Greetings in the Light, and Love, of our Infinite Creator,
It is wonderful to speak with you.
Today, we want to address the spiritual understanding of the concept of your Reflection, of what is within, reflecting without. It is often said that what exists externally is a reflection of what exists internally. This concept can be confusing, especially when witnessing chaos and turmoil on a global scale. The world stage does not solely mirror your personal reality, but rather encompasses the reflections of 8 billion individuals simultaneously. In such a densely populated world, distinguishing between personal reflections and those of others can be challenging. Ultimately, everything is interconnected on a collective level, while your personal reflections and manifestations are unique to your individual existence.
In your modern era, technological advancements have granted you the ability to perceive a global perspective, offering insights from various viewpoints.
The darkness present on the world stage, seeking to manipulate and control, propagates chaos and discord through the media, instilling fear within the collective consciousness of humanity.
However, it is crucial to recognize that this chaos and discord do not necessarily reflect your personal reality. Rather, they are manifestations of the darkness causing such disturbances.
If you are not directly experiencing this chaos, it does not define your reality.
As the Andromeda Intergalactic Council, we observe the chaos and discord on Earth, yet we understand that it is not our own.
All the upheaval witnessed in the world reflects the entire collective consciousness; therefore, it is essential not to take it personally as it does not belong to you.
It is important to remember that amidst the chaos and discord, there are also moments of beauty, kindness, and unity that exist on Earth. By focusing on these positive aspects, you can contribute to shifting the collective consciousness towards a more harmonious state. Where you put your focus, is what you are creating. So those who focus on the Chaos and discord are creating it, and are experiencing it in their personal realities, whether through their emotional state or Actually physically. This contributes to the Creation of whatever they Fear most.
Each individual possesses a unique ability to shape the collective energy that surrounds them. This power lies in the thoughts they harbor, the actions they take, and the intentions they set forth. When one nurtures a sense of positivity within themselves, they become a beacon of light that illuminates the world around them. This emanating energy sets off a chain reaction, touching the lives of those they encounter and influencing the broader community. The state of your personal world, be it your relationships, your career, or your connections with family and friends, serves as a mirror reflecting the essence of your inner being. It is through these reflections that one can gain insight into their own soul and understand the impact they have on the interconnected Consciousness of Humanity.
While understanding what is yours and what is not within many Reflections of existence, it may seem overwhelming to navigate through the complexities of a global society.
Remember that you are a unique spark of the Infinite Creator. Your presence matters, and your contribution, not only to your personal reality but also to the collective consciousness, is significant.
In your fast-paced world, it is crucial to pause and reflect on the essence of your being.
 As you navigate Spiritually through the complexities of a global society, it is easy to feel lost in the vast sea of information, opinions, and expectations.Â
Your presence in this world is not accidental, it is a deliberate expression of the divine spark within you. Your actions, thoughts, and emotions ripple through reality, shaping not only your personal experience but also influencing the collective consciousness.
Your personal Reflections, are not as chaotic, and distorted, as you may have believed. It is important, when you are aware of what is happening in your world, to understand that you personally are not responsible for it, It is not your reflection.
Many of you, in these moments, are Living in Peace Amidst the Storm. Your lives are not reflecting the chaos from The Collective, but you are actively contributing Positively towards a better way of being.
Allow this Peace within to fill your being, reflecting it throughout the Earth. You are the Beacons of Truth, of Love and of Light.
We Witness you, We Celebrate you, and we Honor you.
In the Love and Light of our Infinite Creator.
We are the Andromeda Intergalactic Council, Here to Serve the Divine.
Transmission received by Chellea Wilder, at Universallighthouse.com.
Each Channeled and Scribed Transmission is received Daily, offering up-to-date Messages from your Many Galactic Families.
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