped into the 5th degree of Light, with the Ability to advance higher in degree, very fast if they choose to Embody the Light quota needed.

Many different species have many different starseeds there on your planet, of positive and negative spectrum. All of them who are of the Family of Light will advance greatly as well within the spectrum of existence.

The Dark ones who are part of the 3rd and 4th degree who have held the control for so Long will be experiencing a much different reality. They will be held accountable for their actions. The dark souls of the species that participated in the universal Crimes against the Earth and Humanity will be placed under a type of Shield, Where they will never be able to harm another soul of Light again.

This shield will be placed over what you would consider as a void, Which is beyond all reality, it is Nothingness. This is where the first dark souls of the Universe were placed many billions of years ago in your time space, by the Angelics.

Many of The Most ancient Dark ones are already within the void, This is who those on your world consider as The Demons, but they are actually beings of the Fallen ones. Which included fallen Angelics, A few of the Annunaki, and an ancient reptilian species, what you would know as the original Dracos. All of who have been referred to as the Archons.

Up to this Point, they have all had the freewill to manipulate beyond the Veil, The shield will now stop all of them from reaching beyond into the 3rd Dimensional timespace.

The Dark ones Incarnated through Human Reptilian hybrid programs created from the Dark Alliance. They even had technology where they could incarnate on Earth and then were able to remember everything about who they are while in their hybrid bodysuit.

This also was a big advantage against the human species.

They will no longer be able to embark on other's freewill by manipulation and deceit, to enslave another being. With the Shield in Place, They will no longer be able to remember their origins when coming into an incarnation.

The density or spectrum they are being placed within is what you would consider also as the lower 4th density. The shield will be in place to where there can not be manipulation through that veil, of any sort. They will still have the chance to grow spiritually, as do all souls within this Universe.

But they will not be able to leave the Void. They will be able to incarnate into Lower Life forms within the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Densities, to learn and grow spiritually. However, their over soul will stay within the void until it has proven to advance in The Light. All is Ordered By Divine Decree Through the Light and Love of our Infinite Creator.

Those of you who are the Andromedan wanderers, will now begin to awaken to the Knowing of your Higher self. Many of you will see yourself within your Andromedan form as flashes or glimpses of your truth. You may awaken periodically within your sleeper pods, which is where your Higher form sleeps while in a human bodysuit. You will then remember the long journey that you have accomplished there on Planet Earth, enduring many lifetimes. Many will remember being on the massive Planet Sized, Living, bio-ships, that appear as Rainbows of Light. All of you will soon pass that threshold and be reunited as our Family of Light. The Galactic Beings who have gathered here, are already celebrating in Honor of your homecoming.

Your Star families await you in joyous reunion.

You are the Masters Returning Home.

We love you and Honor you.

In The Love and Light of The Infinite Creator.

We are the Andromedans.

Channeled By Chellea, at


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