Greetings. I am Apollo. I come to you from the rising spheres of creation. The Earth fits right in there and so do you. Much is shaking loose on your planet. You might find that happening within your own self, as well as, everywhere, when you’re looking. The old fixtures are falling apart. They no longer belong on the Earth, for their vibrations are far too low to withstand the forthcoming changes. So reach for the stars, ground crew, because you are from the stars and you are one of them. Seek your own illumination. Track the light, for wherever you look it is there. It is part of creation itself. It’s where you originated. Deeply within you, and especially in your heart, there is a model of your future self. This model is activated and is blooming into the full realization of Self. This is a significant shift pointing the way to higher consciousness and your true purpose and destiny. You are moving into the area of light, the Golden Age and your divine assignment. The most important part is that you incorporate your true self, your I Am presence, into every day life. All of creation is excited to welcome you back home. We are standing at the corridor where the portals are about to open so that we can reclaim the Earth.”
What’s it all about ground crew? In all of your life have you ever had a month like this last one? Many of us have been running the full gamut of emotions.
We’ve had unexpected events, losses, deaths of loved ones, people getting shocking illnesses, strange and funny truths, and nonsensical controlling mechanisms, all amongst the background of the fear-based crazy world noise.
It feels like the dark forces are trying anything they can do to create fear and to remove your peace, harmony, joy and laughter. They want to lower your vibrations.
They will not be successful because we know what they are doing and we are aware of their effects. We have the power of Source/creation, which is being ignited to the core of our essence. This power makes us unstoppable. We are a force of upliftment, strength, courage, and Unity. We are surging forward into the oneness and the power this is generating is beyond description. We will not need directions from the outside GPS world because we have our God Pointing Service instead. By taking a few deep breaths and listening within, the guidance becomes clear.
We’re dealing with many peoples’ lives becoming topsy-turvy. As time speeds up, the issues also accelerate. We want to emphasize how challenging it can be to try to plan things in the old 3-D Way. It doesn’t work because of the interceding energies that have escaped from the old matrix, which no longer exists.
Therefore, there can be a feeling like a fish out of water and not knowing exactly where you are, or where to be.
It’s important to trust the hand of the Almighty that is orchestrating this Shift of the Ages. Trusting this hand is the key to following the most beneficial path. This hand points the way. If you tap into your heart you will be shown and guided. This is where magic and miracles come into play.
Many have forgotten about magic by believing that magic was some kind of force of evil. We know the evil use dark magic but not the kind of magic we are describing. It is not true that magic is all evil, that is what the dark ones want you to think. All Creation comes out of magic. This is where something is created out of nothing but Intention and Light. In the beginning before there was physical form, souls existed in groups of similar purpose. Then a great council decided the creative expression could be made into physical form. This is the exact point when souls broke into a masculine and feminine physical form. This is known as twin flames.
Subsequently, the original twin flame split into many different twin flames. The divine complement is the twin flame with whom a soul has had the most incarnations. This is how the Creator works. It is by creating something out of nothing but intention and Light, which is magic.
Miracles unfold with magic. It is about energy and focus. It’s about belief and trust in Source. It’s also about raising your frequency and calling forth the magic and miracles. Working with these energies elevates your spirit and consciousness to a higher level. The truth is we are all Creator gods becoming the greatest co-creation that we can possibly be. This is how Source expresses itself.
Here’s a good prayer: God help me to know, see and love myself, the way you know, see and love me. Help me to be the greatest co-creation with you that I can possibly be.
Greetings. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council currently on a assignment with the Earth Council for the ascension of the Earth.
I am pleased to speak with you today. What I have to say is even beyond words so I want you to realize the energy and frequency behind this transmission. We are stepping it up due to the nature of the hour. Our work is plentiful and rising beyond measure.
The higher frequency codes that you need for Ascension are activated. Everything is in place to elevate you beyond the lower frequencies of the third dimensional Earth. That is one of the reasons you might feel strange, as if you are in several different worlds at one time, which indeed you happen to be.
Please come with me to the place of the higher mind. Access the creativity and light that are now available in abundance. Valerie was discussing magic and miracles and this is the world in which we live. It is how you will be creating and living in higher consciousness. You will no longer feel dragged down by the negative sources that tried to usurp you from your plans and made you forget who you are as a part of creation.
On the Earth Council we monitor you closely. We see how many of you are struggling for a variety of reasons. What we want you to know is that it’s important to just keep rising. Rise above everything that is happening. We understand it is a lot. We know some of you have had major losses of loved ones, family, friends, pets, jobs, finances, and health. We see old friendships shifting and going in separate ways. These could be close relationships, family and friends. It is happening due to the frequency shifts and the rising consciousness in some but not in others. It becomes uncomfortable for these relationships to be maintained. Therefore, we recommend to not be attached to anything. We know this is easier said than done, but it is the only way to move higher because you will magnetize to yourself other like-minded, like frequency people into your lives. This will allow you to soar higher on your mighty paths.
Many of these relationships create painful losses. They must be grieved as best as you can grieve them. Some of these relationships are long overdue for you to release. For some brave and strong lightworkers, it will be freedom from the darkness.
Please remember that life is not an endurance contest. It is meant to be enjoyed. Even though it could be challenging right now, decisions might need to be made. Your happiness, joy, harmony and freedom will be worth it.
I am telling you these things because your ascension is in full process. Please trust that I know what I am talking about because we as Pleiadians assist other planets with their ascensions. We are happy that you are progressing and we are proud of you for your wonderful work. Please look out for each other and be kind to yourselves and to others. Stay as grounded as you can. Know that ascension is a natural process and that you were divinely chosen to be here now.
With love and gratitude, I am Mira.
This was Apollo and Mira, from the Pleiadian High Council Channeled through Valerie Donner at
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