Age of Aquarius Decade Ahead 2020s Special Horoscopes Overview+ All Signs Previews Astrology Saturn in Aquarius Special Horoscope A New Age & The Great Conjunction for all signs! 2020-2023 WHEN DOES THE AGE OF AQUARIUS BEGIN? Astrology Horoscope 2021 ASTROLOGY HOROSCOPE Overview & For All Signs EXCITING NEWS! SuperStar REBIRTH Is Here! Now, you can be a Superstar for as low as just $3 a month! The Future Is Magical I truly believe that my weekly Superstar Videoscopes can be helpful, inspiring, and comforting during these special astrological times. I am committed to making them as accessible to as many people as possible. Here are some changes we have made to make Superstar better than ever: -Choose your membership rate! You can now get videoscopes for each and every sign, each and every week, for as low as just $3 a month. $10 a month gets you full access to the Special horoscopes I create, for each and every sign. Choose what rate works best for you. -Higher tiers get some special extras that are nice to have, from all access passes to future Synchronicity University classes, to consultations with me and more. -New platform, new format, with a super fast new server, making your navigation through Superstar lightening fast and super simple, easy, and intuitive to navigate, on desktop or mobile. -Easy upgrade, downgrade or cancel anytime. It is as simple as navigating to a clearly marked button with your account and to your subscriptions. There you can easily change, cancel, or reactivate your account anytime. GET THE NEW BOOK “The Universe is Wise and Loving” on Amazon here: Thank You for making Prayers to The Sky a #1 New Release in New Age Astrology on Amazon! Get it Here: Buy my book The Body and The Cosmos, here: BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! custom natal chart readings, delivered within hours 🌟 visit YEAR AHEAD 2021, JUPITER IN AQUARIUS, SATURN IN AQUARIUS SPECIALS, and DECADE AHEAD SPECIAL HOROSCOPES for each sign! Free for superstars, or get the download at ! ✨🌟 You can now LISTEN to the weekly horoscope as a Podcast wherever Podcasts are heard! The Podcast is always the first place this weekly horoscope is published. Find your favourite platform now at Take online classes with me at Synchronicity University here: NEW! Welcome to The March 2021 Synchronicity University Speaker Series, Special Edition! Sign Up Before February 28, 2021 To Choose Your Tuition Rate! 1. Frank Clifford - Palmistry For Astrologers 2. Carrie Paris - Learn to Make & Utilize Casting Kits for Accurate Divining 3. Katie Weber - Feng Shui & Astrology 4. Mychal A. Bryan - Kabalistic Tarot 5. Franco Soulbody - Alphabet of the Gods: The Viking Runes Sign up now at NEW! NEW Spring Series 2021 – Part 1! Sign Up Before Feb 28, 2021 To Choose Your Tuition Rate! Schedule 1. Ceres Part 2: In Aspect To Planets & Points 2. The 8th House: Money, Power, Respect Part 2: Planets 3. Reckoning With The Past – Your 4th House Part 1: Signs 4. Reckoning With The Past – Your 4th House Part 2: Planets 5. The Astrology of Scandals and Accusations Spring Series 2021 – Part 2! 1. The 3rd House – Connection & Communication Part 1: Signs 2. Reckoning With The Past – Your 4th House Part 3: 3. The 7th House – Getting Along: Partnership & Sharing Part 1: Signs 4. The 8th House – Money, Power, Respect Part 3: Rulers 5. The Galactic Center & The Great Attractor in Astrology Sign up now at Check out Katie Weber’s must have 2021 Year of the Ox Success Pack Feng Shui Guide. I get this every year and absolutely love it: FRENCH VANITY FAIR Top 12 astrologers on the planet REFINERY29 Top 10 astrologers on YouTube Be Social: To interact and be in the loop on astrological happenings and inspirations... 'Like' me here: 'Follow' me here: 'Follow" me here: Thank You for watching! *N.
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