Blessings, my Dear Earth Family.
I connect with you in these moments of turmoil and upheaval for many. To bring you peace, compassion, and unity back into your hearts. Most of you now are connected empathically to the collective, and feel everything that is happening. There is confusion and uncertainty arising at great levels. With mysteries in the skies, threats of war, financial instability, fires burning whole neighborhoods, and unpredictable weather manipulation, it isn't giving anyone time to assess the situations and respond with any Force of Light. All of this is a distraction from what is really taking place. The ascension is happening, and nothing is stopping it.
Many Masters have stated many times, that you must do the work. This is what it means to become a master.
Those who do the inner work are becoming the masters. Many don't know what that inner work is.
The inner work that all the master speak of, is becoming a kind and caring individual. Clearing out negative thought patterns and old habits, that cloud your spirit. The more selfless, and caring toward others you become, the higher in the understanding of the Love of God you become. This is the Mastery of the ascension process. However, not everyone is meant to be a master.
The ascension is very much an easy process, and is done naturally even without awareness.
No one is left behind. You have a choice. And Innocent child will ascend because of a pure heart. A loving pet will ascend with you, because they are of full Love, service, and companionship. You make the choice of where you wish to be in your heart. If you choose to be a person who intentionally does things against others, whether it be gossip, doing things behind their back, or actual harm, you are showing your true nature. You made your choice. Some may be confused, about many channels making the claim that No one is left behind. Even those who choose the darker path, are not left behind. They make their own choice of where they wish to be.
Yes, this ascension is to raise the Human collective higher in the Light. But if an Individual does not want to be there, they do not have to be. You have first and foremost, Divine Freewill. Those who chose to not make the ascension, just continue on in the lower vibrational realms until they are ready to make that ascension jump. There is nothing wrong with this choice. As many of us who have traverse this journey before, have stated that you are a divine Child of Light, that does not need told what to do or where to be in this ascension. Your higherself does that for you. If a soul is not ready, then it is just not ready.
Many worry about their loved ones, or those who have passed on before you. There is nothing to be of concern. Love is Love. Whether you are giving it to a pet or your Grandmother. Your true character is what matters. Are you willing to Love your family and those around you? Most everyone on the planet already does. Are you willing to have compassion for Life, whether it's human, animal, or plant? Many, if not most, already do.
Understand that it is not that complicated to ascend. It's about being a good person.
Yes, your vibration matters. When you truly are a good person, it brightens your light, raising your core vibrations naturally. External stimulants, can also help to keep your internal core raised, such as music or meditation. The ascension is a shift in consciousness that allows for you to see things from a higher understanding.
For those who are totally unaware of what is taking place, if their soul is of a loving nature, they are also ascending. This makes up a very large portion of the Human population. There are even those who have set up careers in the fields of service to others. These are great beings of Light that just have not awakened to their truth.
They are experiencing everything that you are, who are aware, of what is happening. This is why it is vital to continue to stay connected to the awareness of the energies, shifts and transitions that are occurring, so you have knowledge going forward. Others who are still unaware, but are a compassionate person, will still traverse the same challenges, just without a heads-up, you might say.
You do not have to be aware of your ascension, to ascend. So relax, dear ones. You are the Masters, helping others Find the Love within themselves. All you need to do is Love those around you, care for Life, and spread Joy and peace through your world, contributing collectively to the creation of your New earth.
I share with you in these moments, the Violet Flame, allow it to engulf you in its radiant essence of love and healing, allow it to rest your spirit and ease your soul of any stress and uncertainty of your future.
May peace and love be with you.
I am Saint Germain.
Transmission Received By Chellea Wilder at UniversalLighthouse.com.
Thank you for Watching.
Each Transmission is received Daily, offering up-to-date Messages from your Many Galactic Families. All Channeled Messages are received by Chellea Wilder (Channel and Scribe).
These transmissions are received through channeled connection. I then Scribe what I receive. I do not embody the beings that I channel. As a result, it takes me about 2 hours to receive the Messages.
I then set them up for video. I Use AI voices, as to not distract from the message.
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Music By... Chellea Wilder Created with bandlab.com
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Please bear with us... In these Moments, taking care of Our Family is becoming Priority. I Chellea am also, an in Home Care Provider for my aging Mother.
All Channeling for Video’s is being done by Chellea Wilder, offering Daily Information and spiritual Insights from our Star Families.
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Dearest Saint Germain and Chellea Wilder, thank you for this post. It answers quite eloquently my questions put forth in the comments section on post "The Divine Order" and speaks truth to my soul.
Saint Germain, thank you for your transmutational violet flame, and the clarity you give to each subject. You are a master teacher, and I love you.
With love and appreciation, I send to you my light and love,