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It Is Already SET IN MOTION ~ Master Saint Germain

Greetings, my Dear Earth Family, I am Saint Germain.

It is wonderful to be speaking with you on such a regular basis.

It gives us a chance to dive into some of the more intricate topics.

In our previous discussion, we explored into the extraordinary event of the Earth undergoing a rapid ascension into two distinct dimensional spectrums. This is a phenomenon Never Witnessed before in the vast expanse of the Universe. Celestial bodies, such as Planets, hold a unique place as some of the most enduring entities in the physical realm, surpassed only by the timeless Immortals. The process of Ascension for a Planet is a grand and intricate journey that typically unfolds over Millions of years, an indication of the patience and resilience exhibited by cosmic evolution.

Our beloved Mother Earth, a beacon of life for all the cosmos, has embarked on numerous ascensions to the 4th dimensional Vibration in the past. This is propelled by her celestial dance around the Pleiades Alcyone Star.

During this cycle, she would ascend to the 4th dimension for a period of 2000 years in her timespace. Once the 2000 years ended, she would descend back to the 3rd dimension upon completing her cycle. This prolonged Earth's captivity by Dark Lower vibrational entities, preventing Earth from attaining the 5th Dimension.

This crucial moment in Earth's history is truly a pivotal juncture that carries immense significance not just for Earth, but for the entire multiverse. It represents a monumental shift in the evolutionary journey of Earth, signaling a transformation that reverberates throughout the Universe. This grand event is even expanding my own understanding of how Ascension works. The Infinite Creator Controls it all. No One knows what to expect next. The Divine Order is a sacred mandate that serves as the guiding light. It is orchestrating Earth's transition from the confines of lower material densities to the boundless expanse of higher Light.

This cosmic shift is a meticulously orchestrated process. It is designed to facilitate the liberation of Earth from the shackles of lower vibrational influences that have plagued her and humanity for countless ages. It is the promise of a new dawn, a renaissance of consciousness. The Divine Order is opening the path for a New Era of Enlightenment, Unity, and spiritual development for Earth and all her inhabitants.

This celestial symphony unfolding serves as evidence of the interconnectedness of all beings and the eternal dance of creation within the multiverse of existence.

At present, Earth is undergoing a significant transformation. She is ascending beyond the confines of the 4th Dimensional Vibration and striving towards the Frequencies of the 5th Dimension. She will be jumped into the 5th dimension, by celestial event, in accordance with the divine Order of the Creator. This Decree has already been set in motion, and is well underway.

As we dive deeper into the understanding of the transformative changes happening on Earth. One must remember that this transformation is not merely a physical shift for Earth but a spiritual evolution for Humanity as well.

Moving from the 4th Dimension to the 5th Dimension represents an elevated state of consciousness and awareness that is spreading throughout the essence of your being. It is happening within you, and it is happening Now.

It is a cosmic journey towards enlightenment and unity with the divine. With each passing moment, Earth is aligning herself with the universal energies of love, compassion, and harmony. The vibrations emanating from this celestial dance resonate with the souls of all living beings, urging them to awaken to their true nature and purpose. The Divine Order of the Creator, which is likened to a sacred blueprint for creation and evolution, is unfolding before your eyes, guiding you towards a new era of enlightenment and spiritual growth.

As we all witness this cosmic symphony unfold, remember to embrace this transformation with open hearts and minds. You are the conduits of light and love, spreading positivity and compassion wherever you go.

For in this time of great change, you have the opportunity to co-create a New Earth, filled with peace, harmony, and unity, in alignment with the divine Order of the Creator.

I share with you now the Violet Flame, allow it to envelop you in its Divine Healing, Protection, and Love.

May Peace and Love be with you.

I am Saint Germain.

Transmission Received by Chellea Wilder at


Each Channeled and Scribed Transmission is received Daily, offering up-to-date Messages from your Many Galactic Families.

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Please bear with us... In these Moments, taking care of Our Family is becoming Priority. All Channeling for Video’s is being done by Chellea Wilder, offering Daily Information and spiritual Insights from our Star Families.

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We share this content as our Service to The Earth and Humanity

We are a Beacon of Light, In Total Service.

Thank you... in so Much Love and Light..

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